The Ghost of you.

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Walking through the door she put her bags down and glanced around her apartment. She had just finished work at the bar down the street and it had been a rough night filled with creeps trying to hit on her.

'Gee?' She asked quietly. There was no one else she wanted to see more than him right now. He had been visiting most nights recently, she would come home after a bad day and he would be there ready to listen to her rant away about her job and catch him up on what Mikey, Frank and Ray had been doing. He hadn't visited them yet and she cherished he came to her so often.

'In here you should see this TV show its nuts!' She heard his voice from the living room instant relief flowing through her that he came back as she never knew when he would disappear again. The first time had been a major shock as it had been five years since she saw his face, it looked no different now with his green eyes and long hair just as he always had been.

She sat down in the sofa next to him with a smile and saw he was watching cartoons again. She had taken to leaving the TV on for him now when she went to work as he could never seem to work the thing himself.

'You seen the guys yet?' She asked him hopefully, they really did miss him and she knew she couldn't keep him to herself forever.

'Not yet, I haven't worked it all out yet and I don't even know how they would react especially after so long now. I don't know if they would freak out if i just turned up out of the blue' He said with a sad look on his face.

God he looked so good just sitting there. She wished she could go over and cuddle up to him, stroke his face or just hold his hand. Things were different now though and she was just happy he kept coming to visit her so often and she never wanted him to stop.

'I could talk to them, I mean it could go either way but I could tell them how you've been here with me and see if they wanted to see you' she said and reached over putting her hand next to his but not quite touching him. He glanced down at their hands and raised his as if he was thinking of taking her hand but then just put it back down next to hers instead.

'I don't know, can you imagine the looks on their faces when you say I've been visiting you for months without seeing them? Especially Mikey...I don't know if it's for the best they don't know'

'Gee, it so hard keeping this to myself they are all missing you so much and I hate seeing them like this, it's never got easier for any of us and here I am keeping you to myself'

'I don't know, this whole situation is so crazy what if they don't understand' He said turning to look directly at her now and she noticed how sad his eyes looked. This must be just as hard on him she thought not knowing what to do to make things better, she was aching to just take him in her arms but she held back again.

'We could meet them there, you know the place. I always meet them there anyway and it could be a good place to bring it up?' She said raising her eyebrows and looking for confirmation he would try.

'You know I don't like that place it's creepy and not in the good way. It makes it all so real you know? What happened and I don't know if they will be angry at me for it' He said moving his hands onto his lap.

'No pressure Gee, only when your ready OK? But please know they are not angry for what happened we all know it was an accident didn't mean it to happen. Gee we love you'

'You still love me? Even after what happened and how long I was gone?' He raised his eyebrows in shock like he hadn't even thought her feeling had never changed. Of course she still loved him and if anything the accident made it clearer how much she loved him. She just wished it wasn't so different now.

'Ok, gather the guys see if they will meet you there now before I change my mind.' He said his voice small now with nervousness of what they would say to him.

She nodded and started to ring round. First Frank, then Mikey and finally Ray. They were all confused why she wanted them to meet them there at such short notice but she knew they would come. They always did.

'You go. I'll meet you there and if they are OK I'll come out OK?' He said pacing up and down the floor now. This was going to be big for him, for all of them but it was a long time coming and she couldn't wait to share him with them.

She arrived before they did, and made her way to the spot. She had felt differently about this place before he had returned to her but now it was just a reminder of how different things had become. She found the spot and kneeled down in front of a stone, slowly running her hands over the words engraved into it.


His head stone, it still didn't feel real he had died in the accident. She missed holding him so much but at least she still had this, and the visits. She hoped it was real and she wasn't crazy that's why she needed him to appear to the guys too so she would know one way or another.

Slowly each one arrived and gave her a hug.

'Hear me out guys this is going to sound really out there but I have something to show you.' As she finished her sentence she felt him approach before she noticed each one of the guys faces drain with colour. So they did see him too.

'Thank fuck I'm not crazy, you guys are in for a wild ride now' She laughed as Frank fainted and Gerard stood next to her smiling.
The ghost of him living on.

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