Chapter 19 Flirting

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Sunrise sat on the daycare, it was finally arts and crafts time, meaning they could finally rest a bit and draw. That's when a familiar face entered the daycare and sat besides them.

Sun: Hi Monty! What brings you here?

Monty: I came to draw... It's makes it easier.

Sun: Yeah, right... How's your day going?

Monty: It's going well, Roxy and Chica have been checking on me like every half an hour and I swear haven't drank this much water before...

Sun: Better that then... You know.

Monty: Yeah... You aren't going home in the bus are you?

Sun: No, I spoke with Chica and Roxy, why did you ask?

Monty: It was so I could give a ride home.

Sun: Well if you are offering it, I would rather go with you, Chica has to go out of her way to get me home.

Monty: Alright then, I'll take you.- they said has they went to erase what they where drawing, the younger finally noticing the other's shaky hands.

Sun: Are you alright my star?

Monty: Yeah just... I get the shakes when I start to- they looked around seeing all the kids- you know.

Sun: Yeah, unfortunately I do... Are you sure it won't affect your driving?

Monty: It won't, I can even draw with them shaking so it's under control... Besides when I drive you it's going to be 12 hours since I haven't did it... If I'm right it gets better.

Sun: How has it been tho?

Monty: Hel- the younger gave them the death stare-ck. I've super nauseous all day... Kinda of a miracle I'm being able to keep my lunch in.- they said has he changed pencils.

Sun: It will pass... Eventually.- they said rubbing the other's back.

Monty: I know... Just wish it was quicker...- they sighed before handing what they were working on to Sun- Have this... I'm going to work now. It was nice hanging with you tho, it took my mind out of it.- they said before getting up and leaving the daycare, only then did the daycare attendant realized that the taller had handed them a note with a small drawing attached.

Thanks for everything you've done for me Sunny and sorry for what I've made you go through with it.
I really, really like you and Moon. I'd say something else but, it's probably not idea, so I'll just tell you this I'm lucky to have you has a friend and that I wish, even through all the shit that passed, we could still be best friend's.
-Monty <3

Wow. That's like really gay... Like 'I love you' levels of gay.  Moon them being queer is not a surprise alright? That's not the point I was making... Just saying that kinda sounds like they wanted to confess but didn't want to cuz of the shit they put you through. WAIT THEY WERE TRYING TO CONFESS?!? Yeah, you dumbass. Like you two are madly in love with each other and it hurts to see. Why? Cuz I'm somewhere in that mix and all I want to do is to fuck Monty. Well, if me and Monty were in a relationship you can have sex with Monty... I surely won't be doing that for a while... Are you really going to take the steps to date them? Yes... So you're going to confess?! I guess so.

Sun stood in their hallway, Monty had just left them home, but they decided to stay and hang out for a bit. They made their way to the living room, both seating on the couch.

Sun: I have the episodes you missed! Also the ones I missed! Let me put them on.

Monty: Alright.- they said before their eyes drifting off to a sketchbook that was next to Sun, the alligator found it weird it wasn't the usual one- What's that?- the taller looked where the other's was looking at their face going red has they attempted to hide it.

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