Arthit Pov
I lean against the kitchen island a smile playing across my lips. I watch as my mate, and two youngest brother-in-law play with the twins on the floor. The little ones love having the boys around. Lammy and De can keep them entertain for hours. Sud is always great with the twins, helping Kong and I when we need it. My eyes drift over to Sud who was busy on his phone. He has had nightmares every night since staying here. Kong started having them too and I was really worried about both of them. The day at the restaurant really had me worried about Kerkkrai.
I could see Kong from where we sat. I knew something was wrong when he pulled Sud into a hug. Kong doesn't ever initiate physical contact with strangers. Ever. I watch closely as Kerkkrai walks out to speak to them shooting out of my seat when Kong pushes Sud behind his back. "Watch the boys" I say to the three elders who are also watching things closely. As I step outside, I could feel the pure rage coming off Kerkkrai, and the fear coming off Kong and...Sud?
"Kerkkrai what is going on here?" He turns looking at me and I see the same blue eyes Kong omega has. I step around him not taken my eyes off him. It's not that I don't trust him, but when an alpha is this enraged anything is possible. I stand in front of my mate and brother-in-law keeping a close eyes on Kerkkrai. "Bunny? Tell me what happen" I ask voice low. Kong grip onto the back of my shirt, hand shacking slightly.
"Kerkkrai isn't upset with us...he is upset with Chirawan. She...didn't something horrible to Sud last week." He didn't have to say anything else; I already got the picture as I try and control the rage building up inside me. "P'Arthit...I want to go home now." Kong says. I watch Kerkkrai take deep controlling breath. Slowly and after a few moments his eyes turns back to the chocolate brown.
"I want all three boys to live with you. I do not trust their mother" He said his voice cold. He wasn't asking, he was telling me. I nodded once in agreement. Kerkkrai eyes soften as he looked past me, I assume to Sud. "Son, I want you to know that I am not upset with you. What happen to you was not your fault okay? I will always be here for you. You can always came to me if you don't feel comfortable you can go to Kongpob." I don't take my eyes off Kerkkrai, even if he seems calm by alpha is still on edge and in protective mode. I felt Kong hand release the death grip he had on shirt just as Sud came into few. He ran to his father hugging him tight. I can see the pain on Kerkkrai face as he held his son.
Flashback ends
A pair of lips pressing gentle into mine snaps me out of my thoughts. I smile kissing my mate back.
"You were deep in thought" Kong said softy after he pulled away from the kiss. I run my hands up and down his arms gentle. "What were you thinking about?"
"You" It was a totally lie, I am always thinking about him. "And Sud." I look over to Sud who is playing with Sonny on his lap "You think this will work? That he will open up a little more?" Kong turns arounds plastering his back to my chest, my arms automatically wrapping around him.
"I think if he knows more about omega's, if he knows there are good alphas, it will help some. I don't want him to be scared like I was. Like I still am at times." I nuzzle my nose against his mark smirking when he shivers in my arms a small gasp leaving his lips. "Stop it you horny beast" He hisses at me, even if he melts against me show me more of his neck. We haven't touched each other physical in a few days, worried it might set Sud off. That will change tonight, I need my omega. I place a gentle kiss on his mark, hearing another small gasp escaping his lips. I can feel myself becoming aroused, so I push away gentle, earning a pout from my mate when he turns back to face me.
"If I keep touching you, you wont leave our bed till the morning" I warn, making Kong blush.
"When everyone gets here, could you take the boys and the alphas outside? I want Sud as comfortable as possible." He asks turning back to face all five boys, linking out fingers together.

Will you be mine?
FanfictionKongbop (Omega)- A extremely shy, yet charming, well-mannered 19-year-old, who will begin his first year at his dream collage. He has a horrible past, one he wishes to move past, but cannot seem to get past. Arthit (Alpha)- A 29-year-old ruthless b...