It Won't Be The Same

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After a few weeks of extra training, I slowly felt like I was getting closer to being my normal self in a way. All my family was always telling me to be careful and to not overdo it, but I feel fine.

"Hey, Zar, Ruby, and Sarah need us. Come on." Liv said as we stopped training. I haven't really been alone with Liv since that kiss or around her since unless it was for promotions and shows.

"We need to give you a new nickname.... how about Zarlie?" She said as she was trying to lighten the tension. I nodded a little seeing as it fit with my look, always wore my all-black contacts when I went out. It scares some people and I like it, just like how Liv has her signature blue tongue. It's just something that fits ya know?

"Yeah sure, fits better than Zar or Zar Zar." I said as we saw Ruby and Sarah getting ready for a show. I got ready as well seeing as Vince and Stephanie think that I'm actually ready to be a part of the show.

"You got this kiddo, it will be fine. Just remember you got us?" Sarah said as she helped me with my makeup. I nodded not wanting to mess her up.

"We are going against Banks, Rousey, Bliss, and James," Ruby said as we walked to the backstage area, getting warmed up before our music hits. I quickly put my demon contacts in and followed suit with the group. There were a lot of mixed emotions some cheers, some boos, but I was oddly used to it. By the time we got to the ring, I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned to see who my attacker was and smirked when I saw it was Alexa. I pulled her to the ring by her hair as the others were fighting outside the ring.

I didn't forget about how she bullied me and now I was gonna let her know I'm not the one to fuck with. I let my other side come to play and took the back seat. Watching what was going on made me want to make things worse. Too bad it's not a no-DQ match, I tagged Sarah only to have the whole place go black and see Bray Wyatt in the center of the ring. That guy just gave me a bad feeling and started to back away as he was laughing and walking toward me. I got out of the ring only to be caught by Luke Harper.

I blacked out and woke up tied to a chair in a dark room. Panic set in and I tried to get out of the chair but fell over landing on my left shoulder and making me groan in pain.

"Well, ain't this a surprise, the daughter of Finn Balor. The Demon Princess." Bray laughs as he moves to stand in front of me. I really didn't want to be tied to a chair of all things, but oddly wasn't surprised. It seemed to happen a lot when it was only twice. Yet both times it had to deal with my dad of some sort, I don't get it.

"What do you want from me, Bray? I don't have the time for this." I said with annoyance, I felt the chair be picked up and set up right and saw Luke standing behind me with an unreadable look on his face.

"Because we need him to join us.  Since we lost Braun our family has had a missing link, and your father is the key to us being a whole once again. We just need you to bring him to us and then you can meet Sister Abigail, and let her take you under her wing. Join us and follow the buzzards!" Bray said before everything goes black and I felt pain in the back of my head. I woke up in the girls' locker room hearing people yell looking for me, I tried to get up but I couldn't move so fast cause of my head so I got up slowly and made my way to the door pulling myself up and opening the door.

After I managed to gain my balance I bumped into someone who yelled my name and then said "Someone tells Finn I found her."

I didn't know who it was but her voice sure as hell was annoying, I looked to see who it was and it was Billie Kay. She helped me sit down in a chair till I heard yelling as Peyton came back with some water for me. I took the bottle from her as my dad comes into my sight I stand up as he runs into me hugging me as well, I hugged him back before answering the unspoken question.

"He wants you to join them... and me to join as well.." I pull back to look at him

"He wants the demon king and the demon princess unleashed and at his side," I said after drinking the whole bottle of water. My dad didn't say anything after that which scared me a little and then he just left leaving me with Jeff and The Riott Squad. Liv hugged me as I just stayed frozen in a way, Jeff sent Elias, Set, Dean, and Roman after my dad before calling Ryan to come to pick me up.

"Hey is everything okay here?" I looked to the side and saw a guy in a leather vest with a lot of tattoos.

"Yeah, everything is okay Aleister," Ruby said as she helped Liv move me to the hummer when Ryan got here. Everyone was surrounding me worried about my next reaction or what I was going to do.

"Well, then why does the girl look pale like she's seen a ghost?" Aleister said as he opened the door for me, I nodded in thanks before getting in the car and Liv got in with me.

"Her dad... and then the Wyatt Family, we don't know where he went. Aleister if you see him get Jeff and Roman to drag him back to the hotel. Tell him that his daughter needs him." Liv said as she grabbed my hand to comfort me I guess. He nodded before going back inside, Ryan took us back to the hotel after getting me something to eat from Wendy's.

Ruby, Sarah, and Liv stayed with me and it made me feel like a child being babysat.


I am so terribly sorry you guys! I know that this update may seem a little short.. with me working so much I've barely been able to get any time to update and I promise the next chapter will be longer

I love you guys so much for liking the book and telling me to update it.

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