Chapter 05 - Destiny's a Bitch

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6 Months later, Kingdom of Elenoir•


A thick layer of mist was swirling around me. The noise of the rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds from the neighbouring trees was now replaced by a haunting silence. I stepped forward, surveying my surroundings cautiously.

“Don't be scared, Art. Big sis is right here.”

A sweet whisper brushed against my ears. I glanced around to find the source of the voice, but it seemed to come from all around me, at the same time it felt distant; like I was hearing from a long way off. I dashed forward, hurling a barrage of wind blades in all directions, only for them to crash into the nearby trees. Let's try something else instead.

[Impulse Field] *THUMP*

Compressed spears of wind came at me from twelve different locations, but I caught a single tiny fluctuation of mana, right on the outer edge of my pulse field. I ducked and swayed as I dashed toward the source of mana. Without giving her any time to react, I sent another wave of pulse field.

‘Found you!’

“Clever boy, but now how're you going to deal with this?” Aya cooed mischievously, shimmering into view. She raised one hand in a gesture, Whip-thin tentacles of mist began uncoiling from her fingertips and wrapped around my wrist. I tried to sever the misty tentacles using sharp blades of compressed wind, but it was already too late. I fell right into her trap.

The scenery began to alter around me. I found myself standing on the same square dueling platform as in my previous life. Only this time, there was not a single familiar face surrounding me. But unlike previously, there was not only Cecilia inside Tess' body, but also Agrona, Kezess, and their entire army of Asuras standing on the opposite side of the ring. I had to fight them—no, kill them, all alone...

“How is it supposed to be a duel, assholes. Can't you at least wait for your turn?” I chortled at the sheer absurdity of the sight in front of me. Fate truly is a bitch, huh.

'Fate isn't kind to everyone, human. You were born to fight, and you'll die fighting too.'

'It seems like I've always been a burden to you and Nico. Grey, do me a favor one last time, will you?'

“Cecil, Grey murdered you. Kill him...”

'You're only cold-hearted and calculating when it's easy, Grey. In reality, you're weak, emotional, and rather prone to attachment.'

‘Forgive me, Grey. Just kill me... one last time.’

...At the end, you're only a human. You can't escape the providence. Submit yourself to fate, to the Asuras...

...A true deity! Lance Godspell, our savior!...

...Save me, Arthur! Please...

You're weak! Lesser…

...Too Weak!...



“How come you guys talk so much when you're all about to die anyway?” I spat, revealing a sinister grin. The cold and ethereal, violet flames of destruction erupted from my palms, annihilating every single being out of existence.

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