Chapter 20 Afternoon at their house

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Sun walked inside the pizza plex, that was empty, their foot steps and their partner's echoed thru the hallways has they held each other's hands and slowly made their way to the daycare.

Sun: I love you.- they said before kissing the other's cheek.

Monty:I love you two... Can I ask you something tho?

Sun: Of course.- they replied smiling, trying to ignore the inappropriate comments made by Moon.

Seriously, you have to stop being this horny, I'm trying to have a conversation with Monty. And I'm trying to fuck him. We're both working for it.

Monty: Could you keep it low here?... It's not that I don't want to own up to us it's just- the older sighed- There's people here that still speak with Bonnie and I honestly don't think it's good for either of us that he knows... I promise that down the line we can openly date but right now that's just not possible... I'm not saying you can't tell your friends, you can, the girls can know and to be honest, it's useless trying to hide something from them.

Sun: You know what... I agree with you. I don't want to be sharing this with the public besides, I really don't want to be dealing with homophobic parents on the daycare.- they said had they got to the daycare.

Monty: Great, I'm glad we agree... Tomorrow you have anything?

Sun: Well it's our day off so I didn't have anything planned. Why do you ask?

Monty: I was wondering if you wanted to pass the night in my place and hand out the day after?... I know it might sound to forward, if you don't want you ca- the taller interrupted them mid sentence, holding onto their hands.

Sun: It sounds great! I'd love to spend the night at your place... Has long has you're not hitting at us doing it.- the bassist's face became dusted in red.

Monty: Oh, not at all! We just started dating and from yesterday I can tell it will a while for us to get there... I don't mind that. I really just wanted to hang out.

Sun: So do I... Now I really should go to work and you two. See you later alligator.- the older chuckled, before pulling the other closer.

Monty: God you are cheesey.- he smiling before getting their faces closer- I love you.- they said before giving the other a quick kiss.

Sun: I love you too.- the alligator moved away from their partner.

Monty: I'll see you. Good luck with work.

Sun: Thanks I'm going to need it.- they said before going inside the daycare and begining to work.

Once they got out of work, Monty drove sun to their place, the daycare attendant getting their pijamas, clean clothes and a ton off glow sticks.

You really not letting me fuck them? That's not my intention... I'm just bringing it cuz I was intending on cuddling with them. Have a good time I guess... To be honest my social battery is out I don't think I could set ho any reason for us to fuck so I'mma just be watching you. Has usual? Yes. I like watching y'all. It's fun. Has long has I get more time with my boyfriend, I'm fine with that.

They made their way outside, getting in the motorcycle with his boyfriend before they drove to their house. Once there they hoped on the living room for a second to say hi to the alligator's housemate, then they moved over to their bedroom. After both of them were inside the room, the older closed the door, the daycare attendant seating on the bed, mindless messing with their necklaces.

Sun: So... You have any plan for what to do?

Monty: Yeah! I was thinking we could go cook and then we could go back here and see some movies.

Sun:If we're going to cook now why did you close the door?- they asked has the older sat on their right.

Monty: I wanted to have a little privacy...

Sun: To?...- they asked, the taller getting closer to their face, his hand ghosting over the other's face.

Monty: To kiss you, Sunny.- they replied before pulling the taller into a deep kiss.

Sun leaned closer, their left hand on the older's leg, them gripping it and the sheets under the other hand. Monty gently moved their left hand over to the taller's waist, pulling the other to their lap, Sunrise now seating on the bassist leg, their left leg in between their legs, now really close to the older. The alligator asked permission for their tongue to enter the other's, Sun allowing that, Monty exploring the younger's mouth has their left hand went from their waist to their upper thighs. The room was getting hotter, like really hot, Sun had to breathe but they rather suffocate then to leave the moment, unfortunately for them, Moon was about to interrupt them.

Sunny? What?! Can't you see I'm busy? Dam that's a response I'd give, I guess it was to expect. Why do you say that?! Well I just wanted to warn you, you're hard.

The younger was startled by the statment, quickly pulling away from the kiss, their face bright red. They opened their eyes and looked down before immidiatly hiding their face on the other's shoulder, Monty being extremely confused.

Monty: Sunny are you alright?!- the taller shook their head no, worrying the older- Did I trigger you? Was it to much?!

Sun: No, no, just....- they said has they moved their face so he look at his partner in the eyes- God I feel so embarrassed.- the younger added has they looked away their face still red.

Monty: Why?...

Sun: It's stupid...

Monty: C'mon I'm sure it isn't.- they assured, holding onto the other's face- What is it that it's making you feel embarrassed?

Sun: Just, look down.- they said looking away, the bassist giving a quick glance- I can't believe that it happened that fast...

Monty: I can't believe you're embarrassed... Sunny, I know how it is, it's fine.... I could even help you...- they said smirking, the talkers face becoming redder.


Sun: I-I, uhm, i-it's a nice s-sugestion b-but- the alligator interrupted them.

Monty: It's to early?- the taller nodded in response- Alright then I get it... We'll go at your pace. I don't mind waiting.- he added before kissing the other's forehead- If you want, you can go to the bathroom and take care of it... I'll be going downstairs and start cooking, you join me once you're done.- they said has the taller got off from them, Monty going to the door to the hallway meanwhile Sun moved to the bathroom's door, the 20 year old deciding to tease them- Think of me will ya?

Oh look Sun you're finally allowed to think of our boyfriend! Good thing we hadn't done before! fuck you Moon... Thanks for encouraging tonight's affairs with Monty!  Moon could you ever stop thinking about sex? What? You were the one bring it up. Besides you think about it PRETTY OFTEN as well. But I don't go around announcing I want to do it with my boyfriend. Well to bad for you cuz I do. I don't give a fuck what people think about me I will get laid and I will tell everyone. Gross. Says the one that's about to masturbate in their boyfriend's bathroom. Do tell me why didn't you want them to help you? I wanna set boundaries first... Besides after what happened on the bus I'm not sure of how I'll react. Oh yeah right, I completely forgot about that. Will you now please stop so I do my business in peace? Are you sure you don't want me to help around this time?... Fine you can help.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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