I'm Coming Home

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After leaving the hospital with my dad by my side, we went to IHOP to get some food since hospital food is gross. Well everyone knows that, hopefully. My dad seemed happier now that he has me talking again, everything seems okay again and it will stay that way.

Jeff and Ryan were going back and forth about how Riott Squad would be hell with me now in their group and under their wing. Liv and Ruby just shook their heads while Sarah just high fives me.

"Seeing how she handled Paige and Alexa by herself that one night... we knew she was gonna have people after her so why not let her have some backup. She already hangs out with us a lot so why not?" Liv said flipping her now pink hair which looked good on her before swinging an arm over my shoulder which oddly made me blush a bit. I think Nia saw it because she smirked at me and then winked before talking to my dad once again. I was confused for a bit then excused myself to go to the bathroom, I threw some cold water on my face patting it dry hoping to cool my burning face I look at my reflection to see that Liv was behind me. 

"Do you like me or something Zarlielyn?"  She asked walking closer to me like a predator, I was hoping she would stop walking closer to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about Liv," I said looking her in the eye, leaning against a wall trying to keep my cool. With her being so close I slowly felt like my self-control was slipping away. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Zar. You don't think I don't see the way you look at me? Or the way you blush when we make contact?" She says standing in front of me our shoes touching as I look up at her through my hair.

"Liv why are you so close to me?" I asked softly biting my lip as I look into her eyes trying to read her, but failed.

"Cause you won't answer my question, and I want an answer. Do. You. Like. Me?" She asked again looking into my eyes. I wanted to say yes, but nothing came out of my mouth; like I felt my jaw drop as if I was going to say something.

She smirked thinking that was a yes before leaning in as if she was going to kiss me. My whole body froze up thinking that this was a trap, but she moved to kiss my cheek.

"You are too adorable Zarlielyn, but I don't go that way for just anyone," Liv said with a soft smile placing her hand on my cheek.

I muttered thanks before biting my lip thinking "fuck it" and I moved closer sealing the small gap between us and placing my lips on her. Whether it was my first kiss are not, I couldn't help the urge to do this. The way her soft lips touched mine felt like I could be in another world, but what I didn't know is that she did not push me away like I thought she would. Liv pulled me in, closer to her if that was even humanly possible. I wrapped my arms around her waist as hers were around my shoulders, just kissing her made me feel alive like my heart is going to beat out of my chest from her touch. 

It may not have been like feeling fireworks like they say in the movies, but the butterflies in my stomach were real for a minute. Nothing else matter and we were the only two standing in this place, and I was okay with that.

We both pulled away with a breathless giggle, I opened my eyes to see her looking at me before the door opened making us jump away from each other hiding what we were doing beforehand. Only to see Sarah walk in and see us then smile, but she walked over to me whispering in my ear:

"Be careful with her, she's the wild card of the group." Then she left with Liv behind her. Once I was all alone I was replaying that kiss in my head and couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my face.

I walked back out to the table and saw that my food was watching for me. When I sat down to eat Liv was watching me slightly until I looked up and made awkward eye contact without others noticing. We both blushed going back to eating our food. 

After we all finished eating we went our separate ways, Ryan, My dad and I got in the Hummer where Jeff was waiting. 

"So you know that with you being able to talk again, you won't be able to avoid interviews and promos once ya get 'em right," Ryan said looking at me from the rearview mirror. I nodded knowing it was gonna happen sooner or later no matter what. Oddly I was okay with that, cause this is what my dad goes through, and it's something now I have to go through. 

"Yeah I know, but hey at least we know I can handle it to a point. That's why I got the squad with me." I said biting my lip knowing they won't be there every time.


I'm so sorry for the late update guys, I nearly forgot to post the chapter. Thank you, guys, for reading and adding to reading lists and voting. Means a lot to me that you guys like the book

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