Honeymoon Phase

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This is probably the best days of my life with Off. Fahsai and her family just went on a trip and she planned to tell her parents about the truth there. I just wish that they take it lightly since they are in vacation.

Off has planned to tell his family on the day of Fahsai's arrival. They wanted to break the in-laws to avoid too much damage or pressure from both of them. I think it was a good idea but it would still require them both to be on their best state.

After the Pajama Party, everything went back to normal. Aunt May and Uncle arrived from their business trip and Arm has already known about our relationship. It leaves his parents and Tay who still doesn't have a clue about this whole ordeal. Oab has already left 2 days ago and he thanked everyone for putting up with him.

"Hey! What's on your mind?" Off asked at he sat next to me on their old swing set. He put his head on my shoulder, slouching so much because of the height difference.

"Are you crazy? Your folks are upstairs" I removed his head from my shoulder and pushed him at the end of the swing. Basically a meter away from me.

"Yeah your right. This is totally normal..." Off told me in a very sarcastic tone. Since the night we confessed about our feelings it had made me awkward for some reason. Just every time I move, I'm afraid that someone would notice or we would get caught. But for some reason, Off doesn't even care how brave.

"Let's just talk normally.. stop being paranoid." He told me and that offended me a little but I pretended that it offended me so much.

"Ok." I replied at him and right there he started to panic.

"Oh come on... don't do this to me right now...." he complained but I wanted to tease him a little bit. 

"I said. Ok. That's what you wanna hear right?" I pretended to be mad. He started to get really fidgety and he held my hand and kissed it. I was still afraid someone would see but I just let him.

"I'm soorrryyyyyy please stop being mad..." he complained while he continue to give my hand a massage as it is the only thing I can describe to what he was doing to it.

Just then his parents went outside and saw us both. My eyes widen and I stood up immediately and greeted them both throwing Off to the ground again. I swear this guy doesn't have a sense of balance.

"I'm really glad, you guys are still getting along just fine  considering how long you guys have been together now." Aunt May told us as Off struggled to get up again.

"Yeah... he makes me want to live forever" Off answered his mom and I looked at him but he just grabbed me by the neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek infront of his parents. I looked at him in shock and back to check Aunt May's reaction.

"Aweee... how cute... you guys are so close." Aunt May failed to realize our relationship once more. 

"Yeah super close... he's practically my wife" Off added and as soon as those words flew from his mouth I elbowed him in the stomach which made him go back to the ground again.

"Wife my ass" I told him while pushing him down the ground even more. I could hear Aunt May laughing at us again being oblivious to all of this.

"Aweeeee you guys take care... there is pasta in the oven I especially made for you guys... come and grab some after you guys finish playing around." AUNT MAY added and she went to go to somewhere using the company car.

As soon as she was no longer in sight, I punched Off in the arms.

"Stop that! It's a good thing Aunt May has no clue but you keep doing that!" I told him properly. He made a puppy eyes sad face and nodded. This guy is really crazy.

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