Chapter 12 - In Times of Peace

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It's been over two weeks since I reunited with my family in Xyrus. Their reactions when they saw I was accompanied by the Director of Dicathen's most prestigious academy were, to say the least, amusing. Just like previously, I was allowed to become an adventurer with similar conditions placed upon me. Until then, it was decided that I'd spend time with my family for the next three months before my ninth birthday. Also, due to my various discussions with King Alduin, it was proposed that the Helsteas would be the very first human traders from Sapin to be allowed to establish a trade line between the kingdom of Sapin and Elenoir.

Just like that, I'd grown accustomed to my daily life at Helsteas Manor. Father left at dawn for work with Uncle Vincent after our daily sparring session, so it would just be me and the girls. Regarding their training... whether it was my Mana's Blessings or their own hardwork and effort, both Ellie and Lilia were progressing at an impressive rate compared to the regular human mages. Feeling content with the overall results, I left them at home with Sylvie so that I could go for my daily stroll.

Xyrus looked amazing as usual, quite underwhelming compared to Cargidan City in the central dominion, but still stunning in its own right. I sauntered through the ever-so-busy streets of Xyrus City, where the magic shops, the shopping district, cafés, and restaurants lined up neatly across from each other. I even ended up buying several beautiful dresses and accessories for Ellie and mother while browsing through the various shops till late afternoon, which likely brought me to where I am currently.

'Hey, you sure this is the right place, Princess?' Regis pried, 'It looks quite normal to me.'

'I'm sure the medallion pointed in this direction. It's often places like this where you wouldn't expect to find anything suspicious at all.' I sent, looking at the bakery in front of me. 'Let's go inside.'


Stepping inside the bakery, I'm welcomed by the slightly warm, sweet, and yeasty aroma of freshly baked breads and muffins. The bakery looked awfully quiet, with not a single customer at the moment, despite its central location on the main street.

“Ah, a customer! How may I help you, little one?” A pleasant voice greeted me.

My gaze was drawn to a matronly woman standing behind the counter in a tight-fitting maroon dress. She dipped her waist in a respectable bow, flashing me her pearl-white teeth.

'Er, Art, how about we buy her entire bakery, hm?' Regis said suggestively. 'Then maybe... you could even eat her "donut" later tonight. Haha, get it?'

Gross Regis, I thought back. And also, shut up.

“Actually, my elder sister asked me to buy some fresh cream puffs from your bakery, ma'am.” I reached down into my vest, pulling out the golden pendent Aya gave me as I looked at her eyes widening in surprise.

“You arrived much sooner than I expected, Lord Caerwyn.” She said with a giggle, walking out of the counter. “Please, come this way.” I nodded wordlessly and followed behind her, the backdoor of the bakery leading to a narrow hallway.

'By the way, who the hell is this Caerwyn guy?' Regis asked, with a mixture of annoyance and confusion leaking into my head.

'I'm not sure, but most likely it's just an alias Aya chose for me in advance.' I replied, stroding after the mysterious blonde woman as she led us to the building's underground basement.

An old tapestry hung from floor to ceiling, depicting the war between elves and humans that occurred a few decades ago. The blonde woman muttered a familiar elven chant as she approached the tapestry, activating the mechanism of the hidden entrance. The hidden doorway creaked open, letting in a flood of light into the entire basement.

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