Chapter 28 Important talk

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It was after dinner, Sun and Monty were in the daycare attendant's bedroom getting dressed, the lights were dim enough for the older to not be wearing sunglasses but bright enough so Sun could still be out. The taller was getting dressed by their closet, not daring to look at the other, well, not for long, has they would causally stare at them from time to time, only stopping when their eyes met. When that happened, Sun was still shirtless while Monty was mainly undressed, coming behind them and hugging them.

Monty: I look hot? Is that why you keep fucking me in your mind?

Sun: H-how did yo- the bassist chuckled before speaking.

Monty: Lucky guess... Hey about our last encounters I've noticed you really like to go slow, am I correct?

Sun: Y-yeah, I like to take my time....

Monty: I've also noticed, your rather sensitive.- the younger's face became dusted in red hearing that comment.

Sun: Well yeah...

Monty: I wonder how it is when we do it...- they said before kissing the other's shoulder's, moving away and finished getting ready for bed, has they usually they slept only in pants or only in boxers, today chosing the latter. They laid down on the other's bed before continuing speaking- Just one thing, you haven't actually had sex before have you?- they asked has the other put on their t-shirt, has they turned to them.

Sun: Not really...- they replied has he sat on the bed besides them- You're not asking cuz you want to do it tonight are you?

Monty: No, not at all... I was asking cuz I wanted to ask something else.

Sun: Well then it ain't just one thing.

Monty: I guess not... Can I still go on?

Sun: Oh yeah, sure.

Monty: So, what I actually wanted to ask was... Why haven't you and sex before? Is it religious, is it cuz you have some celibacy thing going on, or just cuz you don't want it?

Sun: I guess it's just... Normally I don't have an enough strong of a bond to actually feel sexual attraction.

Monty: Well, are we in a "normally" situation?

Sun: Not really... I have those feelings for you, more often than what I'd like to admit... I just, after all of that happened I need some time so things don't hurt my mental health... Besides, I don't exactly feel ready to lose my virginity... I mean our body probably isn't anymore but, mentally, me, Sun, I'm still someone who's never had that experience... And I only want to do it when I feel ok with myself, whit what happened, when I can trust you with it and when I feel ready... I hope you don't mind.- the alligator sat up, putting their hands on the other's shoulder's.

Monty: I really don't. I just brought up the subject cuz I felt like I needed to know where you stand... And honestly, we needed to have this talk... Since the whole thing with you being sexually assaulted, I think it's better this issues are has clear has possible so I don't trigger you....

Sun: I appreciate the effort.- they said before pulling the other into a hug- Monty I have something to tell you tho.- the older pulled away front he hug, looking the other in the eyes.

Monty: What is it?

Sun: I just... I wanted to tell you that now in the Monday mornings I have something to do.

Monty: Mind if I ask what is it?

Sun:I- Well- they stuttered before looking away from the other- I'm going back into therapy.... You, Moon and the girls are right... Things haven't been so great lately and I mentally... Well, I haven't been the best.... I kinda feel bad for going back tho, I feel like a failure...- the older held his face and made them look in their eyes.

Monty: Hey, don't say that. Just cuz you have to get back doesn't mean you're a failure. Things get better and they get worse. You should be proud that you were able to acknowledge that you are struggling and that you need help... It took me forever to do that and I'm proud of you for realizing quickly that you do need help.

Sun: It wasn't by myself... Y'all just... Made me aware... Anyways, are we done depressing over this? It's just, Moon has been bothering me all day about you.

Monty: Why?

Sun: Cuz he wants to have sex.- the older's eyes widened has they stated at the other.

Monty: Alright?...- they asked half confused well knowing that they weren't going to do that.

Sun: Goodnight my star.- they said before quickly kissing the other.

Monty: Night,love.- has soon has they said that the taller turned off the lights, passing out momentarily, falling on the other's chest, Monty holding them, Moon being quite happy when they got out.

Moon: Oh this is just the best way to get back into my body... You holding me like this... Hm, gotta say it does something to me...- they said moving so their face was infront of the other's, their body shifting so they now sat on their lap.

Monty: What does it do?- they asked teasingly the other smirking at the question.

Moon: Oh, I gotta tell you, in great detail... Or perhaps, show you how you make me feel?- they asked getting closer to the other.

Monty: Please show me.

Moon: Alright...- they said has they begin to grind on the other- You have anything you'd like to do to me, big guy?- the older bit his lip, holding her other's waist.

Monty: Tonight? No... I can do whatever you'd like.

Moon: Anything?

Monty: Mostly yes.

Moon: Oh it's going to be fun... Although it be funner if we could do it.

Monty: It's only you stoping yourself.

Moon: I know... God I'm amazing at self restraint to not just bend you over and fuck you.

Monty: You really are... But let go a bit of it tonight... let's have fun....

Moon: You couldn't had said anything better.- they said before kissing the older, needles to say, they didn't get much sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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