𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐭.

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Marcy left the hospital and took the bus to get back to her home. She knew that her mom would be at home waiting for her to get back for a scolding. But she was also sorta relieved that her dad was out for work, her mom was soft on scoldings, so it didn't really hurt her feelings as much. 

Marcy approached her home. Once she got in front of the door she slowly opened it to see her mother leaning against the dining room counter with a coffee mug in her hand. Surprisingly, she didn't look angry at all. Just...concerned.

Marcy slowly shut the door behind her, confused as to why her mother wasn't yelling at her. She slowly set down her coffee mug onto the counter and placed a hand tom her hip as she opened her mouth to speak.

"So, you've been acting differently, i'd like to know whats going on."

'Shit.' Marcy thought.

"U-U-Uh, I really don't know what you're talking about mom! I'm doing absolutely fine! If i wasn't doing okay i would absolutely tell you!" Marcy fake grinned.

Her mother then shot her a stern stare. "Don't lie to me girl. I know my daughter and I know when something is up. I've been here for way longer than you have, I wasn't born yesterday Marceline." 

Marcy stayed silent for a moment while glaring down at her feet before opening her mouth to speak again. "Well, i guess you found me out. There's no point in me playing dumb anymore."

"Mhm yeah I'm not an idiot. Now, there's no way that you would be feeling this bad for absolutely no reason, there has to be a reason for that. It must have taken a toll on your mental health because your grades are getting bad, and when something bad happens your grades never get bad so this situation must have been really bad if your grades are going down." She raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'll let you know about what's been going on lately, but do you promise you won't see me any differently?" Marcy asked.

"Marcy you're my daughter, i may not have been the best parent for the past few years but I would never see you as anything other than my daughter, i promise you that." She assured.

"Anne and Sasha are in the hospital."


"Yeah, I see that look on your face. It's been a few weeks since they were placed in the hospital and they're both in a coma and it's all my fault. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for this. I don't know when they'll wake up from their coma, actually I don't even know if they will wake up."

"I admit it, I've lied to you about all those months in amphibia. Way more things happened to me and my friends than just us finding a way back here. I never had a good time there, at all. Almost everyday was filled with chaos and it was so hard to deal with. Not to mention I was betrayed by the king of newtopia, I can't bear to think about the looks they gave me once they found out that i was the one that trapped them all there. There's also something called the core, the most powerful being of amphibia. It would do anything to stay relevant, even if it means destroying an entire ecosystem. We defeated it, or so I thought. Well, it came back for revenge in a different form and took its revenge on my friends. It didn't even look human, it was just a dark creature trailing black ink everywhere it moved."

"Worst of all, I was hurt in the worst way possible." Marcy said.


"Pfttttt! Hurt!? You gotta be kidding me Marcy there's no way you were hurt in a world full of talking frogs, those things are completely harmless! That's like activating a portal and right as you were about to go through you were stabbed in the chest with a big fire sword in front of your frien-"

She was interrupted when Marcy suddenly lifted up her shirt.

Her mother stared down and was met with a big scar in the middle of Marcy's chest, the bra blocking half of it.

Right there and then was when Marcy's mother felt her heart drop deep into her stomach.

"Don't freak out too much, i know how you get once you're worried. Plus, It's almost healed fully. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." Marcy apologized.

"It's fine, I'm just a little shocked is all. I never expected any of this." She said.

"Anyways, I'm really worried about my friends. I don't know when they'll wake up, or if they even will wake up." Marcy frowned as she let out a sigh.

"Hmm, you like these friends a lot don't you?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I really like Anne. She's very pretty and she has a big heart. I love staring at the look on her face whenever shes really concentrated and focused on an assignment. I love watching her dance to k-pop songs. I love it when she holds me and whispers sweet nothings into my ear whenever I'm feeling down. I love how shes always so encouraging even if someone's about to face the most difficult thing. I love how shes able to get such big opportunities and only use those advantages for good. I love how she brushes her hand against mine and then is so oblivious. I love how she looks into my eyes and smiles at me with those pretty eyes of hers."

"But Sasha... She's really pretty too. I love her sassiness. I love when she tells me how beautiful I am. I love how strong she is. I love how she can lift me up so effortlessly. I love when she gets carried away with doing certain things and then owns up to her mistakes. I love staring at her muscles. I love watching her do cheerleading. I love her bratty but sweet personality. I love how funny she is. I love how she can hear something normal and then turn it into something absolutely hilarious. I love when she pretends not to see when i stare at her pretty lips."

Marcy was speaking for so long about her friends that she didn't even notice that her heart rate began to speed up and her face started to heat up. 

"Ah, reminds me of back in the days when i used to daydream about your father." Her mother grinned.

"Mhm, but there's also something I've been waiting on telling you for a very long time but just didn't have the guts to do it." Marcy said.

"Mom, I am apart of the lgbtq community."





"Wait, what? You don't mind it?" Marcy asked, confused.

"Marcy I literally don't care. I know I'm a very strict parent and all that but I'm not a bad one. I know I can be a bit much with all the scoldings about your grades and everything but I would never make you feel like you aren't worthy of love just because of your sexual orientation. You are worth it Marcy. I know it seems impossible but, try not to expect shallow people to love you, they don't even have the capacity to understand how amazing you are, and we all have to learn to love ourselves without the approval of others. I apologize Marcy, for not being the parent you've always desired for all these years. I was so worried about you being successful in the future that i didn't even realize that I was forcing you to be 'perfect.' I'm not forcing you or pressuring you into forgiving me, I just wanted to let you know that I regret neglecting you, I never saw the wonderful daughter i could have been spending time with and I'm so glad that I do now. I'm glad I didn't lose you." Mrs. Wu sighed.

"Plus, I'm a bisexual woman myself, when I was younger I grew up in a very homophobic family. I was humiliated and shamed for it all the time. I want to raise you differently than I was raised, I don't want you to turn out like me. I don't want you to feel how I felt as a child, It's not a good feeling." She admitted.

"Marcy, don't hold back from achieving your dreams. Go ahead and marry those two girls once you get older."

"Do what I wasn't able to do."

Tears welled up in Marcy's eyes as tons of emotions poured throughout her body and she pulled her mother into a bone crushing hug. Mrs. Wu let out a small gasp of surprise and she gladly returned the hug. "Thank you so much mom, I thought you wouldn't support me..." Marcy cried.

"Marcy I will always support your decisions, don't worry I wont tell your father about this." Mrs. Wu assured.

"I love you Marceline."

This chapter has a total of 1477 words.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now