𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭.

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Marcy, Sasha, and Anne were sitting on the bench of the park eating ice cream for the day after school had ended.

It was the same park that they had met Sasha in, so they just visited for the memories and the fuzzy feeling. Also, you know how a certain smell takes you back to when you were young and you're just never able to identify where that scent was coming from but you still enjoy the feeling of being around that scent? Yeah, that's how the three ladies felt when they visited the park.

Marcy finished eating all of her ice cream and got up from the bench they were all sitting on. "Welp, visiting this park was a good feeling, but we all have to go home soon. You guys want to do some of the things we used to do for some memories?" Marcy suggested.

"Yup! i'd love that!" Anne accepted.

"You guys want to hop over fences and spray paint our names on walls like we used to? That was so fun and it was hilarious when we'd get caught!" Sasha requested.

"Sure I guess, fine by me." Marcy said.


The three girls walked near a dark alley, near the quiet, side of town. Once they got in front of the alley they tried to open the gate that was prevented them from entering.

"Hey guys, should we hop the gate instead of struggling to open it? There's no point.jn waisting time trying to open it if it might just be locked." Marcy questioned.

"I agree with Marcy, there's no point in struggling to open the gate when you can just go the easy way. Anne, I think you should hop the gate first, you usually like the easy way anyways." Sasha agreed.

"Uh, sure?" Anne said.

Anne gripped her fingers onto the gate and used her strength to lift her body up as she used her feet to climb. Once she got on the other side of the gate she looked behind her into the dark alley snd then back at her friends. "Hey guys, doesn't this feel a little... sketchy..? I have a gut feeling and my gut feeling is usually wrong but something is telling me that we shouldn't be here." Anne fidgeted from behind the gate.

"It's okay Anne! Nothing bad will happen, we'll keep you safe!" Sasha assured.

Sasha gripped her fingers onto the gate and used her feet to climb over to the other side. Once she got to the other side of the gate where Anne was, she opened her mouth to speak. "Hey marce, you comin?"

"Yeah I'll be there!" Marcy assured.

Marcy gripped onto the gate but flinched and let go of the gate when she thought she saw a creepy figure walk out the alley wall and disappear in thin air out of the corner of her eye.

"Marce, you doin okay? You can't leave us hanging here." Sasha chuckled.

"Uh, yeah. I just thought I saw something." March said.

"Hey marce, if you still feel a little uneasy due to the fact that were about to spray paint in a creepy alley, there's nothing to be afraid of, we all have each other, we all protect each other. I don't want you to feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to do so let me know now please." Sasha said.

"Sash I'm fine, really. I don't really have the time to hang out with you guys so I want to make the most of the time I have with the both of you now. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine." Marcy assured.

Marcy once again gripped onto the gate and began to climb but stopped in her tracks once she saw something horrifying.

A dark figure appeared in thin air behind her two best friends. Marcy was petrified. It was a wiggly creature and it was dark with yellow eyes all over its body, it didn't even look like a human body, it was undescribable. And it had black ink trailing behind it wherever it walked.

Only did Marcy start moving once she noticed that the creature was moving closer to her two friends.

"Marcy? Is there something wrong with my fa-"

"GUYS MOVE!" Marcy screamed.

But she was too late. There wasn't enough time for her to leap over the gate and push them out of the way and sacrifice herself.

Marcy quickly shut her eyes, all she saw was black under her closed lids, but that didn't help at all. Her ears were still available. And she didn't like what she heard.

After a few seconds of silence, she opened her eyes. She didn't like what she saw either.


No movement.


Open eyes, but still no movement.

As Marcy came to a realization to what had happened, tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly hopped over the gate held both of her friends in her arms. Shaking as she struggled to take air into her lungs. Her heart ached. She let out a pained scream as she hugged the two of them tighter. She was just a teenager in a dark alley crying hysterically with two bloody girls in her arms.

'It's like defeating something and it comes back for revenge and puts two people you care for in a coma and you have to stand over their sleeping bodies and beg for forgiveness for letting that happen to them! It's just like your grades!'

Welp, I guess Marcy's mom was finally right about something for once.


That was an image she'd never wanted to see of the two people she loved most.


Marcy stood over Sasha and Anne's unconscious bodies on the hospital bed. And yes their in the same bed, it was a pretty big bed, one big enough for two people to fit in. I dont even know how the hospital managed to put them in the same room.

Their parents were outside waiting, oh God how worried they must be. Marcy hated herself, for getting her friends severely injured just because she wanted to feel so memories. Their parents must hate her, they aren't wrong for that feeling after all.

She gently held her arm out and took hold of both Sasha and Anne's hands. "This would have never happened if I had just listened to Anne's gut feeling."

Marcy cut out all her thought and started talking to the two girls in their sleep.

"I made a promise that I would protect you guys."

"But I broke that promise."

"I love you guys with all my heart."

"I'm sorry, for everything."

Sorry I haven't updated in like three days lol. Updates might be a lot slower since I broke my other phone. Also ignore if you see any typos because I'm using my extra phone and I kinds suck at typing on this one.

Feel free to yell at me for this angsty chapter.

And no this fanfic isn't done, there's far more to go.

This chapter has a total of 1184 words.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now