Chapter 25 Punched in the face

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It was Wednesday and Sun sat on the cafeteria, today they weren't accompanied by Monty, has they had important things to do, but they had company non the less. The company in question being his two friends, Chica and Roxy, who were all over what had happened yesterday.

Roxy: So, what were you and Monty doing in the couch?!- she asked smiling, the guitarist sighing.

Chica: You don't need to tell us if you don't want to.... Although we're curious.

Sun: Me and Monty kinda made out... And then he kinda you know...- they said with a lower voice, their cheeks with a hint of red on- He gave me a blowjob.

Roxy: Was it good?!- the taller nodded before continuing.

Sun: Yes... It was amazing.

Chica: Dam, I'm happy for you! I'm really glad you're able to do that considering what happened to you!

Sun: I was surprised I did it to... I thought I'd end up getting triggered half way through and spiral even more down.

Roxy: By the way how are you feeling today?

Sun: I'm fine actually... It's weird but doing that with Monty last night has made me more confident on myself and it took my mind out of it.... I don't know there's something like, I feel like I can start to trust myself again?

Roxy: We're glad to hear that!

Chica: You really trust Monty don't you?

Sun: Yeah, I trust they won't hurt me... I know they have a drinking problem and things might end up getting ugly from time to time but... I feel like I can trust them with this and they won't hurt me.

Chica:That's a great thing darling... Thrusting your partner is really important in relationships and you trusting them that much will help your bond.- there was a quick silence has they continued to eat, it being broken by Sun.

Sun: Is it weird se haven't gone on a date yet?

Roxy: I mean, not really, you don't need to have full fledged dates to be dating, just hanging out is enough.

Sun: That actually makes me feel better... I don't know if I'm in the mental state to you know, go out.

Chica: Yeah... You know, maybe you should seek medical help? Moon has told me you have been unsure of medication and I'm definitely not going to tell you that's the best thing for you, but you know, you should get back to therapy... It's free with the company if you are wondering that.

Sun: I'll think about it.- they said getting up and putting their things in their bag- I'm going now, it's almost naptime... See ya later!

Chica: Later!

Roxy: Later!
Sun moved around the daycare, it was time for the children to go home so it was a quite loud environment and it was very crowded. There was lots of movement but Sun managed it, now the daycare was quiet has the day shift guards went back home, Sunrise picked up toys when suddenly they heard the door open. They didn't bother to look at it figuring that it had been Monty, who was waiting for them to go home, but the person that walked in, even if they had a familiar voice, it wasn't their partner, they only realized it once the smaller spoke.

Bonnie: You fucking piece of shit!- the younger was quick to turn around, feeling anxious when they saw the rabbit standing there, visibly angry- Who the fuck told you could date Monty?!- they asked moving closer to the daycare attendant, has usual froze up.

Oh no, not that asshole.

Sun: No one?... I don't think I have to ask permission to date anyone,even if they're your ex.- they managed, the rabbit only getting more mad.

Bonnie: So tell me, how the fuck a tranny like you end up dating someone who's, MINE.

Sun: First of all, you don't own Monty, they are their own person with their choices, second, that's a very offensive word and you shouldn't be using it specially knowing how you dated Monty, who has identified has non binary for at least 5 years, if I'm not mistaken.

Bonnie: Oh please, that's not true, I know he wouldn't fucking identify with that, he isn't a freak like you!

Sun: You know it's comments like this that just make it more clear to me that you're a stupid fucking bastard who was probably never loved by their parents and now lashes it out on their romantic partner's cuz they never fucking learned how to communicate their feelings without using violence... I could excuse that on one of the toddlers I take care off but I can't excuse it on a 23 year old man child.

I think he needs something for that burn that was ugly! Almost has ugly has him!

Before Sun could process anything that was going on they were punched in the face, leaving them dizzy and holding onto their eye.

Bonnie: That's my last fucking  warning I'm going to give you, you time break up with them before I'm back or trust me it's much worse!- he said before leaving the daycare and the taller confused.

Oh they didn't just fucking hit you! Let me out! Let me out I'm going to make that motherfucker wish he was never fucking born! Calm down Moon... Violence wont do anything... Let's just go home...

They thought has they made their way into the dressing room, getting their stuff and heading outside, their bruise already taking color, which meant when Sun finally met up with Monty, they were worried.

Monty: What happened Sunny?!- they asked holding onto the other's face locking eyes with them.

Sun:Ah, it's nothing, just a transphobic parent came into the daycare and there weren't enough guards. I'm fine tho, don't worry, it just a little bruise, don't worry about it.

Monty: You know that's a hard task for me to do...

Sun: I'm just asking, I know you'll still worry, you worry all the time...- they said holding the other's hand- I love you, Monty.

Monty: I love you two, Sun.- they said before moving closer to the other, pulling them into a gentle kiss.

They stayed like that for a few moments kissing each other has the sun set when suddenly they heard someone speak.

Roxy: That's really cute but I'd advise you to go home, we have work tomorrow, you can't stay up until late... Well you can, but tomorrow working will be harder so yeah, that's that.- the other two pulled away from the kiss.

Sun: Argh, fucking buzz kill.- they said rolling their eyes, all other's looking at them only now Sunrise realizing what they said, covering their mouth.

Monty: Was that Moon?!

Sun: Y-yeah...

Chica: You two can do that?

Sun: I guess so... I like this, what to say what to say! Oh god no Moon, please don't embarrass me. If I were to embarrass you I woul- the taller covered their mouth before any secret would be spilled.

Oh c'mon I was going to tell them just how you had that one wet dream about Monty! Moon I'll kill you then myself, don't. Alright!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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