We're Screwed (Still in Liv's POV)

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After the ordeal of seeing the Balors with the Wyatts things were truly going to get out of hand. Not even Braun or Daniel knew the actual plan with the Wyatts, cause Bray is unpredictable.

"Ruby we gotta do something about this, there's gotta be someone at least that knows what's going on with Bray," Sarah said as we walked to find Dean and Jeff talking to Ryan as Elias was about to drop the bomb of what happened to Zarlielyn. This might have been a bad idea cause Ryan was utterly pissed, and he started yelling in a different language, and lemme tell ya that's not a pretty sight for our viewers to see now is it?

"One thing I've learned is that they will do anything to protect each other that is for certain. Yet at the same time, they are not completely alike... Was Zarlie doing this on her own or was she forced to?" Ryan said after calming down, he took us back to the hotel room. So Ruby, Sarah, Jeff, Elias, Seth, Dean, Roman, Ryan, and I could find out a way to make sense of this whole thing.

"She did it all on her own and changed herself very quickly, it was like she became hallow," I said remembering how she seemed, her eyes being empty holding no emotion at all.

"Yeah, it was like looking at an empty void of a person, like she wasn't all there but she was there," Sarah said

Ryan looked as if he didn't know what we were talking about at first until his face fell. It made him look defeated as if he already had lost, which I will be honest made me worry about what we saw and what we will see further down the road.

"Ryan what is it, man, you gotta tell us," Jeff said looking at Ryan.

"We can only wait for them to want out... we can't help them if they are in that state of mind." Ryan ran a hand through his hair with a sigh shaking his head.

"So we have to wait for them?... How long will that be?!?" Ruby started to get pissed as she was absorbing all the information.

"If Zarlie did this on her own, then she already has a plan and will most likely carry it out in the beginning until she needs help. Until that happens I guess we just.. let them be with the creeper family. God, I swear if Vince is behind this for more views, I'm ripping him a new one." Ryan said before walking away clearly he wasn't happy about the plan yet he was right, Vince has an odd way of trying to get people to stay watching us on tv, sometimes I'm not too fond of the ideas he has.

It's always something that is either too extreme or just downright fucked up in some way, shape, or form. For once can't it just be something tame and not uncomfortable is that too much to ask?

___________________ Time Skip brought to you by checking in and telling you to drink some water and take your meds if needed_______________________

It has been a few months and it has not been the greatest, we haven't heard anything from the Balors yet nor have we seen them, Ryan is at the end of his wits looking for them. Ruby and Sarah have been working the tag team division for the belts from Sasha and Baley. I've just stayed by on the sidelines and cheered them on, it wasn't easy for me to just try and act as if Zarlie wasn't missing in action. I missed her like crazy and hated there was nothing that I could do to make this easier.

It was driving me insane not knowing where she was or even if she was okay. Ruby said to stop worrying because Zarlie wouldn't want me to stress about the situation, yet it could not be helped.

I came out to see how everyone was holding up and honestly, everyone just looked like hell.

"Hey guys what's wrong?" I asked sitting beside Sarah and Ruby was doing her makeup for a match tonight against a mystery opponent.

"Eh okay I guess, still kinda on edge about my match tonight. Something about it just seems off. I don't know what but it just feels off." Ruby says as she finishes up the final touches as Ryan walks up to us.

"Yeah, it does seem weird that Stephanie made the match and kinda last minute too if you ask me," Sarah says as she's getting up and I follow as we were going to accompany Ruby to her match.

"Hopefully it's someone easy to pin. Last-minute matches are never good." I pointed out before we went out to the ring as our music cued us. We all were standing in the ring before the whole stadium went black and we heard something like a heartbeat before a wicked laugh echoed in our ears sending a chill down my spine.

The lights came on but were very dim and the song sounded very familiar like it was close to the Dead By Daylight Song. And all three jaws dropped slightly seeing fog and then a figure walking out but very slowly and it was just downright creepy. And then I saw a lantern swinging side to side before realizing who it was as four more figures appeared behind the first shadowy figure.

"Guys isn't that-?..." I asks before Sarah nodded guessing she and Ruby noticed the lantern as well.

"This can't be good..." Ruby muttered as the lights got a little bit lighter as they all got closer to the ring. The first figure stood outside the ring with a hood over their head before slowly taking it off showing the face of the girl I fell in love with. But what I was looking at wasn't her, her skin no longer looked tan as it did before as if she was avoiding sunlight for months, her eyes were no longer the prettiest shade of brown. Instead, they were just plain white and lifeless, and empty. I watched her get into the ring and it just wasn't right at all, her movements and posture just screamed creepy. I couldn't watch her anymore as she just seemed withdrawn from reality.

We locked eyes for a second only for her face to contort into disgust mixed with astonishment to see me in the ring before she looked all of us up and down before raising a hand slowly as the lights start to come back to normal, she was no longer my Zarlie. Sarah pulled me back and tried to get me out of the ring.

"Ruby.. please win this match and bring her back," Sarah said before we got out leaving Ruby standing in front of Zarlie. Ruby gave us a slight nod as the bell rings to start the match before turning around only to be met with a close line. Just hearing the amount of force to knock Ruby down hurt to watch.

Watching the match from the sidelines wasn't pretty, the crowd was even confused and didn't know how to react.

(A/N: I'm so sorry for this chapter being short if it shows up as so. I've been busy and just wanted to give you guys an update at least. But the next chapter will be longer I promise and I hope you guys like it. Lemme know what you guys think and hope everything is going well for ya if not I'm sorry and hopefully everything get better. I love you guys so much!!! Stay strong my heartless babes!!)

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