Chapter 30 Rehab

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It was after lunch, Sun had ate with Roxy, them discussing last night and what the best course of action would be now. After that, the taller moved upstairs, slowly opening the bedroom door, finding the older who groaned thanks to the light coming inside the room from the door. Sun slowly walked over to them, seating on there bed, before holding the other's hand, the bassist moving away his hand.

Sun: Oh, sorry...- the alligator slowly opened their eyes, looking at their boyfriend.

Monty: Sunny?... Wait don't tell me you- they were interrupted by Sun, who held onto the other's hand, this time them not moving away.

Sun: I know... I know you drank... Monty you're worrying me. I... I spoke with my therapist about this and- before they could continue the other spoke up.

Monty: You spent your first session talking about this?

Sun: Not all of it... It's just, part of it. Miss Williams could see I was worried about something and I told her... I hope it's fine...

Monty: I mean you speak with whoever about this... Kinda feel bad that I made you worry.

Sun: That's not the point Monty... I- well, uhm, she suggested and after thinking a bit about it and discussing it with Roxy we... We think it's better if you go to rehab.- they said before looking away from them- Bonnie is a clear trigger for your self destructive behavior and we've tried having you stay here and you relaspsed... Even if it's just a thirty day program, it could help you.- the smaller slowly sat up, now being face to face with the other.

Monty: What about us?! Those places normally don't let visitors! And I have to work, I can't be fired!

Sun: Well, Chica spoke with our boss and they allowed it, has they see if you continue to drink you'll be endangering the guests... It's fully payed to... About us, well... I rather see you better then keeping you in pain. It can damage our relationship, but you not getting help will certainly do that... And I won't feel safe dating you if you're still drinking. Let's face the truth, if I don't go to the therapist and you don't go to rehab this relationship is sure to end in failure so just... Think of you before me. Get better.

Monty: B-but I don't want to stop seeing you for a month.- the younger held their face getting closer to them.

Sun: It's just the first weeks, after that you're allowed visitation. I'll visit you all the time, you won't even notice were apart.

Monty: Promise?

Sun: Promise.- they said before kissing the other's forehead.

Monty: Does this mean I gotta start packing?

Sun: Now? No hun, now you're gonna eat, then we're going to get your things together and I'll spend the night here... Tomorrow you'll be admitted, if you choose to go, so let's spend this last day together.- the older pulled them into a tight hug, holding their tears.

Monty: I'm going to miss you and Moon, Sun.-they stayed in a hug for a bit before Sun pulled away, whipping off the other's tears.

Sun: Hey, no crying today! It's supposed to be happy, besides you're probably dehydrated.- they said not being able to hold off their tears any further.

Monty: You're saying that like you aren't crying two.- they chuckled has they wiped off the taller's tears.

Sun: I-I'm a very emotional person a-alright?! And seeing you c-cry makes me s-sad too.

Monty: I don't want to see you cry, my love. Let's just try and be happy today....

Sun: Y-yeah, happy.- they said before pulling the other into a hug before they headed downstairs so the older could eat.

You know this is most likely relationship suicide right? You two have barely been dating are you sure you're not just fucking up your relationship?! Well, I trust Monty won't cheat on us and I hope they trust us two... And you don't know that by the end of this month even if Monty wouldn't go to rehab that we'd stay together. What matters is that Monty gets the help that they need. Our relationship is meaningless compared to either of our mental health. You got a point... Have fun today.

After the bassist finished eating they went upstairs, Sun seating down on the bed has the other packed. They spoke a lot, both about good and bad things, has if they'd break up. Once the older was done packing, they sat besides them.

Monty: Thanks for caring about my well being...- they said has they held the other's hand- When I was with... Him... He wouldn't let me admit there was a problem, much less that I should go to rehab... I'm glad you trust me enough to let me go for while...

Sun: Monty I'd trust you with my life... This is nothing.... How are you feeling about going away?

Monty: Scared... Anxious.... I don't want to spend a singled day without you...- they said has they leaned their hand on the other's shoulder.

Sun: I know hun... If it makes you feel better I... Well I printed out some photos of for you to keep and... I made you some drawings.- they said has they reached his bag, that was on the floor kneeling against the bed. The taller took out off it the said photos and drawings before handing them to the other- I was supposed to give them tomorrow but today is also a good day.- the older pulled him into a hug, before speaking again.

Monty: I love you Sunny.

Sun: I love you two Monty.- they said has they hugged back, laying down on the bed, dragging the other so they were on top of the taller.

Monty: I'm going to miss this... Just us cuddling.

Sun: Me two... It's just a month tho and trust me, when you get back, I'm taking you on a date.

Monty: You're making to many promise's, don't get my hopes up for nothing.

Sun: I won't. I fully intend to deliver on them.

Monty: Great.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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