𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡.

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Anne POV

The next day

Anne was laying down in her bad sick with a piece of tissue in her right nostril and Domino the cat curled up on her stomach sleeping. Mrs. Boonchuy had taken care of Anne while her dad ran the restaurant. Anne hadn't felt this sick in years, so her body wasn't used to it. Anne was trapped in her own thoughts until she heard someone burst into her room.

Her eye vision was blurry due to her almost falling asleep so it was hard to grasp on who it was that had burst into her room. It was a familiar blonde with blue eyes and pale skin that had burst into her room. Anne brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes to clear her vision. Once she could fully see, she finally got a grip on who it was.

Sasha Waybright.

Sasha was standing over her with a worried expression. "Anne!? Are you okay!? Your mom called me and asked me to help take care of you since she had to help your father with the restaurant. Are you okay? You haven't gotten sick in years so I'm worried about you!" 

"Wazzup Sashimi! Woah.... Are there two of you!? I've always wanted to have two queens in front of me! Oh my god I'm in heaven!"

Sasha facepalmed and let out a big sigh. 'Yup, shes most definitely sick. Must be a fever that she has.'

Sasha placed a palm onto Anne's forehead to feel her temperature. 'Shes burning up! What the heck!?'

Sasha let out another big sigh and left the room to go grab some things. Once she came back Anne looked to see that Sasha was holding a bucket full of warm water and a small towel. Sasha approached Anne, she then dipped the small towel into the bucket of warm water, rang it out, and then placed it onto Anne's forehead.

Anne stared deeply into her eyes the entire time she was doing it. Not saying anything while giving her big, innocent puppy dog eyes. Sasha, noticing her staring, paused what she was doing to stare back into Anne's eyes. They held eye contact for what felt like moments until Sasha felt her face starting to heat up. 'Jeez Boonchuy, staring much. Lay off will ya?'

Sasha's face got more and more red the more Anne stared at her. She turned her back and walked through the door, but she still felt Anne's piercing eyes on her as she left the room. She walked downstairs and into the dining room. She then placed her palm onto her red and sweaty forehead. 

'Damnit Anne, what is it with you and eye contact!?'

Sasha walked up to the table and grabbed the bowl of hot soup that was sitting on the table for her. Once she grabbed the bowl, she headed back upstairs to Anne's room and was met with her with long socks on her hands.

She watched the sight in front of her with one eyebrow raised.

She approached Anne and set the hot bowl of soup onto the blanket covering Anne's lap. 

"Woahhh! It's like I have snakes for arms.... Hmm, if I eat this spoon, will I be able to stick to the fridge...?" Anne asked, fascinated while waving her arms around in the air.

Sasha took the spoon out of her hands and laughed nervously. "Hehe, I am not giving that back to you okay?"

Anne pouted and then grabbed her phone that was charging next to her and began typing. Next thing you know, Sasha gets a notification from her phone. She took her phone out of her pocket and opened it up to view the notification. She saw that it was a text message from Anne, but it was almost impossible for her to make out what it had said.

It read,


𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now