𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞.

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This chapter is kinda dark:)

There's some dark humor in this one, I make these jokes to help myself feel better with problems I have in life c:

It was about 3am and Sasha was in bed, unable to sleep. She would sneak in Marcy's bed while she was sleeping for comfort but, that would be an invasion of privacy. She couldn't forget the events from earlier, it was keeping her awake. And it was hard for her to not think about it. She couldn't sleep not one wink, and she had school tomorrow for gods sake.

She was glad that at least someone understood her situation, Marcy. She was glad that Marcy's mother took her in as her own, made her feel welcome somewhere. She was glad that they allowed her to sleep in the guest room and make it her own. Mrs. Wu might not know it but, Sasha was extremely grateful for that, it made her want to cry just knowing that someone cared about her so much to the point my where they would let her live with them even if they hardly know much about her.

Don't get me wrong, Sasha was glad that she finally got to move out of her abusive parents home.

But she couldn't help but feel like she was an asshole for being disrespectful to her parents and leaving. She felt like she was a bad daughter for disobeying her parents. She felt bad for them, like she lost the biggest people in her life. She just left them like that, her own parents. She deserved to be beat, she deserved everything bad that was happening.

Not that her life even mattered, she was only seen as a rich pretty girl. What was the point of living if you're only seen as a money maker?

Besides, you only live to die.

Her parents didn't give a shit about her either, they never cared about what she wanted, only what they wanted mattered. They called her selfish, but it was the other way around. They were selfish. Everything always had to be their way, nothing could ever be about her.

"I want grandkids from you" Shes a minor for gods sake, what kind of mother says that to her thirteen year old daughter? And who said she even wanted kids?

It hurts to know that her mother brought her into this world just to be a baby making machine.

It hurt, like a hard jab in her heart. It hurt knowing that her mother didn't care about her. Her mother never gave her that motherly love that she had yearned for and desired for a long time. That's why she looks up to Anne and Marcy'a mom so much. They treated her like the daughter that meant everything to them. Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Boonchuy were the mothers that Sasha never had.

Sasha hasn't cried in a while. Nobody has seen her cry in so long. If she ever cried it was probably when everyone was sleeping. Sometimes she just wants to just wanna cry in someones arms and let it all out. She can't, it's embarrassing for people to see her cry. She's called strength in the calamity trio for a reason, she has to stay strong for them, she can't be vulnerable.

Last time she cried was when she saved Marcy.

It was getting tiring for Sasha thinking of the same thing all night. She flopped down on her pillow as she let out a big sigh. She then shut her eyes.


In the morning :D

Sasha regained her consciousness. She sat up from her bed and let out a big sigh as the events from yesterday flooded back into her mind. She was annoyed with herself. She stayed up all night thinking about what happened the other day and only got four hours of sleep when school was today.

She got up from her bed and walked up the the big mirror on the dresser. Marcy didn't have much makeup, and Sasha had left all her makeup back home. Which meant she didn't have any makeup on. Oh god, she was a bit nervous for what people would think about seeing her without makeup.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now