Chapter 36

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Arthit POV

My Kong called crying. I did not like that one bit. He had a nightmare about the past and it broke my heart, seeing those tears stream, down his cheeks. I knew right then that I had to get home. I didn't want to leave him, but this couldn't wait. Every night we video called, and I could tell something was wrong. Kong always said not to worry, he was fine, but the bags under his eyes, and his pale skin told a different story. After he fell asleep, I remained on the line, just watching him sleep. I wanted to be there, to pull him into my arms. Anytime he made a sound I would talk to him calming. Reminding him that he was safe, that nobody was going to hurt him. Not going back to sleep.

Due to weather conditions most of the morning flights from Singapore to Bangkok were either grounded or cancelled all together. The soonest flight Rome could find would leave out of here at four this afternoon. I was not even close to being happy about it, but there was nothing we could do. All day all I could think about was just getting home to Kong, having him in my arms. Feeling at ease again. This whole week I have felt restless, being so far away from him. It seems like every time I am away from him, something bad always happen, and it made me restless. And that is what I did, as soon as the last meeting was done, I rushed out of there like the devil was on my heels.

The two-hour flight seems to take forever, or maybe it was just me being impatient. The traffic back to my apartment was a mess, which only annoyed me more. I just wanted to get home to my Kong as soon as possible. I just had to be patient. When I do finally get home, I am greeted by some mouth watering smells, and my mate swaying to the song playing. I couldn't help myself as I grabbed his wraist spinning him around and swaying to the song with him. Kong face was shocked which quickly morphed into happiness, as he wrapped his arms around my neck, laying his head on my shoulder as we slow danced to the song. Once the song was over, we stood there, just enjoying the silence and being with each other again. A ping from his phone made him leave my arms, which annoyed me. I quickly wrapped my arms around him from behind placing them gentle on his baby bump, rubbing it gentle. Kong gasp which made me worried.

"What is it baby?" I asked worry in my voice. Kong quickly turned around facing me.

"I...I told Ming he would have a date night here...I didn't think you would be home tonight..." biting his lips. He was clearly worried. I chuckle rubbing his lower back.

"They can still have their date night here. How about we go on a date ourselves hmm?" I ask watching his face morph into happiness.

"Really? A real date? Just you and me?" He asks excitement in his voice. I laugh nodding. He throws his arms around me again jumping up and down in joy.

"YAY! I am so excited!" I laugh at his excitement, and the pure joy he has on his face.

"You go change baby and I will finish this up, okay?" He nods, then quickly run upstairs to our bedroom to get read.

There wasn't much left to do anyways. I quickly set the table, placing the flower and teddy bear near one seat. By the time I am done Kong is walking down the stairs in a pair of maternity jeans, a light short sleeve shirt and holding a hoodie. He intercom beeps, making him rush to it. "I got it P'Arthit, why don't you go shower and change while I let them in?" I nod, grabbing my bag off the couch where I dropped it when I got home. I rushed to the bedroom, and quickly jumped in the shower. I wanted to wash away all the stress of the day and travel.

Ten minutes later I was out of the shower, dressed and making my way downstairs. I see Kong standing there with Ming and Kit., laughing. I love hearing him laugh, even if it makes my heartbeat extra fast. I walk up behind him, sliding my arm around his wraist.

"Hello N'Ming and N'Kit." I say wai to them both. "We will be out of your hair in a moment. There are bedrooms down that hall" I point down the hall to our left "I would prefer you stay here if you plan to drink, then to drive. The pool is out those doors" I point to our right "There is also a hot tube if you care to use them. Have fun both of you" I smile leading Kong out the door, I wanted to get him all to myself. "Now my little omega, about our date."

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