I Just Wanna Go Home...

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It's only been a few days I think and still is tied up in a chair the two goons barely feed me which I feel wouldn't even stay down. If I wasn't so weak I'd be pissed about my Motionless In White tank top that is now soaked in blood and ripped.

Scar would come in every now and then to check on me and tend to cuts and bruises from Sandy. They moved me to a different room when I was unconscious, at this point in time I just wanted everything to be over. I didn't want to be home and face my dad, everything just slowly left me as if I was becoming nothing more than a shell of a human body. They broke me down for the past few days everything left me or so it feels that way; the fight I had in me, my joy, pride, the will to carry on. It was all gone, and by everything that was done I had a strong doubt it would come back.

Scar would sometimes stop Sandy from going overboard. I was whipped, beaten, punched, kicked, and was even used as a so-called canvas as Sandy has put it. I could barely talk now from all the screaming in pain and begging for help. But help never came, I was slowly giving up on hoping that someone would come to save me. The abuse here was too much for anyone to take, I couldn't tell if my dad was restless or going insane.

Sandy was always saying that he'd never want someone like me as a daughter now and that no one would ever want me. By the time I closed my eyes, I heard the door open and I looked up only to see the face of the monster I'd grown to fear. The smirk on his face told me that I was going to have it worse than at other times.

"Be a good girl and not scream or else I will make it worse for you, you little bitch." Sandy said as he grabbed brass knuckles with an evil smirk as he touched my cheek. Naturally, at his touch, I flinched but I forgot that I wasn't supposed to. That didn't sit right with him so he punched me in the stomach with the brass knuckles causing me to whimper in pain, not really screaming. Punch after punch he kept going until I yelped in pain from him hitting me in the ribs. He smirked as he took off the brass knuckles making me look at him.

"Because of your father, I have to give up my play toy," Sandy said as he unties me from the chair before punching me in the stomach making me double over in pain. My body was sore and bloodied all over from him punching me and craving things into my skin. Scar pushed him away and picked me up carrying my body to my dad, who is supposedly there. I could faintly hear screams and shouting, Scar held me tighter to him and it threw me off a bit because he kept my dad from grabbing me. He was the only one that didn't cause any harm to me, just tended to the wounds and stayed to keep me company.

He never really did hurt me, unlike Sandy on the other hand. I thought I was going to die without seeing my dad or Jeff or Nia ever again.

"Give me my daughter back right now, you son of a bitch!" Is all I hear before passing out in Scar's arms

^^ Finn's POV^^

Seeing her in that condition had my blood boiling and I wanted to rip apart the ones who hurt her. My baby girl was back in my arms and I'm never letting her go again. I felt bad for yelling at her about the whole Alexa thing, after Zarlielyn left Nia explained everything. She was only protecting her friend, her sister and I didn't see that all because I didn't want her hurt.

Ryan drove us to the hospital, I was looking down at Zarlielyn and nearly cried at the sight. She was covered in cuts and bruises, works were carved into her skin and she lost a lot of weight. Which told me they didn't feed her that much, it's been nearly two months and now I can sleep knowing my daughter is safe with me. I lifted her shirt seeing the words on her skin and slightly growled holding her close to me, I was sure as hell not going to let her go again. Those assholes were going to pay for touching my daughter and hurting her, by the time I saw we were pulling up to the hospital I carried her in for immediate care. As the doctors and nurses were tending to her, I called Nia and Jeff saying I got her back. I was also in need of people around me whom I saw as a family because I nearly broke down right then and there. Nia and Jeff are a bit like my Zar, so it calmed me down a bit.

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