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She was on her third cup of coffee since she sat down in the cafe. It wasn't having any in effect today, if anything it was making her sleepier. She couldn't remember the last time she slept properly and wasn't just crashing from exhaustion. Well she could but she didn't want to think about it as that made her feel worse. It was the last night she spoke to him.

She sighed and absent mindedly sloshed her coffee round her cup in swirls as she thought back to that night. Everything had been going so well, he was on tour with the band and it was the first one she had joined along for. Things been great, they had all been having the times of their lives and she had made close friends with the other girlfriends of the band.

One night changed it all. It was so stupid, a silly argument that blew up out of no where and she had left. Grabbed her stuff and walked away. Fuck she was so stupid, she missed them all so much. Especially him. He hadn't returned any of her calls or made any contact with her since and she knew she had blown it. She would do anything to turn back time.

29 days since she spoke to him. 29 days too long. The other girls had been keeping her updated, he'd become withdrawn and wouldn't talk about her. They tried their best for her she knew that but she just missed him too much.

Resting her head on the table with a small thud she felt tears slowly and silently slide down her face. Each one dropping onto the table forming a tiny puddle. She just let the tears flow not caring who saw. She barely even registered when someone slid in the chair opposite her in the booth.

'Hey' a familiar voice said quietly making her jump and sit up straight.

'Gee......' She whispered, it was him how had he even known she was there.

The sound of his nickname made his signature half smile appear for a brief second before the sad expression returned.

'I missed you' He said simply.

'I missed you too, that's why I tried to make contact! Why didn't you answer any of my calls or messages? I tried all month to apologise to make things right, fuck it wasnt even a deep argument Gee. It's like you don't care anymore' she said exasperated.

'What do you mean I don’t care? You asked for space. I gave you space. Is that not caring about what you want?'

They both went silent just staring at each other. They knew this wasn't the way either of then wanted this to go. He sparked such an emotional response from her.

'Come back I miss you. Look I'm sorry I really thought you wanted space and then I was scared to answer in case I fucked it up again. I don't want to lose you' He said his eyebrows furrowed in a worried expression.

'Gee...I...' She started but he cut her off.

'Please come back, I've been a mess and I was stupid. So so stupid. Please?'

'Yes Gee I'll come back, of course I will, I always do but this is the last time though, no more I can't take it"

Pulling her out of her seat and into his arms he held her tight, so tight she could feel his heartbeat thumping against her chest. He pulled back slightly and placed his lips against hers, she almost forgot how soft and warm they were and felt herself melting into the kiss against her better judgement. She didn't know if things would improve but she knew she still wanted to try.

'Come on let's get you home' He whispered pulling away and resting his head against her forehead.

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