Chapter 10 - Face to Face

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A/N: Yeah, it's a damn long chapter. Happy reading fam!


“So, you're claiming that you got teleported over here, to Alacrya, by accident?” I asked, resting lightly on the chair with my back straight and my eyes fixed on the boy.

“No—I mean yes, technically that is.” Arthur responded with a lazy shrug of his shoulder as he poured us both a glass of rum and took a seat opposite to me. “The portal somehow opened directly over the Central Academy while I was practicing the third stage of my beast will. Taking the opportunity, I sneaked inside the Reliquary, but the relics immediately crumbled into dust in my presence. The same thing happened at Taegrin Caelum, I believe, because only a single relic can exist in a particular timeline.”

“I see,” I nodded, taking a sip from the offered glass. A mild burn washed over my mouth and throat, followed by a sweet and oaky wave of aromatic flavors that lingered on my tongue. Throughout my whole life, I've tasted numerous varieties of drinks, but everything paled in comparison to this fiery-caramel liquid.

My expression must have slipped through as Arthur gave a faint smile, seeing the contented look on my face.

“It belongs to Agrona's personal stash of liquor.” He announced, taking a sip from his own glass. “I already have plenty of barrels on me. You can keep this if you want.”

“Oh? How generous of you, Arthur, but are you sure it's appropriate for a child to drink so much alcohol? I can always keep it safe for you and return it when you grow a bit older.” I teased, pressing a finger to my lips impishly.

“Tsk, maybe I should keep it to myself.” He clicked his tongue, his hands reaching out for the bottle. I snatched it back immediately and tightly wrapped my arms around the bottle, like a mother protecting her child. “My apologies.”

Suddenly, I became aware of someone's gaze on me. I cocked my head in the direction of the fireplace. Regis, Arthur's peculiar weapon I realised, was looking at our raillery with a faint amusement on his lupine face.

“Anyway,” I continued, ignoring the shadowy wolf's toothy grin. “I see your appearance has changed, yet again. It almost reminds me of—”

“Sylvia?” He finished for me.

I gave a stiff nod.

“I carry her legacy, after all. The changes used to perplex me when I was a mere human... but now it only feels insignificant, like a hades serpent often shedding its skin. Though I don't regret this change. It acts as a constant reminder to tell me exactly what is at stake.” He muttered, and I noticed his hands were trembling as he held the glass.

Smiling, I reached out and gently took his chin in my fingers. “I'm sure Lady Sylvia would be proud of you, wherever she is right now, Arthur.” For a brief moment, I could see the boy's impassive mask slipping away. His gaze felt conflicted, perhaps searching for answers. Soon, he regained his senses and snapped back immediately as he withdrew my fingers, completely avoiding my gaze.

He looked around the lounge for a bit, surveying the room before taking another sip from his glass. “Your house looks awfully quite as usual. Where's Cylrit? I'm sure I saw you both entering the fortress together.”

I furrowed my brows at his query, pouting. “Well, thanks to certain someone's antics, the entire Taegrin Caelum is currently in a state of anarchy. And lo and behold, my own retainer is busy, running around the Central Dominion like a fool in search of the true culprit, when the one responsible is sitting right here in front of me.”

It was an open secret in Alacrya that I, unlike the other scythes, preferred to live in seclusion. My estate was located on the eastern coast of Sehz-Clar. Despite the fact it was much bigger compared to the estates of the rest of the scythes, I didn't have any caretakers or servants apart from Cylrit, or maybe I had simply relieved them of their duties, taking pity on the poor souls. But, not even my fellow Scythes or the Sovereigns were aware of this fact. That's why Arthur's remark caught my interest, but I decided to remain silent for the time being, making a mental note to ask him later.

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