Chapter 51 Apologies

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Sun stood on the kitchen, they hadn't spoken whit Monty since yesterday morning, even when they went to work they didn't say a thing word. They had finished decorating one of many cupcakes they had made in his spare time. They held the one that said "I'm sorry" in black frosting and waited for Monty, unsure if they would come to their house, that's when he hear the door open, they walked over to their partner before speaking.

Sun: Monty I'm sorry, I'm really sorry about yesterday I shouldn't had started to kick you down while you were bad, I hope you take this has an apology.

Monty: It's fine Sun... I'm over it... I was irresponsible and I get why you were upset, that's why I asked for Moon. They knew how I'm feeling after seeing you bleed out on the floor... Please don't feel guilty about it. I'm going to work through that and I'll get better... Like Moon said it's the only way this is going to work is if we both work on our mental health.

Sun: I'm glad you're finally taking care of yourself.- they said hugging the other.

Monty:I'm gonna start going to the AA meetings next Monday... I know it robes us of our day off but I gotta do it.

Sun: I understand.- the smaller pulled away from the hug before speaking again.

Monty: There's going to be a party in Chica's place very soon... I was wondering if you wanted to go? It's been a while since we went to one of these.

Sun: Sounds fun, but are you sure? It's probably going to have a lot of alcohol.

Monty: Well, you're going so I can get a distraction, if needed.

Sun: Alright then.- they said has the other took the cupcake off his hand and took a bite.

Monty: Speaking of which, I could use some cuddles...

Sun: Go take a shower and we'll talk about that.

The smaller did has asked and went to take a shower, leaving it more exhausted then how they were before, so when he got to the bedroom only whit a towel on they threw themselves onto to the bed, burring his face in it. The younger finished storing the drawings the kids had made and sat besides them on the corner of the bed, petting the half of the other's face that wasn't butried in the bed.

Sun: Tired?...

Monty: You even ask?

Sun: Just wanted to be sure.- they said their hands moving to the other's shoulder, touching in different places to see if they had any pressure points, noticing the harder parts of their muscles they spoke up - Do you want a massage?

Monty: I don't say no to one...- they muttered, the other moving so now they sat on the other's butt, they got some lotion and started to massage the other's back, the bassist letting out sighs and some whimpers when they'd get to tough but it wasn't a big deal- I love you Sunny...

Sun: I love you two Monty.

So now you fuck. Chill Moon, I'm to tired for that, so is Monty. Alright enjoy your sexless night Imma sleep.

Sun: I'm done now, go get dressed before you get to cold.- they said moving away from the other who whimpered.

Monty: No need to rush you can always heat me up...- they said has they sleepily put on some underwear and a t-shirt, Sun seating up on bed, them laying besides him, their head on the other's lap, the daycare attendant petting it.- I love what we have... I know it's messy at times but I love you and I love us... I'm so glad you're alive, I'd be lost whit out you.

Sun:I wouldn't be here whit out you, literally... And I'm forever thankful that you're here and that you've helped me though the trauma, seriously if it wasn't you I lost likely would still get triggered when I masturbate... And I'm glad you're by my side every step of the way... I'm also glad you're now getting help... I love you Montgomery, I want to spend the rest of my life whit you, like this.- the smaller opened up one of his eyes.

Monty: Life?

Sun: Yeah... Oh god I hope that hasn't come off to strong. I just mean it I can't imagine a future whit out you... You're the one person I want to start a family whit...

You proposing? No... Not that I've meant to.

Monty: I feel the same... I want to have your children...oh god that came out more sexual then I thought it would.

Yeah kinda sounded like he has a breeding kink.

Sun: Monty you have a breeding kink?


The alligator took a bit of time before finally replying.

Monty: I don't think so.

Sun: Wanna see if you do?

Monty: I mean, no, not tonight I like how we're cuddling... Today actually felt normal for a change...

Sun: I get you, lately we've been very on edge... I'm sorry I tried to kill myself... I know I haven't said that and fuck, you didn't deserve to see me like that, I know apologizing won't make it better but I just had to.

Monty: Sun don't apologize to me. Apologize to yourself and Moon. Cuz you were the one who thought you weren't good enough for you two to live and decided to take care of it by your hands.

Holy shit yeah .. have I apologized to you? No. Oh fuck, sorry Moon, I didn't want to kill you just- it's fine Sun. I don't want to make you feel guilty cuz I know that's not gonna help anything. But if you ever put a stunt like that again I won't let you take charge of the body ever again. Alright understandble... Good thing the meds are working. Yeah. We're happier... Still wanna know how the fuck are your hornier. You know why... Kinda shitty the situation killed Monty's sex drive. Can you blame them tho? They saw you dead. For a second you died and you were bleeding out Infront of him. That kinda fucks up your sex drive. Yeah.

Monty: Lay down love, I wanna sleep and you have to.- the taller laid down, the older snuggling up against his partner.

Sun: Night my star...

Monty: Goodnight love.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!


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