Please Don't Go

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"Some lady just texted me claiming to be my mother and said I'm going 'home with her, where I should have been all along."

After sending that I stayed in my room with Ryan until my dad came back. Which took a bit longer than normal so we went to go get him, only to see Nia, Jeff, and the Riott Squad panicking and calling 911. Elias saw me and told me not to go over there as Ryan did so. I didn't understand why I couldn't see him until a paramedic carried him away talking about something and being drugged.

And like that, I didn't care I ran for my dad trying not to cry. But Elias and Jeff stopped me before I could fully move.

I couldn't fight them off as I tried to get to my dad while Ryan got in the back with him, not even looking back at me.

Just then I felt like everything was going to hell, I wanted to scream but I knew nothing would come out. I felt helpless, I stopped fighting Jeff and Elias once I saw Liv come out of her car. I ran to her and broke down not caring who was around. Jeff stayed back with Ryan's hummer and me. I stayed in her arms for a while before I stopped crying and had a blank look on my face.

I saw a woman walk towards me with a smile like we were old friends, then I put the pieces together. This woman was my mother.... well birth mother and right now I was not in the mood for conversation or whatever but she had to say.

"Zarlielyn... My baby. Look at you all grown up." She said with a smile, but I knew she was the reason my dad is in the hospital. I could tell behind that fake-ass smile was an all-knowing smirk. She knew what she had done and now I will not just let it happen.

I smiled fakely before a snarl overtook the smile and Liv didn't know what was going on. When really I let the other side make her presence known. I grabbed her hand pulling her close to me with a smirk of my own seeing that it had taken her off guard.

Then I threw her into a nearby wall hearing her scream in pain. Jeff, Elias, Riott Squad, Nia, and Dean right along with Seth were trying to stop me until I growled at them.

"Oh shit...." Nia, Jeff, Seth, and Sarah said under their breath as Elias, Ruby, Liv, and Dean didn't move. I turned back looking at her trying to get up. And I sent a hard kick to her stomach. Some people were gasping and pointing right along with whispers.

"Do you really think that you can take my dad away from me?!?" I growled grabbing her by her hair and making her look at me. The terror was clear on her face which made my demon proud. With a smirk on my face, I lifted her up by her neck as if she was nothing.

"If you thought you could just walk back into my life the way you did.. well you are absolutely wrong. You're nothing but a low-life whore! You didn't think that I saw you across the street fucking some guy." I said with a sneer of disgust watching her claw at my hand to ease my grip. And to think I was going to be nice and say I'd rather stay where I am. If Im gonna go to hell after this then I might as well enjoy it before I go.

I saw Jeff and Dean snicker before Nia hit them both. Before they all stare in shock realizing what just happened.

"You will never... be my mother or in my life ever again. And if I see you again... Better hope I don't try to rip you apart." I said with a growl as I brought her face a bit closer to mine before throwing her back into the wall and hearing her cry in pain.

Everyone that was watching me and knew of my muteness was screaming in excitement and joy. I looked at all of them like they were crazy.

"YOU JUST TALKED!!!!" The girls yelled as Jeff and Dean smiled. Elias and Seth patted me on the back before they all looked at the woman who claims to be my mother.

"Sooooooo um, you never told us that your mother.. uhhhh guys, a little help here," Nia said looking for help. I smirked as I went back to normal with my demon under full control.

I looked at her body limp on the ground and walked to Jeff took the keys to the Hummer and drove to the hospital with everyone in tow. Jeff was looking at me like a lab rat which made me shift uncomfortably.

"Will you stop staring at me like that? Damn, Jeff." I said out of nowhere which made him look away awkwardly before looking out the window.

"It's been months... And now you talk again. I'm just glad it wasn't years..." He said as we pulled into a parking spot. I looked over at him with my head tilted clearly confused before getting out while shaking my head.

We walked inside and the lady behind the desk just looked up at us with a boring look on her face typing away on her computer. I walked up to her with Jeff in tow.

"Hi, I'm looking for a Finn Balor, by any chance do you know what room he's in?" I asked nicely before she looked up and saw Jeff, the way her mood changed I swear I would have gotten whiplash. She smiled at him before trying to pull down her shirt to show some of her boobs and smiled a terribly flirty smile, thank god Jeff didn't see it but still. Jeff was looking at his phone telling people that we are at the hospital. I was starting to grow impatient with her and started fuming. I growled slightly stepping in the way of her seeing Jeff and leaned over the desk a bit.

"Listen here you redheaded abomination, I need to find out the condition of Finn Balor. And I swear to the Greek gods and goddesses if you don't tell me where he is, I won't be afraid to rearrange your face." I said in a low voice so only she could hear me as I stared her right in the eye. She backed down and went to her computer to see about my dad.

"He's in room 411, but only family is allowed in." She said looking at me with a sliver of fear in her voice. I smirked leaning in to say I'm his daughter and walked off in the direction of room 411.

"What did you do to that girl Zar?" Jeff asked walking beside me. and I told him exactly what happened as he shook his head trying not to laugh.

"Oh yeah definitely missed the old you. Glad to have ya back kiddo." Jeff said as he hugged me before we got to my dad's room. We walked in and my dad was sitting up talking to Ryan with a frown before looking in our direction. I walked over to hug him as Jeff followed behind me.

"Are you okay Finn?" Jeff asked as I sat at the foot of the bed facing my dad concerned about what happened.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a knockout drug, but the dosage I took was not good so they are keeping me here to look after me until it leaves my system." He said holding my hand to reassure me that he was okay. Ryan didn't know about me starting to talk again until Jeff walked over to him talking casually before I heard my name.

"Hey Zarlielyn, wanna tell your dad something?" Jeff smirked as I smiled, Ryan and my dad both looked confused.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to say, Jeff," I said looking at my dad before he nearly fell out of the bed just trying to hug me which made me giggle a bit and Ryan cried in joy.

"I got my demon princess back!" He yelled and I guess the nurses heard that cause one came busting in the room. He looked at my dad and at me before signing and shaking his head. He asked my dad to calm down and to get back in bed.

"Hey, I just got a bit excited about getting my daughter back. At least let me be out of bed for a while." Hearing my dad say that made me roll my eyes before letting out a soft laugh.

"Come on Dad get back in bed," I said guiding him back to the bed and I sat beside him after hugging Ryan. He made me question him sometimes, but eh it's a good thing about him that I wouldn't wanna change.

"When did this happen?" My dad and Ryan asked me. And I looked at Jeff for help before he nodded.

"We gotta tell him, Zar." Jeff said as he walked to my side knowing that it would take a lot of explaining. After I explained everything, Finn was fuming and so was Ryan until they heard the demon side of me come out and their faces changed to a shocked expression.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, you did what?!?" Ryan yelled standing up.


A/N I'm sorry if this chapter is short and seems a bit rushed. I've been working a lot lately and also have writer's block. It sucks so badly, but hopefully, the next chapter is longer and better. But what do you guys think of the book so far? Leave your input so I can make it better.

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