Life is but a drink for the dead

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Looking around everything was fuzzy, she could tell she was sat in a car and there was glass everywhere. She must have crashed but the memory was hazy. Through the window she could see a man staring at her wearing an all black military style uniform. His hair was shockingly white against his clothing. She had seen him many times before, he always came for her.

She blinked and he was next to her in the car looking forlorn. He turned to look at her and cupped her cheek in his hand briefly.

'Its still not your time, I can't take you yet' He said sadly.

'Why do you keep coming if you won't take me?' She needed to know, she had been seeing him since she turned 18 and she was 33 now. He always stayed with her until help came but he would never explain why he had always done this.

'You know why I come, to see you it's the only time I can. You have to stop getting into these accidents.' He said sobre, sadness laced into his words.

'Take me with you then, I want to go with you' she pushed.

'You know I cant do that. I'll make you a deal I'll explain how I can be here and you will be more careful?' He took her hand in his as he spoke.

'Maybe' she replied with a smile. They had grown this attachment between them over the years. Fifteen years of snippets of time together had all added up to something more, she wanted to go with him now she knew that meant death but she was ready.

'I'm death, like a reaper I take the souls and deliver them to their final destination. Everytime I see you it means someone else has died.' He stated simply.

'Oh. So your with me waiting for them?'

'No, I might hold off a little longer than I should to spend time with you. When it's your time I'll take you with me I promise.' He placed his lips against hers at the last word and she kissed him back deeply never knowing when she would feel his soft lips on hers again.

He pulled away and started to leave and she couldn't do anything but watch as he walked away, she was still trapped in the car.


It had been a year since she last saw him but here he was walking towards her once again. She was lying at the bottom of her stairs this time but she couldn't sit up and knew something was broken inside of her. He approached and kneeled down beside her.

'Its still not your time my love, I hate seeing you in pain whenever we meet' He said leaning down and pressing his lips to hers once again. She had missed that so much.

'Who's dying then if its not me? Look at me, it has to be my time no one else is here. Take me instead.' She pleaded.

He brushed the hair from her face delicately, then began stroking her cheek all the while staring into her eyes sadly.

'Someone got hit by a car outside your house but I couldn't be this close And not see you' she couldn't tell if that was tears in his eyes.

'Take me please.' She pleaded again as he walked away.


Five years past and she saw him three more times, it was getting harder to see him walk away each time. She couldn't understand why he couldn't take her if she was ready to go. How had she fallen In love with death himself. He was intoxicating she welcomed death if it meant she could have him.


Another six months had passed and she was now laying in a hospital bed, she was deteriorating from an infection and the only thing stopping her from being scared was knowing he would be there at the end. This had to be it this time she was fed up muddling through life waiting for him, one accident to the next and now she had no desire to get better.

Then he was there leaning over her bed stroking her hair again as he always did.

'Take me with you this time Gerard' she asked looking into his deep green eyes.

'Its finally time' He smiled leaning down to kiss her once again. The kiss was more intense than it had ever been, she felt electric shocks all over her body as she pulled him closer kissing him desperately. It was almost as if they were floating lost in each others passion.

When he pulled away they were no longer in the hospital. She realised they were sat on a bench overlooking a lake, its borders full of large pine trees. It was beautiful even though it seemed a little off. Everything had a slightly grey tone like someone had turned the colour saturation down.

'Where are we?' She asked taking in every detail of the stunningly bleak scenery.

'Home. My home. It's all arranged you will spend your death here with me if you want to. I'll still have to collect souls but from now on it will just be us' she had never seen him smile so broad, they had waited so long.

'I've wanted this since I first saw you' she said and rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him.

'Welcome home'

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