𝐒𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤, 𝐡𝐮𝐡.

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It was early in the morning, it was also a holiday, so there was no school for any of them today. Anne turned over to look at sleeping Marcy. She sat up from the bed and placed a hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. Let's just say her forehead was really hot.

'Seriously? She's still sick!? Okay I think I'll just try and get the plantars, my parents, and Sasha over here to help.' Anne thought.


Once, the plantars, the boonchuys, and Sasha got to Anne's house, sprig put his pink frog hand on Marcy's forehead to check her temperature.

"She's really hot and sweaty, I think we should leave her alone and give her some time to rest, plus we have to go to the supermarket for some shopping." Sasha said.

"Everyone should give her some time to rest, for now." Sprig agreed.

"Anne?" Marcy called, causing everyone in the room to look in her direction.


"WHATTTTTTT????" Everyone in the room yelled, at the same time.

She reached over towards Anne with a happy grin on her face.

"Marbles, no joking around you're sick, you need to get better for tomorrow." Sasha said

"Aww... but i want to cuddle with Anne.." Marcy whined with a sad look.

Sasha looked over at Anne who had an embarrassed look and a flushed face. She smirked as she saw the expression on the brunettes face.

Anne quickly stormed out of the room to avoid anymore embarrassing moments and Sasha chuckled as she followed behind her.


After Anne's mom and Anne's dad had finished going shopping for food to cook Marcy, Anne is seen in the kitchen with an apron labeled "Kiss the cook" that Polly had given to her, but for some reason Polly was acting weird when she gave it to her, she kept shooting her a weird smirk, and you just know that when Polly smiles like that she's planning something evil.

Marcy's eyes peek up from the kitchen counter as she snuck up on Anne. "Marcy, I wasn't born yesterday. I can see you, now go back to bed." Anne demanded.

"Hehe~ what are you doing?" Marcy asked with a goofy smile on her face and a soft tone.

"I'm making you food, your sick. Go back to your room. You need some rest and you aren't going to get any better without more rest." Anne demanded, once again.

Marcy stayed silent as she looked Anne up and down with a serious look on her face which began to make Anne feel a little embarrassed. "Hmmmm..." is what the black headed girl said as she started leaning in towards her. Anne quickly noticed how Marcy was acting and started to get concerned for her. 'I don't think she realizes how close she is to me right now..' Anne thought.

Anne turned away from Marcy, pushing her slightly from getting any closer to his face. "W-what are you doing marbles...?"

"What are you talking about Anne? I'm doing what the apron says I'm Kissing the cook.~" Marcy responded.

"HUH? Im only wearing this because Polly gave it to me to wear while I cook so that I don't make a mess on my clothes, you don't actually have to do it idiot." Anne said as she softly karate chopped Marcy's head with one of her hands.

"Awww..." Marcy pouted said with a disappointed look on her face. But I really wanted to kiss you Anne.." She whined.

'What is she saying?' Anne thought as she felt her face burning up.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now