The Riott Squad..

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When we got to our hotel in Phoenix, Arizona, I was looking for my dad and Ryan which was hard to do due to so many people being in the lobby. I managed to find the rest of the Riott Squad and Elias, but not my dad. I tried to calm myself down feeling the panic wave hit, I guess it was a bit noticeable because Liv was hugging me and whispering in my ear that they are okay and hadn't gotten here yet. Ruby and Sarah were walking up to us, my grip on Liv tightened a little as she was rubbing my back to calm me down.

I had my eyes closed so I could calm down and then I was being pulled away and into a slightly bigger build only to see it was the one person I was looking for.

I hugged my dad tightly because I didn't like being apart from him while I'm like this. It made me feel vulnerable like they were going to get me again. I may sound like a big-ass baby right now, but let something like that happen and you will know what I mean.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay Zar you can calm down. I'm here" He said as he kept hugging me until I fully calmed down and pulled back nodding that I was okay. Luckily I am going to be sharing a room with him so it will be easy for me to sleep a little. After everyone was checked into their rooms my dad, Jeff, Ryan, and Elias went out to do something; so I texted Liv asking if I could hang with her and the rest of Riott Squad and she said it was okay and their room number.

Which was down the hall from my room, after knocking on the door and coming face to face with Ruby I was a bit taken aback by how she looked without makeup. She could pull it off and so could Sarah and Liv.

I walked into the room and was watching the girls pick out clothes to wear since they were going out for Ruby to get another tattoo. I will not lie I was curious as to how the whole thing goes for someone else, I mean I have seen Ink Master. But I wanted to see someone besides me get a tattoo in real life, not on tv.

As we were walking to the tattoo parlor that was across the street, I decided to get one myself.

I was thinking about getting a dreamcatcher with watercolors on my left thigh to cover the scars from that day since they were completely healed and faded. I texted it to Liv and she frowned in confusion before nodding saying okay. Ruby was getting her's done. When it came time for me to say what I wanted before I could grab my phone...

"She would like a dreamcatcher with watercolors on her left thigh." I looked up seeing that Sarah said it for me which made me blush and left me fuming a little. Liv laughed a little before hugging me good luck. (A/N: picture is in the media or on the side to show a better picture of it.)

As I walked behind the artist, he said it was okay that I'm mute because his daughter is the same way. I was glad that he understood and I felt bad for the guy. I typed on my phone before showing him.

"Thank you for understanding, and I'm sorry about your daughter."

He smiled after reading what I said and started getting everything ready. I was kinda glad that I wore shorts and brought a pair of sweatpants. Just fewer scars to be covered and a bit more confidence gained, I guess.

As he started to tattoo my thigh, I couldn't help but think about when would I ever be able to talk again. It has been a little over two months and still haven't made a sound. Which frustrates me, to calm down my slowly burning up face I watched the tiny needles poke into my skin. Staining my skin with ink and pain, a pain that was bearable to sit through and not move. My dad texted me asking where I was and I told him where. And knowing him, the guys will be right behind him.

My dad was always with me when I got my tattoos done, and it was comfortably calming. My dad walked to the back before looking at my thigh confused before Liv explained.

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