Chapter 06 - Rinia's Hideout

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“It's magnificent,” Rinia mumbled, letting out a sharp breath as her fingers delicately traced the runes carved on the tree. Despite her little insight in Aevum, she was able to comprehend the shape and purpose of the spell cast in the network of cobwebs linking one tree to another.

“It's quite basic, yet powerful. A person having malicious desires would never be able to cross the borders ever again.” Sylvie stated, her icy gaze of radiant lavender observing the behaviour of spatium and aevum inside the spell.

“True,” I nodded, “but it's still quite weak against the Asuras, especially dragons. Still, I'm glad there will be no slave traders in Elenoir in the future. I only wish I could've done the same in Darv.” I replied, perambulating through the forest with only the crunching sound of fallen leaves and the snapping of twigs filling the silence.

“Well, if only their brains weren't as small as their size.” Regis sneered, earning a smack on the head from Sylvie. “Don't forget they're people too, just like elves and humans. Since when did you learn to belittle other races?”

“Sometimes even I wonder where this racist personality comes from...” Regis sighed in resignation.

Ignoring their usual banter, I wordlessly walked beside the elven seer as we approached a familiar white marble cliff. As the waterfall streamed down the cliff without any intrusion, making it a clear curtain of water, passing through the makeshift bridge made of roots raised from underneath the pond, I noticed Rinia watching me from the corner of her eyes.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked, my gaze following the thin rays of light that peeked through the thick tree tops, creating spotlights that made the moss, grass, and all the plant life glimmer.

“Arthur, about the talk we had earlier at my cottage... have you thought of telling your parents and Tessia about your past life, living as King Grey?” she asked, shooting me a wry look.

“I'm not sure what you talking about, Rinia. I don't know anyone named King Grey. Regis, have you ever heard of a man like that?” I responded, deadpan.

“Hm? Dunno, must be some grumpy old ass inside a child's body flirting with little girls—”

“Regis... you really have a death wish today, don't you pup?” I seethed with malice, ambient aether quivering from my intent, making everyone flinch.

“Both of you, stop! The trap, it's going to activate!” Heeding to Sylvie's warning, I quickly withheld my intent, scanning for any potential triggers inside the trap. After ensuring it was working safely, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“You know, someday I might really turn you back into a piece of rock, Regis.” I hissed, trying hard not to utter a profanity in front of my daughter.

“Oh, I'm truly sorry, Art. Does it bother you so much? I thought we were talking about a stranger named Grey.” I could hear Sylvie and the elven seer snickering behind us. Upon noticing my sharp glare, their expressions stiffened. I rolled my eyes, turning away as I walked towards the exit of Rinia's hideout.

“Elder Rinia, just so you know, I have no intention of telling them anything about my previous lives this time. So, it would be prudent to keep it between the two of us.” I replied, not bothering to look back.

“I see… it's a wise choice.” She said, nodding weakly after a beat of silence.

I pondered her words as we walked in silence. Is it really necessary to tell them about my past? I did it the last time out of guilt and it almost got them to disown me. The accursed past, which I'm still trying to escape from, keeps coming back to haunt me in some or the other way. I expected things to improve after my return from Alacrya as long as I was there to protect them. Even though there was an invisible barrier between us, I was able to mend my relationship with mom. I knew it was difficult for her to accept me as her son, and I never blamed her. Wasn't I the sole cause of her trauma? I dove into the deepest corners of the Relictombs in order to gain a few insights into Fate. I even obtained the abilities I desired in order to protect those I cared about, but at what cost? The people I cared about and wanted to protect were already gone...

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