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She felt crazy for doing this. It had been such a long time since they had seen each other, 6 long years since his band had taken off and made it big.
It wasn't even anything major that made them drift apart, it had just seemed like the wrong time for them. Both had been awkward, neither of them going for the next step in their relationship just a few stolen kisses here or there but never much coming from it. Even their friendship seemed to fizzle out once he started touring, calling her less often until eventually nothing. She didn't blame him though as they were just both at different points in their lives.

Now here she was standing outside the stadium waiting to get in to see his show. She had got here really early and queued with the hard-core fans to try and guarantee getting near the front during the show. She felt crazy the whole time, she kept thinking about what he would think of he spotted her would he be annoyed at her? Pleased to see her maybe?
She wasn't even sure if she wanted to be spotted by him.

She kept thinking of that sweet funny Gerard she knew back then and it made her have this need to see him happy, knowing he was having fun and loving what he was doing. She had been seeing online all the comments on him and the nostalgia was hitting hard, she missed her Gerard and cursed herself for not pushing more over the years to stay in contact.

Once in the stadium she found she was at the barrier and was now considering if she should do this. Maybe she could just watch from the back of the standing area but she couldnt move her feet. They suddenly felt heavy like lead weights were in her shoes. The wait was just making the anxiety kick in more and she could feel the crowd closing in around her and the familiar feeling of panic set in.

The first song music began and she thought her knees were going to give way. She tried to concentrate on the feeling of the cool metal from the barrier in her hands, the sounds of cheering coming from the crowd and the cool summer breeze against her skin.

Then she saw him.

It was like things were moving in slow motion as he walked across the stage and upto the microphone. He looked just as good as in the photos she had seen, slight stubble and his hair now long and down to his shoulders. He was wearing a simple tshirt and jeans and a smile that could melt the hearts of everyone in the crowd.

Her Gerard.

For the first song he didn't look down to where she was so she just soaked it all in, the way he moved across the stage and the sounds of his voice. It wasn't until the third song he looked down and saw her, it seemed to throw him off his stride for a second and she just gave him a very small wave with a smile. He was beaming at her now, his eyes full of surprise and he kept stealing glances back until the song ended where he ran off to the back of the stage. Seeing his smile made her feel warm all over, like a blanket wrapped around her and if that's all that came from tonight she would be satisfied.

He came back into view and glanced back down towards her with a wink before starting the next song. The crowd was going wild but she couldnt join in she was just mesmerised by him, his stage presence was astounding and he knew just how to command a crowd.

Security came closer to her blocking her view and snapping her out of trance, that's when she realised he was trying to speak to her. Leaning further across the barrier she asked the security guy to repeat what he said.

'Come round the barrier please, I've been asked to bring you to the side of stage' He said pointing to the route out of the pit. She thought she must have misheard but worked her way through the people, always someone grateful to take her place further forward as she snaked her way out.

Security beckoned her forward leading her around the stage and up some steps until she found her self at the side of the stage watching them play the end of the song. And then he was in front of her engulfing her in the biggest hug she had ever felt, his body felt so warm pressed up against hers the familiar feeling of being wrapped in his arms making her flush.

'Stay here until the sets finished I can't believe your here! We have so much to catch her up on' He said before kissing her lightly on the cheek and walking back on to stage. She touched her face where his lips had been and couldn't help smiling at how happy he had been to see her although she tried not to let her thoughts wander too far.

By the last song of the encore she was starting to feel the panic set in, he had run back for another hug before the encore and now this was it, the show was ending and she didn't know if he would stay and chat or try and get away quickly. She second guessed herself at every thought wondering if he was just being polite to her.

Next thing she knew they all bundled off stage sweaty and euphoric from preforming. Each of the guys gave her a hug pleased to see her again and encouraging her to hang out with them before disappearing off to get in their cars to their hotel.

Now it was just him in front of her.

Her Gerard.

She felt more nervous than she should considering how long they had been friends, it wasnt like they had fallen out or anything. He walked forward almost sheepish now, not the enthusiasm of earlier and she was worried he was thinking of a way to say something then leave. She opened her mouth to speak but before the words could come out he leaned in and kissed her. His lips felt better on hers than she had ever imagined, soft but firm and just the hint of saltiness from where he had been sweating.

He pulled back and ran his hand through his hair looking vulnerable and not the confident man he had been throughout the show.

'Sorry I shouldn't have, I've just wanted to do that for so long' He said with his hands still in his hair.

She didn't hesitate and grabbed the front of his tshirt in her hand and with a smile pulled him back in for another kiss. She felt him smile against her lips, his hand move around her waist pulling their bodies closer together. He pushed forward a little so her back was now against the wall the weight of him pinning her against it as his lips started to move down her neck only stopping occasionally to gently nip at her skin making little moans escape from her.

'I've always loved you, you know that right' He spoke between kisses, his lips now on her again.
'Stay on tour with us, we have too much time to make up for i dont want to lose you this time' He continued before his tongue found hers.

Her head was spinning now, heat and desire rushing through her but she knew exactly what she was going to do. There was never no doubt and this was more than she ever could have hoped for.

'Take me home Gee, I love you too'

Gerard way one shots/imagines Where stories live. Discover now