Il passato più oscuro

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I awoke to a letter slipped under the door with a gold seal on it. I opened it and quickly skimmed through it and threw it on my bed afterward. I ran and took a shower before I plaited my hair in cornrows. The letter doesn't say much only to hurry to the main entrance of the castle.

I threw on my boots. I never wore anything else. These dinghy boots had been mine since I was 13. I had stolen them from a merchant who used to get his kids to beat me up for wandering too close to his wares. Apparently, I looked like the "thieving type" which was an incorrect assumption, if anything I was the surviving type.

These boots had cut-outs for my knives in them. There were three small knives in each shoe. All my heavier weapons were protected in a bag or strapped to my waist. I never left home without some type of weapon in Pyran that was just foolish. In Celestia, I felt I had a few people to watch out for. So the heavier I was strapped the more at ease I was here.

I make my way to the entrance to meet a few guards and other random people. I turn around and bask in the sunlight. Had I mentioned how much nicer it was to feel the sunshine on your skin.

Suddenly a rough hand grabs my shoulder. I whip around and grab the masked assailant's arm. I bend their arm until a loud crack resounded around the compound and let go. Though their arm was clearly broken they still wanted more. They attempt to grab me and I swipe at their legs knocking them flat on the dirt. I go in for the kill, I quickly grab my small knife and press it towards their neck just hard enough to draw blood

I rip off the mask only to see my uncle lying flat on the ground. I quickly stand up and stretch out my hand. He uses the hand that isn't broken and takes it and I pull him up.

"Yemisi I'm so sorry it's just I'm captain of the guard I wanted my niece to be a fighting machine... not knowing you already pretty good"

I gave a strained smile. I wasn't good, what he was looking to say was great. That's why I had a patch of grass in my hair and he had a bloody neck and a broken arm.

"It's alright I'm used to it" I reply wiping the dirt from my pants

"What the underestimating thing -look Yemisi you are stronger " He starts

I chuckle

"No, beating the life out of people" I smirk

He gives me a weird look and shakes his head

"Let me escort you to your grandmother, don't want you getting lost"

I nod in agreement, this castle had all types of twists and turns — plus I had only been here for a couple of weeks.

We walk back into the castle and traverse through its lower levels. I'm careful with every step I take as shining spiral steps looked slippery. Every step I took I felt I was about to slip into deathly descent.

The hallway leading to her room was bright. The sun flashed through my eyes every few seconds leaving me to awkwardly flinch.

My uncle stops and points me to a door and it slowly creaks open. The air in the room was frosty as if it had been snowing. My grandmother sat at a cedar dining table playing with small black grains of sand. She gestures for me to have a seat, I pause something here was off, and whatever it was I wanted no part in it.

"Yemisi dear, don't be so uneasy this will be effortless "

I nod slowly trying my best to be respectful, while I thought she was a bit weird she had to know what she was talking about.

" Stretch your palms and think of a memory of any sort"

I follow her instructions and close my eyes to concentrate. It's a bit hard and my mind is pretty much blank.

"Think about your mom, or something that hurt you. A time you wanted to fight back."

I tried to open my eyes but it was too late and the memories I tried hard to conceal now we're set free.

"Please sir, I'll never do it again I was just so hungry"

I saw as the man was heaving and his once pale neck was now as dark as a cherry.

"I don't need you dirty folk messing up my business " He states now getting even closer to me

I flinched. I knew when to make myself small, mommy had been gone for almost a year now but I knew I needed to be strong so she would come for me.

"Where's your mother and father? I need to let 'em know they're raising a thief ."

My bottom lip wobbles and I force myself not to cry

" I don't know" I reply honestly

The man cackles and grins

"You're a dirty orphan no wonder"

"I'm really sorry, I was just so hungry" I cry trying to appease the old man

The old man smirks, I knew I would have to run everything about this man oozed trouble. I knew it but I hadn't eaten in two days.

"You'll work for your keep dirty orphan, Kenan, get your mother and come on over here!"

Not a second later a young scrappy boy and a frail young-looking woman appeared.

"Meet our newest addition..." he gestures

"Yemisi" I squeak

"Misi here is an orphan who greedily decided to steal from our pickings today"

I wince it's not like I wanted to steal from people. I was alone and Mommy hadn't returned yet, so I needed to eat.

"That doesn't seem right doesn't it Mary-Anne? does it after you toiled all day for our fresh pickings"

The frail woman shook her head, it seemed she was shaking, But it wasn't that cold outside.

"Words, Annie Girl"

"No Leland" She whispers

The man nods quietly considering something before smiling his creepy smile.

"Misi will be staying with us, earning her keep just like everyone else does — like one happy family"

I stand quickly,

"I have a" I start

Kenan kicks me hard and tears well up in my eyes. Kenan looks older than me at least 10 years old

"Hush, girl" He whispers sending a warning glance my way

Why did mommy have to leave me? I'm scared this family looks scary, I'd much rather sleep in an abandoned lot again.

"Kenan go help your new sister get settled" Leland yells


Suddenly I'm out of my trance, I'm in my mother's arms but all I can see is black. What did she do to me? I swore off the memory of those people so long ago. I watched my mother's arms become looser around, I watched as she struggled to breathe.

I can't move, I watch as I sit still, black tears dripping from my face and landing on the ground creating holes in the ground

"Yemi, please" my mother pleads

But I can't, she crawls towards me and lays her arm on my shoulder.

An invisible anchor has been lifted, but soon descends again thrusting me back into complete emptiness

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