Chapter 2 Drawing

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Before Moon could answer, their phone began to ring, the person calling being Monty.
Sun: That's weird it's 10 pm what does he want?

Oh my god Sun you think we'll finally get a bothy call?!

Sun: Shut up Moon, let me answer this.- they said, putting the soap opera on pause and putting the call in speaker.


Sun: Hey Monty!

Monty: Hey.

Sun: Why are you calling?

Monty: If I was sad, which I'm not, what would you recommend for me to do?- he asked sniffling.

Sun: Well at least it would help me to draw!

Monty: But I can't draw.

Sun: Everyone can draw. It doesn't matter what it looks like, it's just a way to let out your feelings.

Monty: Alright, thanks I guess.

With that said the other ended the call leaving the other confused.

He's not going to follow my advice are they? Not even a bit. They're gonna do something stupid right? Totally. Should we go over? No, not today, let's finish the episode and go to sleep, you can check on him tomorrow.

It was morning and Sun was up, they groaned before getting out of bed, getting dressed with one of his many long and baggy pants, this one's were his favorites, they were orange and had sun designs, they then put on a white tank top, before putting on his jewelry.

Your hippie ass does really use your old clothes has pj's doesn't it? Yes. Just cuz they aren't 'presentable' anymore it doesn't mean I should just stop wearing them. So you're gonna meet the hunk of a man that is Monty? Why are you taking about Monty like that? Cuz the most attractive performer of the pizza Plex, that happens to be our friend is single and honestly, I wanna get in his pants. Gross. Shut up Sun, I know you've had this kinds of feeling's. Yeah but about you! It's different! And it kinda is more related to masturbating then to sex! I'm proud you can say those words without cringing. C'mon I just did that when I was like 15. I now understand that it's just words and I should use them like any other. Would you ever have sex Sunny? Ok now I'm uncomfortable. Why? It is just a question. You know how I feel about it already and I know where you're going with this. Alright I'll let you be, go meet with my new crush. Be happy. I'mma fuck him once he's better. To much information!

The daycare attendant got their tote bag putting on it some glow sticks in case it was to dark for him, some sunglasses for Moon in case they wanted to come out during the day, some snacks for them and drawing material's. Then they put on their shoes and went outside and walked over to Roxy's and Monty's house, knocking on the door, the wolf being the one to open it.

Roxy: Hey, Sun! What are you doing here?

Sun: Hi! I was going to check on Monty actually, they called me last night and I think he's not feeling that great.

Roxy: Well you're right about something. Come in.- she said moving away from the door, the taller doing so, before closing the door besides themselves. The keytarist moved to the kitchen, signaling the other to enter- Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea?

Sun: That's not really needed I've ate, but thanks... Where's Monty?

Roxy: They're upstairs in their room. It's the first on the right, but trust me he won't leave. I even promised him I'd make pancakes if they left but nothing...- she sighed before continuing- I think the break up has really taken a tool on him.

Sun: Well... I'm going to try and make them at least eat... See ya in a bit.- they said before going over to the stairs, going up and knocking on the other's door.

Monty: Roxanne go the fuck away.

Sun: It's me Monty... I thought maybe I could draw with you? In case you're not feeling that great.

Monty: I'm great I don't know what your on about.

Sun: Well you can draw with any emotion. Just let me in and we could do it.

Monty: I don't know how to.

Sun: I'll teach you.- the bassist opened the door, not carrying for the fact they were still only in boxers, his face was clear he'd been crying and his room was trashed.

Monty: Really?- the other nodded- Are you sure drawing isn't silly?- they asked moving away from the door.

Sun: Not at all!... Oh by the way can I turn in the light? And could you please put on some pants?

Monty: Sure.- he said doing so, the daycare attendant entering the messy room, imidiatly starting to pick up things and putting them in it's place has Moon teased him.

That's not fair I was admiring the view! Moon he's not fine, can you keep those comments to yourself? No.

Monty: What are you doing?- they asked calmly yet confused.

Sun: Oh sorry, when I see a mess I usually start cleaning... Quirks you get from working in a daycare I guess... Anyways- they started letting go of the things he was holding- I brought some art supplies! I have fun pens, I have colorful pencils, I have glitter glue!

Monty: I'd take a pencil I guess...- they said before seating by his desk with already some paper out, the daycare attendant handing them what they asked, before seating on his bed and taking out his sketchbook.

Sun: Can you draw something first? Just so I know how much is your skill.

Monty: I guess...- they said before beginning to scribble all over the paper, Sun starting to draw when suddenly Moon got his attention.

Hey, Sun? What? Look over there. BUT BE DISCREET! Over where? Under Monty's desk.

Sunrise did so quickly glancing to three beer cans on the ground, all empty.

I mean it's just three beer cans, I don't see an issue... Maybe they had a fun night one of these days and forgot to clean up. Something fishy is up and you know it Sun. No, I don't. We can't just make assumptions like that.

Before Moon could respond the alligator quickly turned to the daycare attendant before speaking.

Monty: Here... I tried drawing myself but I don't know I never get it right.- they said showing the other the drawing they had made, Sun's eyes almost lighting up.

Sun: Oh my god!! This is really good!! It's even better then what I draw!!- the smaller smiled embarrassed.

Monty: Oh I wouldn't say that... You're like an art genius.

Sun: I am not! Monty? Have you drawn more before?

Monty: Well yeah... I used to draw a lot... Loved it... But then I had to stop.

Sun: Why?

Monty: I don't wanna talk about it.

Sun: Alright... Just know that anything, you can go draw with me. Even if you're working, swing by the daycare... I know that your break up with Bonnie was hard. I'm here to listen if you need to.- they said with an understanding tone, putting his hand over the other's before they moved away.

Monty: I'm fine. Now get out.- they said not daring look at the other, the taller getting up.

Sun: Alright then, if you say so... See you Monty.- they said getting out of the room.

Monty: Bye.

Alright you have to admit something is up. Yeah, I do. Are you finally up for speculation? Yes...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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