The commute.

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Figting her way through the crowd she manged to dodge and weave her way on to the crowded train platform.  She hated using the underground to get anywhere but being perpetually late it was the quickest route. She had another reason lately, he might be there.

The last few weeks they had been bumping into each other on the commute both heading into Central London. He always got off one stop before her and so many times she had been tempted to jump off at his station and try and talk to him, never being close enough on the train to start a conversation. The fear of sounding stupid put her off though, she never was one with words.

8.52, that was the train she needed to catch and he was always in the last carriage. Even though they had never spoken and only glanced at each other through the tangle of bodies crammed into the train, she couldn't bear to miss him now. One day she would strike up the courage...Well she hoped! Until then she was taking the position of just being present, even though that wasn't working too well.

There was something about him, he was different to most of the guys she saw. His face a little rounder, softer, his nose small and a half smile that melted her from the inside out. His hair was to his shoulders and often when he was scribbling away in his notebook it fell in front of his eyes.

Get a grip she thought to herself, like he would be interested in her. Plus he was probably married or at least seeing someone. I mean that would be just her luck.

She could hear the train pulling in to the station and made a run for it down the platform towards the last carriage. She had to be quick through the crowd or the doors would close and she would have missed her opportunity to see him today. The doors started to beep indicating she needed to hurry. She ducked around someone and practically threw herself onto the train just as the doors closed behind her.

The force of her leap into the carriage caught her off guard and she felt herself collide straight into the back of someone sending them both crashing to the ground. She could already feel the heat of embarrassment rising through her and flustered turned to apologise to the poor person she had just crushed into the gound.

Fuck. It was him. If only the ground could swallow her up now, the only thing worse than him witnessing her disastrous ways was him becoming a part of it.

'Hey are you OK?' He asked with concern written all over his face.

His American accent took her back, she hadn't expected that. His voice was soft and warm amd she had to shake herself out of it to reply to him.

'Oh I'm fine just clumsy! I'm so so sorry did I hurt you? I was panicked about missing the train' she gave a nervous smile back and helped him to his feet.

He laughed and gave that smile, the same smile she hadnt been able to get out of her head the last few weeks. He must think she was such an idiot knocking him over like that. 

'They must work you pretty hard to make you so scared to be late' He laughed dusting himself down.

'Yeah, that and my terrible time keeping' she replied trying not to think of all the faces in the carriage watching on for the drama.

'I'm Gerard, I've seen you before quite a few times, I didn't expect the first time we spoke to be quite so eventful' He laughed and she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

'I really am sorry I'd say I'm not normally so.....eventful but I can never seem to avoid it'

'Well I'd be quite interested in spending more time around you then and seeing what trouble we could get into' He spoke quieter and lent in aware of all the people listening in. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest and she was trying to hide her breathing growing heavier.

'Oh...Well I'm free after work today if your not busy' she regretted it the minute she said it knowing he would knock her back.

'I'll meet you on your platform at 6, looking forward to the adverure' He smiled and whispered into her ear before walking away towards the doors. She hadn't realised they had reached his stop already. He stood outside of the carriage and with a nod he blended into the crowd.

She was still lost in what had happened and nearly missed her stop. She couldn't wait to see what tonight would hold.

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