Chapter 7

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Dior's First Person POV

Feeling the heat shining on my face I turn my head away, wanting the darkness to engulf me again. Heat? Like almost like the sun. With the thought of the sun, I snap my eyes open almost as hard as to get whiplash. Look around, take in my surroundings and make sure I'm in the same room. I see Victor. I think that it was his name. Tilting my head, I stare at him, stayed with me? The whole night nobody stayed with me for that long. Relaxing looking at the man site I got to his slow-paced heartbeat it soothed me.

Grabbing the bed sheets the best that I can I sit up only to let out a wince and have my body scream in pain. Shutting my eyes I try to let my body calm down from the intense burning pain. Resting against a comforting pillow, I take a look at Victor again. He looked so peaceful. I wonder if I will be at peace again. Victor had his eyes closed, his eyelashes resting against his soft cheeks yet defined cheeks.

A soft grunt came out of his lips as the sun came to cover his face from the window. He turned his head with a disturbed pout but that did seem to lure him back to sleep. He sat up softly opening himself to stretch his body. Cracking his neck, he looked over to me to see me awake

"Oh you're awake," he said, making his brown orbs meet my blue eyes. Sitting up properly he continued "Did you have a good sleep?"

Blinking at him slowly I give a small nod entwining my finger I play with them.

"That's good! How about some breakfast," Victor questioned, softly keeping his tone quiet enough that I can hear. I think it's because he doesn't want to scare me again.

But when I do think about it I am a little bit hungry. Oh! I hope I get that good thing I had before. Looking up at him I softly nod.

"Great then I text the guys Luke, Sean, North, and Silas should be on their way actually," Victor said looking down at his rectangle thing that lights up.

With that it was silent from then on he was looking down at his rectangle thing. Feeling quite uncomfortable I shifted in the bed only to feel pressure on my bruise. Letting out a groan as my body fired up, throwing my head back I grabbed onto my waist with my bandaged hands.

Feeling a pair of hands-on on top of mine. Looking down at his slender fingers. I look up to see Victor kneeling against the bed. Panic at how unexpectedly close he is to me.

"Hey it's okay, it's okay . . ." Victor whispered, meeting my eyes and saying it soothingly. He nodded slowly as I calmed my breathing.

He looked down at my waist to see that I was bleeding out. He put more pressure on my waist only to make me let out a whimper. I watched Victor's moves as he pulled out his rectangle square thing. As my vision blurred a little bit Victor hurried and started pressing it. Then it let out the ring and then a voice came out of it. It sounded a lot like Sean but I couldn't figure it out. I was beginning to feel myself falling out of it.

"Victor what's up," a voice came out of the rectangle thing. I glanced at as my eyes keept flutter while my pain suddenly went numb.

"Sean quick come as fast as you can Dior is bleeding like really bad," Victor said trying to hide the panic in his voice.

"Okay stay calm victor and keep putting pressure on it, make sure she doesn't pass out. We're about fifteen minutes out, I'll. stay on the line". Sean said on the other side. Shutting my eyes closed, I gently lean my head forward.

Victor standing up he sat on the edge of the bed pulling me closer whispered in my ear, "Stay awake sleeping beauty,".

Hearing his voice in my ear I snap awake slightly. Looked up to meet his eyes, the intense fire in his eyes. He moved closer to the point where we were facing each other.

"That's right, good girl,". Victor whispered, tilting his head and adjusting his hand on my waist.

"Victor, is the beeding decreasing?" Sean asked from the rectangle thing.

"Yeah but not by a lot, how far are you out?" Victor asked, focusing his attention on the conversation which gave him a chance to go to sleep, just a small nap he won't even notice.

I let my eyes close with peace. As everything tuned out I was almost there in the kingdom of sleep.

As I felt a huge sharp pain on my waist as I snapped awake as Victor said softly "Ah, I don't think so beautiful."

The door burst open as I looked at the door to see the 4 men at the door. Sean rushed over to me Victor moved his hands that are soaked with my blood. I let out a small whine reaching out for Victor's hands. He grabbed onto my hand as I fell into a deep sleep as Sean handed out orders.

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