Chapter 34

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Kong POV


I hide in the back of a closet, hands covering my mouth, trying to control the sobs. I could feel the blood dripping down my back. New marks on my back joining the old ones. My body was in pain, and I was on the verge of passing out. I knew there was no help for me. Nobody here helped the omegas when they were beat and rapped. The sounds of a door opening made me jumps, I need to sit still, not make a move, not breath. I was scared. Park was more enraged today than normal. The sounds of footsteps coming closing to the closet made my heartbeat faster.

"I know your in here someplace you little cunt." Park sneer. "You can't hide from me for long." The sounds of rustling could be here, he must be checking under the bed. "I will make you a deal. If you're a good little omega and come out now, I won't beat you near as bad." He spoke. I knew it was a lie. No matter what I did, he always beat me to the point of blacking out. I try to control my breathing, but I could sense him getting closer. The closest door swings open, and I have to close my eyes at the bright light. "there you are my little slut" He sneers grabbing a fist full of my hair dragging me out of the closet. I yell out in pain grabbing onto his wrist.

"Please Park let me go!" I beg, even though I know it was pointless. Park drags me to the bed throwing me face first onto it. I try to quickly crawl away, but Park grabs my ankle pulling me back towards him.

"Where do you think you are going you little faggot!" He yelled pinning me hands to my sides. Park saddles me knees putting his whole weight on them. I wiggle around trying to get him off me, bucking my hips but its no use. Park has to be twice my size in weight and muscle mass alone. He squeezes my wrist putting more pressure on them, making me wince in pain. "Now you listen here you little faggot. Who the fuck do you think you are running away from me like that? You belong to me understand me?" I sneered in my face his eyes midnight black. I was scared more so than usually. Park had a different smell to him. His normal scent was off. I started thrashing around, trying to get out of his grip.

"Park please...please let me go...please..." I beg, sobbing hard. Releasing one of my hands Park punched me in my cheek

"You will shut the fuck up. The only time your mouth is too open is when you're sucking my cock." I used my free hand trying to push him away. He grabbed both my hands with one hand holding them above my head. A sickening smile slowly spreads across his face, as a knock sounds at the door. "our guests have arrived" He smiles down at me. "Come in!" he yells as the door open, and three men walk in. My eyes go wide. I know what is going to happen. I am frightened beyond believe; I start fighting harder sobbing more.

"Please don't do this, Please don't!" I cry hoping, just hoping that one of the new men will have a heart. Park grabs my face hard, turning my face to him.

"I told you to shut the fuck up." He looks at one of the men who looks at me and smirk "do you have the stuff?" Park asks. One of the men smiles wide pulling out a little bagging from his pocket.

"there are three tablets here. Each one will last about 2 days since it will bring upon his heat." He says laughing hard "We should be able to have LOT of fun with him."

"Oh, I plan to have fun with him much more than that." Park says climbing off me. I quickly climb off the bed, trying to get away from them. The three new men block the door. I look at the window, but we are three story up. I would have to jump, and with how weak my body is, there would be no chance of living. Death would be a lot better than this, I think to myself running towards the window.

"oh no you don't!" one of the men grab me just as I make it to the window.

"NO!" I scream, as I kick him in the knee. I hear a groan of pain behind me as another man grabs my arms throwing me over his shoulder. I am once again thrown on the bed, saddled across my knees. I start punching the man on top of me, hoping I can hurt him enough he will let me go. Park comes over grabbing me arms pinning them down onto the bed.

"hurry and give him the pill, so we can get on with this" he says, as a third man comes over. I close my mouth when a third man tries to put something in there.

"you little shit! You will take this pill." He says grabbing my face hard. Park holds my hands with one hand over my head as be pinches my nose forcing me to open my mouth. The man forcing the pill down my throat along with some water. I start coughing, hoping the pill will come back up, but it doesn't. "The pill should start working in about ten minutes, so all we have to do now is wait" the man says, as I am released from my hold. I am a sobbing messed. My back is bleeding from Park whipping me ealier, my face hurt, and I know after the next week I will be in even more pain.

True to the man word ten minutes go by and I start to feel hot. There is a burning sensation in the pit of my stomach, and I know the heat has started. I start to pant, as I take my shirt off. I am already hard and leaking slick. I moan when one of the men touch me. I don't want their touch, I don't want this, I cry inside my head, but my body betrays me, as I arch into their touch.

"oh, this is going to be fun" I hear one of them say as they take off my pants and boxers, placing me on my hands and knees. "He is already so wet" He laughs as he thrust into me without warning.

Flashback end.

I wake up crying, panting. I reach for P'Arthit only to remember he isn't here. He has been gone for a week and isn't due back for three more days. I feel vomit start raising in my throat, as I climb off the bed rushing to the bathroom. I don't know how much more of this I can take. The nightmares have been coming back worse and worse since P'Arthit went on his business trip. Nothing I do helps keep them at bay. My P' calls me every night, falling asleep to the sound of his voice, but the nightmares still come.

After throwing up, I brush my teeth, splashing water on my face. I grab one of P'Arthit hoodies from the closet putting it on before climbing into bed. The clock on my phone says 3:36am. I have a really big final in my 8am class, but I am too scared to go to sleep. Without thinking I dial P'Arthit number, maybe I can still get some sleep before my alarm goes off. After the fourth ring I decided to hang up when a very worried voice answer the phone.

" Kong? Whats wrong?" he asks, worry in his voice. The sound of his voice makes me sob as my dream start coming back.

"Alpha..." I say crying softly. I hear the line click signaling he hung up, but before I could take my next breath, he was video calling back. I answer quickly, taken in the site of him. His hair was sticking up in same places and his eyes were still glossy with sleep.

"Bunny whats wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks. I shack my head trying to stop the sobs. "Whatever it is, Whatever happen, it's okay now bunny. Did you have a nightmare?" His tone smoothing. Normally it would relax me, but that is when he is here. I can't get the nightmare out of my head. I nod answering his question. "Was it about the past?" I nod again. "Bunny listens to me okay sweetheart? It was just a nightmare. It was in the past. I won't let that happen to you again. Okay baby?" I can see the truth in his eyes. He won't let anything happen to me. I know this to be true. I have people watching me on campus and I am sure they are reporting back to him. I start taken deep breath trying to calm down. "That's my good boy, deep breaths for me, okay? Deep breath in, Exhale slowly" I did as he said till I could feel myself relax and the tears stop. "Want to tell me what the nightmare was about?" I bit my lip tears filling my eyes again. He watches me but doesn't push.

"It was about Park..." I start explaining what happen in the nightmare. I could see his eyes growing red in rage with each word I spoke. I know the rage wasn't towards me, but what I had been through. When I was finished, we sat there in silence. I lay down, positioning the phones against the pillow. I didn't want to take my eyes off my P'.

"Are you tried baby?" P'Arthit asked softly as he watched me, his eyes still full of rage, but his tone gentle. I nod feeling both emotionally and physical tired.

"Can you talk to me P'? Please?" I ask

"Sure bunny, what do you want me to talk about?"

"anything is fine" I say. Arthit smiles as he starts telling me about pranks Bright and Tutah would play on each other. I could feel my eyes start to close as I listen to him talk, giggle sleepily every now and then.

"Sleep my little bunny, your safe" was the last thing I heard my alpha say before sleep took over again. 

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