Chapter 03 - We Meet Again

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Illustration credit goes to konomi-San


I was roused from my slumber. Quiescent, I could hear a woman humming a mellow tune.

I had never heard that voice in my previous two lives, but somehow it seemed familiar, it was soothing...

It felt like being an infant all over again, weak and fragile, but with a sense of loving warmth and security in that gentle embrace. The intoxicating scent immediately soothes the mind and soul.

The woman gradually stopped her humming. Feeling her gaze, I finally decided to open my eyes sluggishly.

“Did you sleep well, little one?” She cooed, gently running her fingers through my hair. I gazed at the ethereal beauty who was holding me in her lap. She had this otherworldly aura of a celestial being, smiling at me with a warm gaze. It was probably the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. It reminded me of... mother.

Her luminous white hair spilled down her shoulders like liquid pearls, subtly reflecting the pink sheen of the cherry blossom trees we were sitting underneath. Her porcelain-white skin was complemented by her enchanting lavender eyes with a tinge of golden hue. Noticing her features, I had a sudden realisation that caused my eyes to widen in surprise and my mouth to open.

“Bugs will fly into your mouth if you keep it open that wide.” Her mischievous giggle snapped me out of my daze, but those familiar words confirmed my suspicions.


“We meet again—” I shot up and wrapped my arms around her tightly, afraid that she might disappear again If I let her go. I clenched my teeth in desperation trying to contain my sobs, but the ability to control my emotions betrayed me.

At the end of the day, I was merely a child in front of her.

“Arthur...” Sylvia had a solemn gaze on her face, but she returned my hug, nevertheless, as I kept my head buried in her shoulder. She wiped my tears with her sleeve, gently kissing the crown of my forehead.

“It appears fate has not been very kind to you, my child.” She muttered under her breath, giving a solemn look while caressing my ruffled hair.

“Pain is an old friend of mine, *sniff* since my past life, hehe.” I confessed with a dry chuckle, trying to keep my bitterness from showing on my face.

Sigh... I'm really crying a lot these days.


Sylvia remained silent as we walked through the smooth, marble-like paths, holding hands. I finally gathered myself enough to take in my surroundings. The full-bloomed cherry blossoms and the clear blue sky brought back memories of my first visit to Eupheotus. We finally decided to stop by a lake after what seemed like an hour of walking. Sylvia sat elegantly on a nearby rock, admiring the violet lustre of aether-filled water.

Despite the scenic beauty of the landscape, somehow it felt eldritch, almost lifeless, with no discernible sound, even when I could feel the breeze passing by.

Where the hell am I really?

“Sylvia, if I'm here with you right now, not that I'm complaining, but does that mean that we're all dead?”

“No, you're alive, Art. Although I cannot say as much about myself...” She smiled with a solemn gaze, her fingers subconsciously tracing the path of aether emanating from lake.

“What do you mean?” I asked, unsure of what her words meant.

“This 'me' you're interacting with, right now, is a part of my consciousness that I left inside the stone for my daughter.”

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