Time to Fight

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(Back to Zarlie's POV)

For the past few months, I've been working with the Wyatt Family, nothing is changing. I tried to get my dad back but had to turn on my friends in the process, the unimaginable pain and hurt in their eyes to see me change so quickly hurt me to see. It was for the best, I stopped talking to them and even avoided them altogether as if they didn't exist. Yet at the same time, I watched them from a distance, watching them try to find me and fail every time.

I missed them a lot but getting my dad back was necessary. Since that match with Ruby, my every move has been watched by Bray. We started to get more promos, Finn and I just lurked in the background not saying anything we didn't even wear any masks like Bruan did when he first joined. I guess our all-white contacts and face paint were enough to convey that we were "fully unleashed and unstoppable". In every match we've had we haven't lost yet, Bray has me doing Sister Abigail as my finisher which honestly is somewhat fun to do to show that it's the end, and it's effective every time.

Finn has a match against Elias in a few days which will be the first match against our former friend group since we joined the Wyatts. And if it is anything like my match against Ruby, they won't stop talking to us trying to get us back. I admire them for trying so hard but why can't they see we won't come back?

Seeing Ryan lose his mind after seeing how our movements were and how lifeless we looked was nearly enough to make me break. But I couldn't, we were unstoppable as of now, and seeing the crowd's hearts break as we destroyed our friends and their spirits was overpowering. Watching little kids that used to favor my dad and me, watch in silence with pitiful looks on their faces brought me some kind of sickening joy to witness.

"On this upcoming pay-per-view of Money In The Bank, Zarlielyn you will be going against Liv Morgan. Do not let her by any means win. You have been doing good by destroying the Riott Squad, get rid of this last one and they will have no choice but to give up on trying to get you back." My dad says as we pack our things to get ready for going out on the road.

"I know father, think Ryan has officially lost his shit after seeing our matches. Overheard him throwing stuff in the locker room and crying. The poor man doesn't even know what to do, almost kinda feel bad for the guy." I snickered a bit knowing the outcome will not be pretty for anyone nearby. My dad shook his head trying not to laugh, I managed to get him to snap out of the trance he was under from Bray's influence weeks ago. We wanted to rip the Wyatt family apart from the inside and so far the plan has been going as it should Erik and Luke (R.I.P Luke Harper you'll be dearly missed) have already started to shy away from Bray and have started to do their own thing.

"Soon we will be back with them, it's been hard trying to stay away from them. You also need to be careful, I know you've been watching them from a distance also good job on making sure they don't see you." He says as we get in the car and he starts the car up before driving. I knew he was going to figure it out sooner or later, could never put it past him to know I just hope that Bray doesn't know or find out who knows what would happen if he found out.

"I know dad, I'm sure they are gonna cut our heads off for leaving them the way we did... especially Liv.." I say as I look down at my phone playing Solitare.

"Why do you say that?" He asks coming up to a stop light before looking at me.

"Before I joined you guys, we kissed... and it's been slightly awkward since. We didn't really ever get the chance to talk about it honestly." I say nervously scratching the back of my neck not wanting to see my dad's face before he laughs and starts driving again.

"Your first kiss was with Liv Morgan, I'm sure it couldn't have been that awkward unless you just don't know how to act since it happened." He said shaking his head and I just looked at him confused.

"Wait what's that supposed to mean? You're not gonna freak out and say that I've committed a sin or something?" I asked in a very confused tone.

"Zar, my dearly beloved Zar, I knew you weren't straight from the moment you met her. You aren't unreadable as you think you are around me. And no, I'm not going to freak out or judge you and give you hell for it. You like who you like, and as long as you're happy that's all that matters to me. I don't care about who ya prefer." He says shrugging his shoulders, I honestly didn't think he would be so okay with it but at the same time, I'm happy that he is.

We stopped at Sonic's to get some food and their mozzarella sticks are to die for. God, they are so amazing and never fail at all when I'm craving them.

"How are we gonna break free from Bray?" I asked after taking a bite of a mozzy stick, he shrugged taking a sip of his sweet tea.

"I honestly don't know, that's all up to the story writers. Although you joining us so soon wasn't supposed to happen ironically. It was supposed to be at Survivor Series when you were to join, the writers were really losing their minds over how fast things happened so they might have us break away during MITB since we have been with the Wyatt Family for nearly a year." He says after finishing eating.


A/N: Hellooooo my heartless babes!! Happy New Year!! I'm so sorry for the unexpected hiatus, don't know how long this shows on different devices but I'm working on NWBTS again so hopefully, you guys will still enjoy and continue to support and love this book!! I love you guys so much

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