A mess

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I sat at the throne next to my father, while Zayn and his mother sit on the other.

As a tradition, every family present had to bow down to me and I was supposed to bless them with my magical prowess. I could feel the hatred rolling off of them. I could see the scared glances in their eyes.

Whether they wanted to admit it, I walked in prepared, ready. I wanted this throne, and I wanted everyone under to suffer. They were right to be scared, I was going to be queen and I was going to bring a world of pain their way.

Themis and her brother clack across the floor, toward our blood-red thrones. Her brother was everything I imagined, he had a low buzz cut and stood tall amongst the rest of the guests. His eyes were hard and narrowed almost like he was waiting for something. His eyes were brown almost black, he was his sister's antithesis. While Themis was someone who smiled almost always even when stressed, her brother had a permanent scowl painted on his face.

He slowly bowed for me then scooched over to allow his sister to do the same. Themis grins at me then winks before copying her brother. I smiled softly at the pair and waited for them to leave to continue my frosty glare.

There were performances and tributes, people laid blessings while others muttered their curses. I watched and collected names, soon they'd be at my feet.

Suddenly I was called to the middle of the grand hall, I was so close to everyone I could study and memorize every feature of their faces.

My father came along and kissed my forehead,

"I'm forever grateful I got to meet you" he whispers

It takes everything in me to contain my surprise, here was a man who came off as an absolute ruler; standing in front of his subjects praising me... unabashedly.

My father closed his eyes, and suddenly I became a part of the crowd, I watched as his veins became blacker than the endless night sky. It seemed like he was calling forth all of his power.

A crown of obsidian floated over my head, it was sharp and adorned with blood-red jewels. My father grabbed the crown his eyes now only showing their whites.

"With the crown, you shall truly become my heir. Born from my flesh and bones. You carry the power of every generation before you, and the ones after you. Hail you, Queen Yemisi, harbinger of chaos."

The crowd mindlessly hails me, the cursed queen of Pyran. Then I see him again, smirking in my direction. He refused to hail, to bow his head in reverence. I raise a brow in his direction.

He chuckles showing off his dimples, and I have never wanted to confront someone more than I wanted to right now.

"See you soon my liege " He mouths, before strolling out of the ball.

I break away from the fanatics surrounding me and trail after him. I see him grinding before picking up his pace.

"If you wanted more time with me all you had to do was ask Princess"

I groan before, throwing off my heels. I was going to catch him.  We slipped through the halls as we continued this game of cat and mouse.

I used my powers to imitate a rope and he stumbled forward, giving me time to catch up to him.

He was trapped and he knew it, he raised in hands in surrender. Now it was my turn to smirk. I took my time as I cornered him into the wall.

"Easy Princess," he adds

I narrow my eyes I was tired of his games, and I wanted answers.

"Who are you"

His eyes are looking everywhere but at me. I grin and bring out a dagger hidden in my dress and hold it to his neck.

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