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Billie's POV:

"I don't know dude." I say. "How the fuck did you even manage to do that?" The voice behind my phone said. "I don't know i'm telling you. The moment I seen her I wanted her to be mine." I say. "Does she like you?" She says. "I don't know her and her girlfriend broke up yesterday." I said.

"Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" She asks. "Well on my end yeah but on hers not so much. She had a break down yesterday." I mumbled. "She's lucky to have you." Drew said.

"I'm back! Okay we can go now." Y/n says with the most beautiful smile i've ever seen in my entire existence. "I gotta go Drew, love you! Be safe." I say. "Bye Bil text me later." Drew says as she hung up. "Who's Drew? Your girlfriend or side?" Y/n chuckles out. "Guess." I say. She rolled her eyes. "I don't even care so I won't bother." She says as she scoffed out.

"Okay but tell me." She says as she jokingly smacked my elbow gently. "Is it really important?" I ask. "Yes, it is." She says. "Why? Let's just go." I say as I stood up. She blocked me from the door. "Just answer my question. Who is Drew?" She says as she crossed her arms. "My best friend. Can we go now?" I say. "Oh okay." She says.

We left her house and headed to my car. "So where are we going?" I ask. "I don't know. I just really wanna distract myself." She says. "Hmm," I say. "We can go to Target." I say. She instantly nodded, "That sounds like a great idea!" She says as she buckled herself up.

~ At Target ~

"Leave the poor bear alone!" Y/n says. "I'm just making him cute!" I say as I put some baby clothes on the stuffed animal. "We're gonna get caught and then they'll kick us out." She muttered. "Stop being lame! Look how cute he is!" I say in awe. She smiled, "I guess you're right, he is cute." She says.

"Ladies," A employee says. "You can't be doing that." He says. "We're gonna pay, I don't see a problem." I say. "Well checkout is that way, once you pay then you can do that." He says pointing towards the direction to check out. I scoff out, "I know where it is. I'm paying, it's not like i'm stealing." I say as I stood up. He finally left.

"Told ya." Y/n says. I grab the stuffed animal, "He can choke on a dick." I say stubbornly which caused y/n to laugh. "Oh my god come!" I say as I interlinked our fingers as we ran to the isle like little kids.

"Should've known it was the toy isle you were running to." She giggled. "Look at this! It's so cool." I say grabbing a random toy. I turn back and before I knew it I got smacked by a lightweight rubber ball. Y/n giggled. "Oh you're gonna pay!" I say.

So that's what we did for a half a hour before a employee complained to us. We left Target with several nerf guns, the stuffed bear, numerous snacks, and color books for later on.

I found myself in a rose park with Y/n as we sat down on a bench enjoying our surrounding.

"Man we've only known each other for weeks and it feels like we've known each other for so long." Y/n says. I hummed, "It sure does." I say. "Do you flirt with every girl you just meet?" She says with a chuckle. "Only hot ones." I shrug jokingly.

She furrowed her eyebrows before smirking. "Billie," She says. I hummed in response. "How many girlfriends have you had? I'm assuming a lot." She chuckled. "Ever since I came out like three and then some sides." I shrug. "Three?! I'd expect at least 10!" She says. "Are you calling me a hoe?" I laugh. "No i'm just assuming cause you're very. . .what's the word." She says. "Attractive." I say. She grinned. "Yeah, that's the word. But only 3?!" She says.

"Well in 8th grade I had my first girlfriend, we didn't last long only four months before she cheated on me with my boy best friend." I laughed. "And then my second was in sophomore year, she caught me cheating with her sister so yeah we broke up." I say with a small giggle. "And lastly Sage," I sigh out. "She's a long story." I say. "I'm listening." She says.

"Well we got together during Junior year, she was the first girl who made me feel worthy and made me feel okay, okay with who I was. We went to the same college and she was perfect to me. I spent most of my time with her, and if I wasn't i'd be studying while face timing her. She was the most beautiful soul. Till one day," I say. "I went to her dorm room and seen her hanging. She committed suicide." I say. That's when I realize hot tears were rolling down my cheek.

"I didn't know she was suffering from suicide thoughts all along. I didn't know how she actually felt till I read her vent journal. After I read it, it felt as if I never actually knew her. She was a different person," I say. "It was my last year of college when she committed so we were dating for years. We planned our future together. That year was the worst year of my life. I never felt so lonely. Than I stopped dating and moved to LA." I say as I burst into tears.

She hugged me tightly, "I'm so sorry I should've never boughten it up." She said in my ear. "It's okay." I say as my voice cracked. "But it's whatever." I say as I clean my tears with my sleeve. "But I think i'm ready to actually date again." I say.

Y/n's POV:

We heard something in the bushes which caught our attention. I walked towards the bush and it was a grey cat with green eyes with a pattern. "Hey buddy." I say as I kneel down and massage him. "He has no collar." I say. "He's probably a stray, he's dirty." She says. "Poor thing," I say. "I don't wanna leave him." I say. "What if he belongs to someone." She says. "Doubt, unless they don't know how to take care of a cat." I say. "I'm taking him home." I say.

Billie smiled, "You're gonna have to make sure he has no fleas and shit like that." She says. "That won't be a problem." I say. I pick him up, "You're a dirty fella." I say in a baby voice. "We should go, it's getting hot." Billie said as I nodded.

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