Drugs & Bodies

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Billie's POV:

"I don't know she's been acting up lately." Kehlani said. "Maybe she's stressed who knows." I shrug. "Yeah but she's way busier then usual, it's like she doesn't even have time for me." She frowns.

"I'm sure if you tell her she'll make time for you." I say. "You don't understand, she's barely home." Kehlani mumbled. "Keh you need to communicate, communication is key." I say.

"Ima go wash my hands." Kehlani said as she left.

I got a phone call from a unknown number.

I ignored it, a few seconds later the same number called me.

"Hello?" I asked. "Billie." The familiar voice said sending goosebumps down my back.

"What the hell do you want?! I told you to leave me alone and to stop calling me!" I whisper yelled.

"It's different this time, I got sent." He said as I gulped. "What do you want from me." I said. "Look let's just do this the easy way, you come with me and I won't kill your little friend." He says. "Really? I've known you for years, c'mon man don't do this." I mumbled.

"I have no choice, you know it." He said. "I see you, come with me." He mumbled. "Fucking hell." I mumbled.

"And don't try and play your sick games, no cops or anything you understand?" He said.

I hung up as Kehlani got out the restroom. "You ready?" She asked. "Uh something came up, I have to go." I mumbled. "But you're my ride." She said. "I'm sorry, get an uber or something." I said giving her cash and heading out.

I seen Anthony's black truck as I headed towards his way.

It's not like I didn't have a choice, I couldn't run away like I did before. They now know everything about me, I can't risk it especially knowing what they're capable of doing to me or anyone who knows me.

"Get in, and don't even think about it." He said.

I sighed, "Where are you taking me." I said. "Don't question me." He said. "You're my friend." I say as he started driving.

"Friend?! Friends don't just leave! You left when shit started getting real serious." He chuckled. "Shits been serious since I even started working for Daya. I was risking my ass every fucking day and I didn't want that life style anymore I wanted a fucking future." I say.

"So you became a fucking elementary teacher?" He laughed. "Who knows how you'll get your way out of this one. Maybe you'll lick her pussy like you always do and maybe she'll give you a chance." He said.

"A chance?!" I scoffed. "Sleeping with the boss does have its perks." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes, "When did you become a bitch." I mumbled.

"When you and Jah fucking left me in the dirt!" He said getting aggressive. "We left because we knew you weren't going to come with us!" I said. "I got in trouble for you guys!" He said. "I didn't wanna have the 'kill or be killed' mindset anymore!" I said.

He stopped at a red light and injected something into my arm.

"What the fuck was that-"

                                     ~ ~ ~

My eyes slowly opened as I looked around me.

"Finally you're up." Daya said. "You've been missed." She pouted in front of me.

She removed the duck tape from my mouth.

"You thought you were smart huh?! Running away from your problems." She laughed. "What the fuck do you want!" I say struggling to move since I was tied up on a chair.

"You thought I wouldn't find you?" She smirked. "Are you stupid?!" She said. I moved around my chair trying to get out.

Daya laughed, "Anthony you remember this? I'm getting Deja Vu it's like Jah all over again." She smirked.

My heart dropped, "What the hell did you do with him?!" I say. She laughed, "Honey, he was killed in that exact same chair." She smiled.

"Along with many others but who's keeping count? You certainly weren't when you killed people left and right and then all of a sudden just ran away." Daya said pouting.

"Why is she not dead already?!" Kai said. Daya looked back, "Kai shut the hell up! If I really wanted to i'd let her start working for me again and she'd easily replace you." She said.

My blood was boiling with anger, I tried my best not to cry knowing my best friend is dead. Crying shows weakness.

"Don't be sad B, he's truly fucking stupid." Daya said chewing her gum. "He's always gonna be with us, literally because nobody ever fucking cleans up here. His blood is here somewhere." She says looking around the floor.

"You're a fucking monster!" I yell with anger. Daya laughed, "I'm a monster?! Take a look at yourself, you aren't so innocent yourself." She said smirking.

"I didn't have a choice!" I said back. "Oh but you did, you loved the money and the power." Daya said chuckling.

"What should we do with you." She said chewing her gum as she tapped a shiv on the chair. "Cut her fingers off." Derick suggested as the others agreed.

"Derrick do you make the rules around here?!" Daya said looking at Derrick. "No ma'am." He gulped. "Didn't think so, plus her fingers might be useful for me." She smirked.

I scoffed, "What am I gonna be your sex slave?!" I joked. "Perhaps." She smirked. "Daya you said when we get her we'll torture her, not make her your sex slave!" Derrick said. "Learn how to take a joke Derrick." Daya said rolling her eyes.

"And i'll do whatever the fuck I want without you yelling at me." Daya said stabbing him with the shiv and putting it deeper as his mouth dropped.

"Make sure he's dead, I don't have time for this." Daya said as 2 guys dragged his body out of the room.

"If you were still working with me and didn't run away like a idiot you'd be get rid of his body." She smirked.

"You got paid why'd you leave." Daya said. "It wasn't worth it." I mumbled. "Please you had 2 jobs here." She said. "You were one of my highest employees, that money was worth it! It was just drugs and bodies." She shrugged.

"You know I could've called the cops on you and make everyone you know tell the truth. You made a pretty life out there, it'd be unfortunate if everybody you knew went missing." Daya giggled.

"You're fucking sick!" I spat on her face. She scrunched her face in disgust. "Watch your words, you weren't gone for long you know how it goes around here." She said as her and her men left.

It was pitch black, all I could do is scream but what would that do?

Tears started running down my cheek as memories with Jah flooded my head. It was all my fault, if I never convinced him to leave with me he'd be alive.

My bestfriend, is gone.

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