The problem with drink.

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She was exhausted, it had been a really long day at work today and she hadn't moved from the sofa since she got home. Her whole body ached and felt heavy from wearyness, she hadn't been sleeping well worrying about him. Gerard. Her best friend.

He had been avoiding her calls the last two days and she just couldn't understand what was going on with him. He normally came over to her place most evenings after his regursals and they would sit and read comic books or watch TV and just talk rubbish until the early hours.

Something changed the other day though and he never showed up, and now he wouldn't answer her calls. She knew he was doing OK as her other friends were keeping her updated. She missed him deeply though, the last two nights had been too quiet.

Bang bang bang! She jolted awake, she must have fallen asleep on the sofa and she was still in her work uniform. The banging continued against her front door and stood unsure what to do, mentally assessing if this was danger. There was one final thump then silence.

She crept over to the door and looked through the spy hole to be greeted with the sight of Gerard slumped against the wall opposite the door. He had his hair over his face, his jacket half off one arm.

She sighed and opened the door, wondering what the hell was going on.

'What the hell are you doing! You scared me I thought someone was breaking in!' She yelled at him.

He looked up through his hair a smile on his face and she could tell he was drunk. Gerard didn't drink he had been sober for years, this worried her now what's happened to make him need to drink?

He stood, unsteady on his feet and stumbled past her into her apartment throwing himself down on the sofa and almost falling back off again.

Closing the door and walking over to him she debated whether to get some coffee in him before talking to him. Instead he pulled her down onto the sofa next to him.

'Shhh...I'm drunk don't tell anyone' He giggled holding one finger upto his mouth.

'Gee, you don't drink what's going on with you? You've worked so hard why now?'

He just smiled and promptly fell asleep.

She sat with him waiting for him to sleep it off. She didnt have work tomorrow and was worried if she went to bed he would wander off to get more booze.

After three long hours of trash TV he finally opened his eyes again, groaning and rubbing his head.

'Welcome back Gee, was wondering how long you were going to be out for . Now what the hell are you playing at!' She punched his arm lightly and he groaned again.

'Woah, go easy on me my head hurting already' He said rubbing his temples. 'Look don't judge me it's been a lot ok, the tour starts in a week and what if I'm not as good as I used to be? What if I can't perform and they all hate it? It's been so hyped up!'

'Oh Gee, come on its just nerves, you did years without needing the alcohol, call me next time please Ill help you through. Your amazing and you know your fans would support you if all you did was walk on stage and do nothing!' She grbbed both his hands looking him in the eye wanting him to know she was there for him.

He looked right in her eyes then and said 'there's one other thing'

'What?' She asked deeply worried

And then before she knew what was happening he had leant forward placing his lips against hers. He paused as if waiting to see if she would push him away but instead she wrapped her hands around his neck and started to kiss him back. He pulled her even closer, kissing her harder one hand on her face.

'I've wanted this for so long, I was so worried you wouldn't want me as more than a friend' He broke away breathless to speak

'You idiot Gee, I've always loved you'

He smiled, the sparkle now back in his eyes.

'Come on tour with me' he said before leaning back in and kissing her again. 

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