𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡.

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This is gonna be a happy chapter totally

Sasha cried.

All day.

It hurt her to know that the only person that was supposed to love and care for her would make fun of her almost dying.

That just made her want to do it even more.

But who cares? Not Sasha. If she died her death would be on her parents hands, and they'd both feel like murderers and carry on guilt every single day. And she'd haunt them.

For life.

But that would be selfish wouldn't it? Marcy and Anne care about her, she should think about how they'd feel without her in their lives. She'd break Marcy's promise, if Sasha killed herself then that would mean they went through everything in amphibia for nothing.

Marcy wanted them to be all together forever and ever. The whole reason she took them to amphibia.

Anne has thought about suicide too.

Surprising right?

Yea, you probably thought a happy little sweetie like Anne would never consider hurting herself, but she did.

She didn't even love herself for gods sake, she needed to stop being a people pleaser and get her shit together.

Yes, it was wrong for Sasha to think like that about her own girlfriend, but it was true. But then again, Sasha had no room to speak.

She needed to get her shit together too.

And Marcy needed to stop being so self centered and get over herself. But then again, Sasha also had no room to speak.

She used to be self centered also. She needed to get over herself too.

It was wrong to think about peoples personal problems so negatively, Sasha knew that too. She didn't mean any of the shut she was thinking, she was thinking those things out of anger. She'd never actually say that to their faces.

It just made her resent herself even more.

The Calamity Trio wouldn't be the Calamity Trio without strength. Sasha is strength, without strength, there would be no heart.

Strength is what gives heart the strength it needs to keep beating. Anne is the heart of the trio, if strength is gone then heart stops beating. Heart depends on strength a lot, so strength being gone has a bad effect on heart. And when heart stops beating the whole body shuts down.

And in this case, the body is the calamity trio.


Without strength and heart to be there, wit feels there's no purpose. And so it gives up, which is the cause in the downfall of the body.

I mean, she did say that 'without you I can't breathe.'

Life wasn't worth living if she didn't have her girls.

Heart, Strength, and Wit.

Doesn't that mean they should all die? I mean, bad stuff with them is bound to happen regardless of what they do to try and change it.

This is the calamity trio we're talking about. They cause trouble, trouble for everyone and themselves.

Why do you think the definition of calamity is what it is? They cause great and often sudden damage or distress, a disaster.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now