Just The Begining

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Being adopted by Finn Balor is the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and I say that because I've gotten a lot more opportunities to be a kid somewhat and get to practice what I wanna do later on in life. When I was in the orphanage, I couldn't really express myself through a lot of things. It was almost like no child there could be as creative as they wanted to be, we got stuck with being the held-down kids... couldn't do anything without being watched. This is somewhat understandable with kids trying to escape or getting into a fight with the other kids, it was against the rules but it brought entertainment in a way.

I remember four years ago being told that no one wanted a daughter that didn't know how to obey and behave as supposed to. Apparently, I'm the child who never listens... the one that causes trouble and havoc. But that changed when the WWE Superstar Finn Balor came in looking to adopt a child. And you guessed it, folks. He adopted me, an outcast, and said I reminded him of himself. Since then I have had every chance to show off my photography and art skills, and I have gotten better in the four years. Finn is the best father to me, he's there for me when I need him even when he's on the road doing shows. Sometimes I'm able to go to a show or two and see him there. But other times when I can't go, we are talking on the phone, just in the four years I've been his daughter I wouldn't want it to be any other way. He is understanding and helps me when needed, I'm glad to call him my dad.

"Just remember not to talk to anyone you're not supposed to and I will see you when you get here hun. Please be safe on the plane ride here and text me when you land so I can send Ryan to get you and take you to your hotel room." Finn said over the phone as I was packing my stuff and getting ready to leave for the airport. No matter how much time I talk to my dad or see him at shows I always get excited when I get to travel to see him. Watching him wrestle is amazing, but the one guy there that just creeps me out is Bray Wyatt. That guy plays his character well and it is insane how he pulls it off. Everyone else seems okay they are really just a bunch of goofballs like Sasha Banks and Nia Jax. They are also like family... in a way.

"Okay Dad, I'm almost done packing so I will get a cab to the airport and text you when I land. Bye, Dad." I said before hanging up and grabbing my keys locking the door walking out to the cab with my things putting my earbuds in after telling the driver where to go. I listened to my music and waited to board my plane, I looked around always amused at how many people come and go out of this place. I don't think I've ever seen an airport not really full of people. As my plane number was called, I hurried to get there and beat the line.

After putting my stuff where it needed to be I took my seat, I was glad to be sitting in the middle because I hate heights but it's worth it in the end because I'm with my dad. And nothing can beat that, not even in a million years. Knowing that it was going to be a long flight from Ireland to Dallas, Texas I decided to go to sleep while listening to music.


I woke to someone nudging me and wanted to swat them away but I'm sure it was the flight attendant telling me that the plane landed. I woke up and got my stuff and got off the plane turning off airplane mode I texted my dad saying I was there and not long afterward I get a reply saying to wait outside, that Ryan is not far away from the pick-up area.

I wanted outside and saw the infamous black Hummer that I grew to love over time. Yes, it makes me feel shorter than what I already am but hey she's a beauty and a gas guzzler. I got in and hugged Ryan since I haven't seen him in a while, on the way to the hotel Ryan was telling me that the pay-per-view of Summer Slam was going to be tonight and that I should beware of how bad the match might get knowing Roman Reigns. I wasn't really a fan of the guy he came off as an ass at first.   

By the time I got to the hotel, I was unnaturally tired for some reason. Ryan helped me settle in and texted my dad saying I'm here, not two minutes later there was a knock on the door. Ryan and I looked at each other confused about who it could be. I got up and went to see who it was, standing on my toes to see who it was and the peephole was covered and I whispered to Ryan saying I can't see.

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