Make It Go Away

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                                                                 ^^^Zarlielyn's POV^^^

I heard everything that Nia said and I nearly wanted to cry again until I hear a familiar voice. After hearing it, I remembered Scar... I could feel Nia holding me closer to her and being overprotective.

"I was supposed to protect her from him... I failed her. I promised her, she will never forgive me." this is what I heard, and then felt him hold my hand. I didn't flinch or freak out because he was the only person that didn't hurt me while I was in that place.

Nia left us alone, I guess seeing that Scar wouldn't hurt me. He laid beside me and held me carefully knowing how much pain I was in, I hugged him back. And immediately felt at ease, he was the only one I could trust there. Soon after a few minutes of peaceful and comfortable silence, I drifted off to sleep in Scar's arms listening to his steady heartbeat.

^^^Scar's POV^^^

Seeing that she was okay I felt okay for now. I failed to keep my promise and I'm sure she hates me now. Her friend or mother was being difficult and it had me on edge. Zarlielyn stayed in my arms and I didn't let her go, I held her like she was fragile. Next thing I know she has fallen asleep with her head on my chest. The sight made me smile for the first time in years, and I wasn't going to forget the girl that made me smile again. Everything about her drew me in the day I met her; her long red and white hair that swayed when she walked, how big and innocent her brown eyes were, how her face was made from the gods with soft pink lips and a cute ass nose, and the curves that any girl would kill for. Her body shape isn't liked in society sadly, but I love it how it is.

She was made from the gods themselves and Desmond (A/N: aka Sandy) had to ruin it, he broke her down and I don't think she will come back from it. The fear was clearly visible in her eyes every time I came to check on her or save her from something worse with Desmond. I swear that was not the brother I grew up with, something in him snapped when he saw Zarlielyn. And Im going to find out what it was. She never done anything wrong to him, hell she doesn't even know him.

Someone walked on us, but I wasn't paying them any mind, just focusing on Zarlielyn. She really was beautiful and a fighter among other things that she was.

"Um excuse me but who the hell are you?!?" I looked up from hearing a woman's voice but it wasn't the one from before, she had fiery red, orange, and yellow hair with braids on the side of her head and was wearing red contacts. She was cute but nowhere close to Zarlielyn.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't storm in here yelling, she's asleep fire head," I said calmly before Zarlielyn started to wake up only to move her head into the nape of my neck which made me smile a bit.

"Not answering my question Scarface." She said with a slight snarl. I growled slightly before noticing that Zarlielyn was now awake and staring at me with an unreadable expression. She held her hand to my face as if it would calm me down, but it did oddly. Everyone was looking at us oddly, well before I cleared my throat I gently moved from underneath her before leaving the room confused as well.

^^^Zarlielyn's POV^^^

I woke up to hearing Scar growl, feeling his chest vibrate scared the hell outta me a bit. I opened my eyes to see Scar and Ember having the stare down from hell, I reached up to make him look at me cause I know it calmed him down. Seeing him relax made me feel slightly better, but then he decided to leave. It made me feel some kind of way feeling a frown make its way onto my face before looking at Ember with a what the fuck was that face. 

"Who the hell was that?" Ember said as she came to hug me and Dad answered.

"The guy that handed her over, but also seems as if he has taken a liking to her." He said as he took Scar's place beside me

I mean he wasn't wrong from the looks of it.

It's been a week since I fully woke up and learned of my condition.

Every day is been a bit easier for me to walk and move around, but the nightmares are still there. My dad and Ryan haven't left me by myself while I was still in the hospital. Jeff and Nia would visit whenever they could since Monday Night RAW and NXT were after Summer Slam.

I was watching RAW on my phone and after Nia and Ember's match, a group called Riott Squad came out. And they are definitely not something I've ever seen before in the WWE. Which was refreshing, but what caught my eye was the blonde with a blue tongue. She was absolutely beautiful. They destroyed Nia and Ember which threw me off a bit, yet my eyes never left them.

Then I found out their names: the leader was Ruby, the brunette was Sarah, and the blonde was Liv.

Their names suited them and I knew right then and there, they will definitely cause a mess and excitement in the divas' division.

A few days later, I was finally released from the hospital. Sadly, still wasn't talking Dad and everyone was in the lobby waiting for me with smiles and bags. Part of me was worried about what was in the bags, but that can wait. Everyone came around me and gave me a big ass group hug, I'm sure we looked really weird to other families in the waiting room yet I was okay with it.

Nia stayed by my side until everyone left except Jeff and Ryan with My Dad, I looked around looking for Scar and a frown made its way onto my face seeing no Scar to be found. I pulled out my phone and texted Nia:

"Where's the guy with the scars?..." I showed her my phone looking confused. Watching her face answered my question, she didn't know where he went as well. She took me to her hotel room and got ready to go to the airport, my stuff was already packed and ready to go, Ryan took my stuff which sucked because I'm fine to do it myself.

"Finn said you're staying with him on the road so he can watch after you," Ryan said as he drove me to be with Nia since Dad was driving with Dana Brooke for On The Road.

Nia got to drive with Liv Morgan from the Riott Squad and I got to tag along. After Liv got to the car, Nia was in the front while I was in the back. Liv was absolutely breathtaking, her blonde hair and neutral makeup looked good on her. She was completely different from her character on TV, when she noticed that I wasn't talking she asked if I was okay. I nodded my head not looking away from the window.

"You know if you need anyone to talk to I'm here for ya. No matter what it may be or if you just need to rant." For the first time since I was in the car I actually fully looked at her in the rearview mirror to see she was looking at me. Being under her gaze made me bite my lip doubting what she said before giving her the thumbs up.

"She doesn't really talk to anyone since that day she was gone. So don't take it personally Liv, but she does text what she wants to say." Nia explained as she gave me Liv's number and I saved it in my phone. And me being the lovely person I am I just played games on my phone not paying attention to anything else as my music played in my ears.


a/n: sorry for the chapter being short guys, with working and trying to balance out my life and youtube videos it is not an easy thing to juggle. The next chapter I promise will be longer and not so confusing with the povs changing so much. But that's enough from me I love you guys and thank you so much for reading my book. make sure you guys vote and share it. Let's keep NWBTS climbing on the charts!!

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