What happened next.

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Off's POV.

We arrived the house at around 4:00 am. I was still wide awake because of what just happened. I looked at the passenger seat and Gun was still asleep. It would be impossible to wake him up now. I even circled down the place just to make sure he's really down.

"What would you do without me?" I whispered at him. I removed his Seat belt and got out of the car to carry him out.  Just as I was about carry Gun off the car I heard another car pull up. From the looks of it Tay was just arriving from their hotel too.

"Woah! You did this to him?" Tay asked me and I immediately panicked looking at all the hickey in Gun's neck.

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked nervously and avoiding eye contact.

"Are you blind? Look how drunk he is. He's obviously wasted, let me help you" he offered to carry gun, turning his back at me. He might want to give Gun a piggy back but I refused and told him I could manage.

As I carried Gun into the doorstep, Tay opened the door as slowly as possible.

"What are you doing here? Where's New? I thought you guys were gonna tell them today." I asked him in confusion.

"Are you crazy? It's still so early. Did you even sleep a bit? You look really hazard right now." He complained. I was really out of it because of what happened between Gun and I.

"Oh and make sure to tell them privately first. To avoid public humiliation. Hahahahahahaha" I was scaring him. And he just punched me in the shoulder forgetting that I was still carrying Gun.

"Are you serious dude?" I complained. We were already by the stairs when a door opened and revealed Arm.

"WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN? IS HE WASTED? WHAT'S WITH YOUR HAIR?" He bombarded us with questions like he was our mother.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... don't you know what time it is? You'll wake our mom up!" Tay complained. Arm was still a little upset but he went out of the way and whispered to me that we were gonna have a little chat later.

"Give me Gun I'll bring him to my room." Tay suggested since Gun was staying at his room. I wanted to give him to avoid suspicion  but it would be weird if he saw Gun's situation right now. I feel like I was being protective once again.

"No I'll take responsibility this time. He can stay in my room by the mean time. Tay just looked at me and went inside his room to rest too. He might have to get ready for later.

I put him in my bed. He was still unconscious by the time but then he started to strip. I immediately turned my back at him but then I realized that we were both guys. Why would I worry about this? He has the same thing I have then I faced him again. I helped him get out of his clothes and then got a warm towel.

He was still asleep as I wiped him down. I noticed his skin was as bright as porcelain doll. He looked really vulnerable in this state so I hurried up and cleaned him to avoid me getting distracted again. I got him some of my clothes since his clothes were all in Tay's room. I got him my pajama's and placed him back to the bed.

He was sleeping soundly and he was occupying just 1/4 of the bed. He was curled up and tucking hid knees against his chest. I sat down the side of the bed and stroked his hair. This action made him face me and  actually dragged me be his side. He made me his pillow and place his legs above my abdomen. He looked like a koala and I was the big Tree.

I was still watching him sleep and casually hugged him back as he hugged me. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and felt my eyes gave up of exhaustion.


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