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I slowly make my way to Tunji's room. He was the only one who could convince everyone that I was just an ordinary commoner. For the seventh time in that week, I had bumped into Tunji, though this time it was less pleasant than usual.

" They know," I grumble

A grimace appears on his face as he pulls me out from the hallway.

We end up on the balcony overlooking the small black lake near the castle.

"Yemi, we need a lie, " He says, rubbing his chin, "and a plausible one. "

I look up to roll my eyes when he harshly glowers in my direction. I fight the urge to glare back, only to look away from him nonchalantly.

"He— his head - concussions make people crazy," Tunji explains.

I let a small chuckle; they would still investigate; that sort of accusation isn't something taken lightly here.

"That's a horrible alibi," I reply, shaking my head.

What was I expecting? He was still a royal. He had no idea how to lie. That was something of my own expertise. I chuckle, while I formulate a plan.

"Stop laughing like that, " Tunji scolds" it's disturbing "

I snort this has to be the least disturbing thing he's ever seen me do.

"There's nothing we could ever say to make sense of this situation "

Tunji groans and paces quickly around my small room. He mumbles to himself quietly, I knew he was trying to form some type of an idea to save me.

"So what, I should let them execute you?"

I shake my head softly, he didn't need to worry—he could stick to being a medical genius

"No, we run"

Everything had been planned out, we would exit the north side of the castle just before midnight as the guards enter the castle for the end of their shift. I had been practicing light magic by myself for long enough to create a path through the obsidian veil. We had to leave the country, and it had to be where Pyran had no jurisdiction. Celestia was the only country that wasn't one of Pyran's puppet governments.

I slipped my pocket knife into my black boots and slipped a heavy sweater on, it was cold at night in Pyros and it would take hours till we made it to the border. Until then we would be trudging in the snow to our checkpoint.

I slipped out of my room into the dark hallway. I scanned the area for guards before I made my way to a sleek jet-black door just as Tunji had instructed. I met him outside dressed for a snowstorm and rolled my eyes.

"Tunji how are you supposed to be discreet wearing all that" I groan, gesturing to his extravagant get-up.

His eyes widen at my question.

"Do you know how many people die a year to hypothermia?" He asks blowing his hot breath in my face.

I take a few paces back and sigh. We had to leave quickly it would only be a matter of time before someone saw our tracks. We head to the stables and I instantly feel uneasy. A large white stallion gallops towards Tunji. I watch in silence as he strikes its mane and climbs on top of the majestic animal. I nod slowly before climbing on top as well, it wasn't half bad. Tunji pulls reigns and we move off into the darkness

I shiver quietly as the show flows forcefully in my face. My long hair blows out in the wind whipping throughout the frigid winter landscape.

"Yemisi we need to take a break you're freezing" Tunji insists

I shook my head shivering; I could take it wasn't too cold. Tunji slides down leaving me on the large animal alone. He rummages through a small sack and tosses me gloves and earmuffs.

"You're welcome," He replies climbing back onto the horse.

We begin to move again but this time in silence. I scan our surroundings it was pitch black outside only the snow could be seen for miles on end. I hated snow, there was always too much of it everywhere. When I was alone on the streets I had to break into buildings since I couldn't sleep on the ground. The buildings almost always smelt horrible, but I couldn't complain I had nowhere else to go.

Suddenly the loud sound of the cavalry is behind us, and I hear chants and jeers. My heartbeat quickens we wouldn't make it with them trailing us. Tunji yanks the reigns to make the stallion speed up. It wasn't enough, these were seasoned riders; They were gaining on us. I curse softly and reach for the knives in my boots.

"Try and stay still" I call to Tunji

I hear the frustration in his voice as he mumbles out an" okay"

I peer at my target, I was aiming to hurt him not to kill -at least for now. I whip the knife landing cleanly in his shoulder and he grips the reigns in pain. I continue until I have only one knife left that I was saving for our last resort.

We were getting close to the veil, but a few members were still following us and getting closer as time passed.

"Let me off" I yell

" Yemi not the time for stupid ideas " he argues

"Tunji trust me " I beg

The stallion's pace slows instantly and I slip off causing the rest of the cavalry to do so as well. It was me and Tunji against 12 well-trained men.

"Your majesty, please give us the girl," the bald man says, stretching his arm to grab me.

I grab his arm and twist it behind his back, without missing a beat my knife meets his neck scratching his Adams Apple. He squirms in my grasp and I push him to cold snow face first.

"As you can see, no one can make her do anything, " Tunji says smirking.

I let a ghost of a smile appear on my face before the rest of the men charge towards us. Someone grabs my arm and twists it behind my back and my face contorts due to the pain. I step on the man's foot causing him to let me go, then whip around and punch him square in his jaw. I glance at Tunji hitting people with his large bag making them drop to the floor like flies. I was so "enamored "by Tunji's skills that I hadn't noticed when some had poked something into my neck. I instantly try to call out for Tunji but my body fails and I plunge roughly into the snow.

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