Chapter 50 Moon to the rescue

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The taller approached the other two sighing before thinking of their next move. They then went upstairs and pulled Miranda to the side.

Sun: Hey Miranda I'm sorry to be this way but can me and Monty stay the night? He drove here and now he's drunk and I really don't have my license yet and I'm so sorry to bo- the woman put her arms on the other's shoulder's.

Miranda: You two can stay hun, it's fine. Don't stress about it alright?... I was actually expecting this... Sun, when Mike and Monty meet each other they normally go really hard on the drinking... I wasn't that great of a mother to Michael and he's been through some stuff, Monty has always been there for him... They are companions since forever and I'm glad they have each other to depend on but I just wish they'd drink less.

Sun: I know how you feel... I'm going to get Monty.

Miranda: I'll help you hun, Fatima make sure Marie doesn't see your brothers.- she said before heading to the basement finding the other two. The woman held onto one side of her son, Sun on the other side and they slowly moved upstairs, going to the first floor and putting the bassist in their bedroom, laying him down on their bed.

Sun: Thank you Miranda.

Miranda: It's nothing, darling.... I'm getting a bucket in case he gets nauseous overnight I'll be right back.- she said before leaving the bedroom, Sunrise seating on the bed besides them, Monty was out of it, but still recognized the taller's warm touch has they caressed his face.

Monty: S-Sun?

Sun: Sleep darling... We'll talk tomorrow.- they said holding tears, they couldn't believe they'd had to spend the night in the same bedroom and bed has someone that was drunk. His mind wondering off to what happened to them.

What did the psychiatrist said? Let's get you outside to smoke. After his mom comes back.

Sun sat there, petting the older's face, even if they hated being there whit him under the influence, they didn't want for Monty to spiral down crying because of what they did, so they instead did their best to help him. A few minutes later the alligator's mother entered the room whit a bucket and some old clothes, giving it to Sun for them to sleep in, before leaving and closing the door. The taller got up from the bed and opened the sliding door, going to the balcony whit a glow stick around his neck, they opened Moon's tin can, and worked on making a blunt, Sun wasn't that great rolling but they eventually got it. They put away the can and got a lighter, seating on the ground has they lit their blunt, they put away the lighter, has they took a puff. They continued to take puffs has they gazed at the sky, the flashbacks slowly starting to be less affective, by the time they were done whit it, it didn't effected him. Sun had zoned out onto happy thoughts has they walked to the bed, not minding the clean clothes and laying besides his partner before falling asleep.

Monty woke up, sun rays hitting his face giving them an headache and nausea. They squinted to look around for their sunglasses before putting them on, Monty tried seating up, the nausea getting to them, him managing to puke onto the trash can.

Sun: Monty I know this isn't the best time, but I just can't stop thinking about last night. Why in the fuck did you drink?! You've been clean for so long?! Why last night?!- they asked visibly upset.

Monty: Sun... Please not right now.

Sun: Yes right now I- the older puked again before speaking desperately.

Monty: I want to talk to Moon.

Sun: What?!

Monty: Moon, I need Moon! You don't know what's been happening to me! Just get me him.- the taller was taken back by his partner, but even so they put on the sunglasses an let out Moon. The younger went over to their backpack, taking out an aspirin and handing it to the other before seating besides his partner, Monty putting his head against the other- I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.- they said whit their eyes watering up.

Moon: It's fine my star... I know that it's easier to relapse when you've relapsed recently and have an opportunity to do it.- they replied petting the other's hair.

He relaspsed? Yes, when you attempted he relapsed. Did you ever thought that it wouldn't affect them? You traumatized him, so get off your high horse and understand that you can't be mad at his relapse, cuz it's only natural.

Monty: I was so stupid... Why did I gave in into Mike's conversation?

Moon: You haven't been yourself... I know that you've been hurting and you wanted it to go away but this is not the way. Has Sun's self harm is not the way to cope whit his trauma. You two are in a more similar situation then it looks... You're both addicted to self destructive behavior and you both started it cuz you were hurting...  You two can either heal together and become better people or burn up in flames... So everything goes well you need to go to therapy. No more depending on just pure luck to do it... Either you go to therapy or you start attending AA meetings. You need to be held accountable for your relapses and for what you might have realized, we aren't the best people to do it..

Monty: I guess starting attending meetings shouldn't hurt.... Thanks Moon... You know how to handle this situations so I don't feel like shit.

Moon: Anything for my partner.- they said before kissing the other's forehead- Now, get dressed and get your stuff, we gotta get home...- they said has they got up and left the room. Moon looked around downstairs for someone before quickly pulling them to the side to speak whit them in private.

Mike: Who are you?

Moon: I'm Moon, I share a body whit Sun and I can only come out when it's dark, hence the sunglasses... Listen I gotta speak to you about something. Last night you got your brother drunk and I understand that he probably didn't told you this out of embarrassment but I have to tell you so you don't let him repeat his mistakes.

Mike: Go on.

Moon: Monty's an alcoholic.- the other's neutral expression quicky switched to one of shock.

Mike: He is?!

Moon: Yeah, has you know Bonnie wasn't that great to them when they were together and encouraged that... Me and Sun have been whit them trough their sobering journey and let it be known if it wasn't for a mistake we did he hadn't relapse a few days ago and he hadn't relaspsed now. I know you love your brother and you two just wanted to bond but, don't ever let him touch alcohol around you again. It's not good for his mental health or for their liver.

Mike: Thanks for warning me... I understand why he wouldn't tell... I gotta apologize to them.

Moon: Mike, it's not the best idea, he doesn't know I told you, but if it brings you peace, they're going to start to do AA meetings...

Mike: Right, right... I hope he can tell me one day.

Moon: He will... Just not right now... I get him, tho, we're going through a lot since Sun ended up in the hospital.

Mike: You two are alright?

Moon: Yes, we are better... Anyways I should get going, thanks for listening.

Mike: It's the least I could do.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update daily, I have writer's block for a few weeks now and it's catching up. I'm trying my best to finish this fic whiteout feeling rushed but it's hard so do understand.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love.


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