Far From Over

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After finding out that finding my dad might not be easy like he was hiding himself, was a shit show. I now know how he felt when I was missing, but I get this nagging feeling that he doesn't want to be found.

I found out that I had a match with Asuka. Should be fun seeing as that I did get some training from her before coming into the ring. I got my ring gear on and put my contacts in while Ruby did my makeup, she like making me look scary and wicked. I don't blame her for it though, that was the whole point.

During the match, I could barely stay focused enough to win the match. And I hated that my thoughts were consumed by trying to think of possible places where my dad could be.

"Remember that we will find him just like we found you. He wouldn't go knowing that you wouldn't be protected." Sarah says as she's carrying Liv on her back as we walked back to the dressing room only to be stopped by Bobby Lashley, Lio Rush, and some blonde chick. Ruby and I just looked at each other rolling our eyes. As Liv jumped off Sarah's back she stood by my side before I could even speak.

"Hey, Ruby did you invite the uglies? Cause I know I didn't." Liv said glaring at the blonde. Ruby just shook her head and pulled me along after I zoned out trying to ignore this whole conversation. 

"Of course take the child away so she doesn't start calling for her dadd- oh wait he left her." The Blonde said before I turned around snapping out of the trance to punch her in the nose feeling it break under my fist as I jumped her and started punching her face. Minus the fact I felt two people trying to pull me off of her, I kept slipping out of their grips and going back to beat her to a pulp because I wasn't going to let her comment slide.

"Zarlie, get off of her she's had enough." I could hear someone saying but I ignored it and decided to start punching her in the stomach before I felt myself be pulled away and tossed onto a shoulder leaving me to glare at the girl on the floor with blood coming from her crooked nose.

"Say anything else about my father again and I will do more than break your nose you little bitch." I said with a snarl before taking my foot to whoever has me over their shoulder, only to see it was Dean as he put me down Ruby, Sarah, and Liv were catching up to us. After calming down from being pissed I knew right after that I was going to start crying.

"I can't take this anymore... where could he be?.." I slid down onto the floor with my back against the wall taking my contacts out and Dean threw them away as I hugged my knees to my chest crying. Not caring who saw this side of me anymore, I felt defeated like I didn't know where to go anymore. It seemed as if he had just vanished into thin air and gone completely off the grid.

"Maybe we can find Daniel and see if he could possibly know anything about this or if they did the same thing to him," Dean said as he sat beside me rubbing my back as if it would help on calming me down. Right after he said that I got up and went to go search for Daniel only to be stopped by Jeff and Elias.

"Zarlie, you might wanna go back to the hotel room like now..." Elias said with a weird look on his face and Jeff just seemed off.

"And why would I do that Elias?" I said glaring at him.

"Because we saw your dad... and he didn't look like himself Zarlie. You need to leave like now." Jeff said and I grabbed him by the front of his shirt pulling his to be eye level with my red and puffy eyes from crying.

"If you think that just because he didn't look like himself will keep me from seeing him then you are sadly mistaken. Now where did you see him?" I said trying to calm down and keep my emotions in check.

"He was in his demon king gear... with the Wyatts," Jeff said slowly peeling my hand off his shirt. I tried to wrap my head around what was said before pushing past everyone and walking back to the room before putting on jeans and a tank top. I could slowly feel like another part of me was taking over like before, and I let it. More like I welcomed that feeling to do whatever I possibly couldn't find myself to do.

I just knew that finding out Bray's purpose for having me and my dad making up for Braun was not about to be pretty. I went back to find the four backstage just waiting there as if they knew I was going to be coming back.

"Welcome back Zarlielyn Balor. Finally decided to join us I see." Bray said as I looked at my dad from under my hood, could see what Jeff and Elias meant. His eyes looked like he abandoned all emotions and feelings, as if he became a hallowed version of himself. So I guess it would be best to do the same if that's how it should be.

"Yes.. to fully complete your wish of having both Balors at your side," I said slowly trying to make myself believe I would be better off apathetic anyways, but as I was talking I heard voices for the people I loved dearly as if they were my own family.

"Zarlielyn! What are you doing? Get away from them!" Liv yelled as she, Ruby, Sarah, Dean, and Jeff were walking toward us. I looked at him as if my soul was drained from my body and was an empty void of emotion which made them stop.

"What did you do to her?" Liv screamed grabbing my face and looking over me like a worried parent before I was pulled back from her gasp only to be standing in between Luke and Eric as if they were my bodyguards.

"We haven't done anything to Zarlielyn. She's just coming to the side where she belongs.. where she's wanted." Bray said as he stood in front of me blocking Liv from getting to me.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (A/N: Surpiseeeeeeee!) Liv's POV ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Just hearing Bray's words made me want to punch him in the face, but seeing Zarlie standing there like she was nothing but a puppet bothered me the most.

"Please Zarlielyn don't do this! There are other ways to get Finn back!" I yelled only for her to come from behind Eric and Luke to stand in front of me looking like a mindless zombie. Her eyes held no emotion or could easily be read. It was like looking at a brick wall,  a hollow shell of what she used to be.

"Give up Liv... I already have. Stop fighting it, it's pointless." Her voice didn't even sound the same anymore. Almost as if she switched how she could sound.

"I'm not giving up on you Zarlie. We are not gonna give up, that's not what family does for each other." I said as Sarah stood beside me and started to pull me back from the empty void that was Zarlielyn Balor.

"Wyatt you will rot in hell for this! I won't rest until she is back with us." I said as I was backing away glaring at all of them before turning to Ruby who looked as shocked and confused as Elias and Jeff were. 

"Ryan is so gonna be pissed about this... Who's gonna tell him 'cause I'm not it?" Elias said looking at everyone as we stood in a circle not even sure what just happened.

"Well I'm not gonna give up on them, they are just being used for some sick twisted game. And Bray is only just started gathering all his best players." Ruby said and she was right, Finn and Zarlielyn were utterly unpredictable like complete wild cards with no telling what will ever happen with the two.


A/N: Im so sorry about the delay in uploading haven't really had the motivation to upload with this whole virus stuff going on but hopefully this makes up for it. I hope you guys are staying inside and being safe!! I love ya guys be safe!!

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