You're no help

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Y/N's POV:

I knew were this was heading to. Billie chuckled as she touched her cheek, were Alice hurt her. She laughed. "Oh really now. You punch like a little girl." Billie says pouting.

I could tell Alice regretted punching Billie but hid it to seem brave. "She's my fucking girlfriend. You can't respect a relationship?!" Alice said, "Go get your own bitch to mess around with." Alice said.

Billie looked at her with a evil smirk not saying a single word. Not losing eye contact either. "No." Billie said. "What makes you think i'll allow you to punch me?" Billie says sounding intimating.

Alice gulped. Everything happened at once. The next thing I knew Alice was getting dragged across the room as she gripped on Billie's shirt for support.

"Let go of me!" Alice yelped out. Billie completely ignored her and then started punching her numerous times. All I heard was Billie grunting and Alice screaming for help. I knew I should've done something, like help but my body didn't move. I was too entertained.

"Y/n help me! Get her off of me!" Alice cried out. I stood still, doing the opposite. "Please! Stop!" Alice cried out. "Aw she's a begger." Billie pouts out with a smirk.

I finally spoke up, "Billie. Just stop. You're gonna get fired." I said. Billie looked at me, I couldn't explain her face expression but she understood and stopped leaving Alice on the bloody floor.

Alice's weak body was on the floor panting for air. As Billie walked towards me I ran passed her and helped my girlfriend. "Babe are you okay?!" I say as I was on my knees. She tried speaking, but it was useless. She only coughed.

"Alice! Babe." I say. Billie tried getting me off of her but I shook her off. Alice struggled to get up but managed to get up. She sat on the table as I looked for something to clean her off with. I found nothing.

She was bleeding almost everywhere. I tore my shirt to stop her bleeding. "This is what you get for opening your mouth." I mumble. "You're no fucking help." Alice muttered.

I rolled my eyes, "Why the fuck would you say that?! Look at you now!" I say. "Y/n if you're gonna lecture me i'd rather you fucking leave." Alice said. I stared at her blankly before stopping my movement. "Okay fine." I say. Billie gave me her jacket to put over me as she was about to speak, I didn't let her speak as I grab my bag and head out leaving Billie and Alice in the same room which was probably a terrible idea.

I had no ride so I had to uber. Billie was spamming my phone so I ended up putting my phone on silent as I took a warm bath.

I wasn't in the mood for anything. I stayed inside the bath till my fingers got wrinkly. I got out the bath as my phone started going off one person came to mind, Billie.

I wrapped the towel over me as I answered her call. It was silent. "H-Hey." She said nervously. "Hey." I say. "You look beautiful." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows before realizing. It was not a call it was a FaceTime call.

My hand raised as it covered my mouth in shook. My towel tilted as I almost flashed Billie, she had a wide smirk. I tilt the camera facing the ceiling.

"Okay just tell me what you want so you can stop spamming my phone." I say. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Billie said. "Why do you care?" I ask genuinely. "I just do. It's a normal human thing to do, care." Billie said with sarcasm.

I roll my eyes as I turn my camera off to change. "Why'd you turn it off?" She frowned through the red lights. "Shut up, you sound like a perv." I laugh. "A hot one." She said with a smirk. "So you're saying your a hot perv?" I say sarcastically. "No, now you're making it sound weird!" She groans out.

I change into some black shorts and a jersey. "Turn your camera on ma." She said. "Now that you said that I don't wanna." I say. "I just wanna see your pretty face." Billie said. I turned red.

I turned my camera on. She smiled, "You're gorgeous." She said. I blushed at her comment. What was wrong with me. I have a girlfriend, I thought to myself.

                           ~ A hour later ~

I stayed on call with Billie just laughing till my ribs hurt. I get a notification from 'Alice 🤍🫀'
"You there?" Billie asks. "Yeah sorry, it's just Alice, she's texting me." I say causing her to instantly groan.

'Y/n we have to talk.' Alice texted. 'About what baby?' I reply. 'About us.' She texted.

"Billie!" I say. "What happened?" She said. "Is it bad that Alice wants to talk about our relationship?! I've never been in a serious relationship before!" I say panicking. "So you've been in a hoe phase?" Billie laughed. "Billie i'm serious!" I say. "I mean yeah, well for you! Not me." She said smirking.

I roll my eyes. 'Uh sure.' I text. 'Okay great. To summarize i'm breaking up with you.' She said before she blocked my number. I didn't know how to react. My girlfriend from a year just broke up with me with no explanation. Why? Was I not good enough for her? The words repeated in my head.

"Are you okay?" Billie asks. Before I knew it I fell apart and sobbed. "Y/n are you okay?!" Billie said. "No! Billie i'm not okay. She broke up with me, no explanation at all. Do you know how that makes me feel?" I sob out.

Billie sighed, "I have to go y/n." Billie said before hanging up on me. I tossed my phone across the room startling Nadia. "I'm sorry." I say. My heart shattered as I sobbed. I groaned out before throwing the pillow across the room with anger.

Nadia cuddled with me as she licked my hand.

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