Carnival Triple date?

277 9 2

Gun's Pov.

The moment Tay stopped sulking the party began. We were all excited even Arm was hyped. Not gonna lie, I can't see Arm as the hype guy but he was really excited. I guess we were all on a date. Tay payed for us all and we bought the ride all you can ticket. New really did a great job "seducing" him, he was even on a brighter mood now.

"So where do we go first?" I looked at all of them and they all thought of riding the scariest ride firsr, the roller coaster. It was a lot bigger than I expected but I love the thrill so we all agreed.

"I wanna be up front!" Tay shouted as he occupied the first row. He also dragged Off with him and I laughed at his reaction knowing that this kind of things terrifies him a little.

"WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING ME STOPPPP!!" Off protested but Tay already put on his safety belt and got ready. It was impossible for Off to back out now. New and I rode at the back of Tay and Off. Arm and Nat also followed at our back. Nat seemed to be terrified as well but Arm was really excited.

"Let's Go!!!!!" Arm shouted right as the seats began to move. We were all excited because this was our first ride so we understood Arm's excitement.

The roller coaster had no stepping place so basically our feet were dangling up in the air. This was so much fun. The ride suddenly moved upwards in a very slow but terrifying way. Every second seems to torture Off and Nat. They were holding on to their seat mates for their dear lives.

"Wait waittt I wannaa go downnnn!!!!" Nat finally screamedd as the ride goes higher and higher. This made us all laugh in our places. Even Arm was laughing at his own boyfie.

"I wanna go too!!!!" Off shouted back and this earned an even louder crowd. Then the ride suddenly dropped and I can feel all my organs rearranging in my stomach.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" We all shoited as the ride continue to change direction suddenly and goes even faster. I could see Off holding on to Tay and Tay just raising both of his arms enjoying the ride.

New and I also challenged ourselves to get a good picture after the ride so we kept on smiling waiting for the camera to capture our smile despite the sudden movement.

I didn't get to see what was happening behind our backs but I can surely say that Nat was not having the best day. All we could hear was him shouting and asking help for Arm. Arm on the other hand seems really happy and enjoys it so much.

After 2 minutes, the ride stopped at the starting point. Both New and I immediately went down and checked the pictures. Tay and Off also went down and immediately went to the side to calm Off down. He loomed like he was going to puke.

Nat was holding on to Arm but Arm left him with Tay and Off then looked at the pictures with us.

"Never... again.." Off said as he clutch down to his knees. He can't even stand up what a weakling. New and I got the pictures and surprisingly it turned out great. I mean for both of us. I can't say the same to our ride mates.

Off looked like he is already dead in the picture while Nat looked like he was crying visibly. New and I were smiling heavily and Tay's and Arm's mouth where wide open. It would be a waste not to buy this so we did.

"Okey! Now that were set... let's ride the mummy ride!" Tay excitedly suggested. It looked more peaceful compared to the previous ride so Off and Nat still agreed to join despite their state.

"Yeah!!!!" All of us cheered like children.

(3 minutes later)

"I'm dying! Please help me..." Off was clinging to me by the end of the ride. Turns out it was a lot faster and scarier. The ride was peaceful at first but then it started going backwards and rolling down and changing direction each time. It was so thrilling and we even had a scare moment with some dummy. It was fun but it did scare Off and Nat again.

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