Graveyard meeting.

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It's a beautiful summers day and yet again she was back at the graveyard to visit all the long forgotten graves in one of Londons oldest cemeterys. It was always so calm here, its one of the things she loved to do as often as she could. She had always had an affinity for graveyards, gazing at the names, wondering who each person was and what their life was like. She liked to think they would enjoy having someone to read their names, have their legacy mentioned once again now no one else was left to visit them.

The calm and serenity of this often forgotten part of the cemetery is always so relaxing, So much quiet, somewhere to gather her thoughts. Today she brought her notebook, thinking she might sketch some of the people who's names appear on the moss covered gravestones in front of her. She didnt know what they looked like but she often liked to imagine how they would be, how they would be dressed and make up little life stories for them all. Finding a bench under a tree for shade she pulled out her notebook and started sketching.

Something caught her eye and looking up she saw a man slowly walking through the graves, stopping to read each gravestone. He pauses at each one for a moment then continues on to the next.

She caught glimpses of his face, captivated by his features. This man was incredibly handsome. He's not too tall and is casually dressed in a band tshirt and jeans, an outfit not dissimilar to yours. A loose jacket thrown over the top. The breeze is blowing his long black hair gently. She couldn't help but watch him, normally people don't venture to this old part very often.

Suddenly she realised while lost in though he had turned around and was staring straight back at her. Their eyes met for a brief moment then blushing she looked away quickly and back down at her drawing. Flustered, she started to redraw lines already drawn to seem busy, not daring to look back up yet.

'Did you know any of these people' His voice startled her making her jump. Looking up at him he's even more breathtaking close up and a small gasp escapes her lips. His hazel green eyes were sparkling in the sunlight and she felt like she could lose herself in them.

'Um...sorry no, these are all from so very long ago and I'm not sure if any of them have living relatives left.' She said quietly snapping out of her thoughts.

She just couldn't take her eyes off him as he walked closer to sit beside her on the bench. She no longer cared if she was staring, she couldn't remember another time she was so speechless In the presence of someone.

'I like to visit old graveyards back home' he started to say. 'I always find it so sad to think of all these lives that have no one left to remember them'

' too...' she stammered 'I to read all the names and let them be remembered for a few moments. It feels like they would want that'

He turned back to her and smiled, his face softening at finding a kindred spirit.

'I'm Gerard, I'm visiting London for a while and was missing my walks through the graveyards back home. I stumbled across this place, it just so beautiful here. The graves are so much older than in my town.'

Both caught in chatter for a while, beginning to make up stories for the names together, each story getting wilder and wilder until they were both giggling. The sky starts to darken to an orange hue and she realises you have both been sat there for hours lost in conversation.

'It's getting late, the gates will be closing soon' she says almost sadly, not wanting this to end so soon.

He turns to look her in the eye, once again she found herself lost in his eyes.

'Would you meet me here again tomorrow? I wish we could stay longer' He says hopefully, his eyebrows raising slightly

'Of course, I'll be here all day tomorrow' You smile, excited to spend more time with this man.

He slowly reaches up and places his hand along your cheek, she smiled again, a blush creeping over her face.

'I've been wanting to do this all day' His voice almost a whisper. He leans in towards her and brushes his lips delicately on hers before pulling her in towards him for a more passionate kiss.

Electric surges through her as she wraps her arms around his neck, their lips moving in perfect rhythm. A small moan escapes him as his hand start to feel around her hips, lightly squeezing her and pulling her in even closer. For that moment she was no longer aware of her surroundings only of the man in front of her, the heat of their two bodies embraced in this heated kiss. The feel of his hands around her body, his lips gentle yet forceful on hers.

He pulls away slowly, almost breathless and rests his forehead gently against hers.

'Shall I walk you home?' He asks with a wry smile and a twinkle In his eye.

'Oh yes, absolutely you should.' She says breathily, still consumed by the moment they just shared. Already in the knowledge she will be inviting him in, eager to feel his lips and body against hers again. She leans in once more, placing her lips on his for one more kiss before they both have to leave. Things are about to get a lot more interesting she think to herself.

Gerard way one shots/imagines Where stories live. Discover now