Prologue S2 - Evoke

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A familiar shroud of shadow spread, obscuring my vision and all of my other senses, until my consciousness was forcefully dragged onto the next recollection.

After what seemed like an eternity of floating mindlessly into the realm of darkness, the shadows began to pulse erratically, morphing from rugged edges to fine lines and curves as the obsidian veil was finally lifted.

I was... roving through the woods. Cyrenaica, the ancient lair of the proud Vritra Clan, was a gloomy canvas of grey sky, with ominous-looking obsidian trees surrounding us that perpetually slithered into the dirt, making a natural trail as I kept moving forward. A towering structure—a "temple" or so as my bond would have preferred to call it—looking at its pointed arch at the centre, supported by the statues of the previous clan leaders acting as its pillars, could be seen in the far off distance; a stark contrast to the lands of Indrath Castle at Mount Geolus, the very epitome of eternal spring, I thought.

“For someone dubbed a literal chatterbox, you're awfully quiet today. Did something happen again, hmm?” A voice sweeter than elder nectar reached out to my ears, jolting me out of my reverie.

I let out a scoff, glancing over my shoulder. “‘Sometimes, there's a deeper, spiritual significance to one's silence.’ An elder from the Asclepius clan once quoted it at the earliest summit of the Great Eight, if I recall correctly.”

With a melodious laugh, the ethereal beauty in pearl-white hair reached out and slipped her slender arms through mine. “You and your way around your words. No wonder my mother finds your quibbles so amusing.”

A flicker of resentment welled up inside 'me' at the mention of her parents, but I kept it buried as we continued strolling in silence along the naturally laid paths of Basileus Skogur. Perhaps, realising her mistake after sensing the awkward tension between us, she soon shifted the topic of our conversation.

“By the way, what happened to your recent visit to the ruins of the mage civilization on the lesser continent? Did you find something intriguing?” She sighed, clutching my arm tightly. “You've been cooped up inside your tiny 'laboratory' ever since, so it's become much more difficult for me to meet you...”

I met her gaze, and for a brief moment, my mind conflicted with my heart, which was enamoured by her boundless charm. All these thoughts raging inside me like a storm disappeared as if they never existed in the first place. Calming myself, I finally mustered the courage, albeit while weighing my words carefully at the same time.

“Regarding that—I wanted to tell you something, Sylvia—the truth, actually. Would you listen to me, please?”

Her expression softened upon hearing my response. “Yes, ofcourse.”

But, before I could utter even a single word, a sudden ripple of force in the air cut us off, and the loathsome figure in his usual servant garb stepped out of the portal created by his outmoded yet powerful tempus warp.

As I suspected, I'm being observed.

“Seems like this is it for today...” Sylvia muttered under her breath, her warmth gradually leaving my arms.

The cosmic-eyed dragon remained silent through all this, his head lowered deeply as she passed by him. Only before she stepped inside the portal, she turned back for a moment, giving me a solemn smile.

“I promise I'll hear your story next time we meet.”

I gave her a silent nod, and then she was gone. Windsom didn't care to glance in my direction and merely followed behind her with unhurried footsteps, yet I could feel his intent boring into me. Before the portal vanished, his voice projected inside my mind, followed by a dull pain.

‘Times are changing, outlier. It would be prudent of you to not bother her with your trivial tales from the land of lessers. Consider it your final warning. Heed it well, and Lord Indrath may even allow your unworthy self to keep your ties with Lady Sylvia in the future.’

My vision became distorted, the silhouettes crumbling back into shadows as my consciousness was finally restored.

A/N: The dragon is still alive...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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